Questions About The UCC-1 Redemption Process
author: Learning
I have been getting exposed to and learning about things I don't hear much about from the progressive community--such as the Federal Reserve, which controls all our money, being a secretly and privately-held corporation that stole all the US citizens' gold, profits immensely off of Federal Income Taxes and Treasury Bonds, and is a massive rip-off in numerous other ways. And now I'm hearing about the US government's use of our birth certificate applications as collatoral against its debt to the Federal Reserve, and the UCC-1 Redemption Process used to discharged debts and to come out from under slavery to the Federal Reserve. Belong is an article that explains much of this, but still leaves some questions. Can we get some perspectives from any progressives who have been educating themselves on this? Unfortunately, the people who are most visibly into this are rightwing "patriots" or ripoff artists themselves.July 31st, 2001
Barton Buhtz Explains The UCC-1 Redemption Process In Detail
Mr. Barton Buhtz, an investigative reporter for Truth Radio in California, is the featured person in this edition of TaxTruth Newsletter. In previous updates, we reported that Mr. Buhtz has done much interesting and successful work with the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC). He is an expert in a concept called the redemption process, which is a procedure for securing your vested interest in your property based upon the UCC. The research he has done in his position as an investigative reporter has led to some very fascinating discoveries. This edition of TaxTruth Newsletter will share his enlightening research.
Mr. Buhtz and an associate of his intend to travel to Florida soon. There they plan to meet with Eddie Kahn and do a presentation. The use of UCC-1 filings is not something that Eddie professes to know all about yet. Although he thinks it is something well worth investigating. We will realize more discoveries on this subject as people begin to use the UCC more. Eddie stated previously that he was very impressed with Mr. Buhtz's background due to him being very meticulous in his research. So, we will begin this week's edition of TaxTruth Newsletter by sharing a little information about Mr. Buhtz's background as he described it himself.
Barton Buhtz Describes His Background
Mr. Barton Buhtz said he has been seriously involved in media ever since 1959, although before that he was in radio. He owned a newspaper once and has been an investigative reporter for newspapers and magazines over the years. He was the owner and publisher of the Northside News in Bakersfield, California. He has been involved in Truth Radio Network. Before that he was involved with KDNO, a 50,000-watt FM radio station in the central valley of California. In addition, he has been involved in several independent networks around the country as well. The first one was when he attended college. It was known as Family Radio/Family Stations, which is now world wide. Since Mr. Buhtz has been investigating and discovering things for so long, that led him to be extremely thorough when preparing stories. It has become second nature to him.
Years ago when he was a younger fellow and oblivious of certain things, he got elected to the board of directors of a Section 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization. This organization supplied automobiles to missionaries on furlough. At one point, the IRS examined the organization's books. Mr. Buhtz said it was a very interesting experience to go through that audit. It was the pivotal moment in his life that set him on the path of being a meticulous investigator. After examining their books, the IRS told the organization that everything seemed in order except a few things. The IRS wanted them to change certain things that they were doing and specified the changes that they wanted done. However, Mr. Buhtz pointed out that those requested changes seemed bordering on fraud. The IRS agents just looked at him in they eye and said that they would be responsible for the changes and not to worry about it. This made Mr. Buhtz suspicious.
Well, the more he investigated that ordeal during the months which followed thereafter, the more he became aware that the IRS is little more than a criminal organization. The IRS definitely does not operate above board. At one point, that tax exempt organization notified the IRS that they no longer needed their services, nor desired to do business with them. They indicated that they did not want to do business with criminals. During his investigation, Mr. Buhtz found out something very shocking. If you are a 501(c)(3) tax exempt organization seeking to sever your relationship with the IRS, it is impossible. The only way that you can do that is by dissolving the organization completely. Then form a new organization totally separate from the former entity.
Barton Buhtz First Discovers The Uniform Commercial Code
It wasn't until about two years ago or so when Mr. Buhtz was first introduced to the Uniform Commercial Code redemption process. That's when he began to conduct his own investigation into this subject. Now, at this point here is a serious question for you to think about. Do you think our government tells us the truth? If you are someone who has kept a watchful eye on the government for any length of time, you will likely answer with a resounding, NO!
Well, Mr. Buhtz said the government may deceive us in their daily activities. However, when they set out to do something they will have told us exactly what they were going to do right from the very beginning. That is what you will notice if you go back to examine the initial process that the government took. Mr. Buhtz gave a specific example of this involving the Federal Reserve Act. He quoted a page taken from the Congressional Record depicting the 63rd Congress back in the year 1913. Here is what our Congressmen of the day told us. "This Federal Reserve Act was an Act to provide for the establishment of Federal Reserve banks to furnish an elastic currencyŠ" When they said "elastic currency" they were telling us they were going to introduce rubber money. That's what they meant. However, they didn't stop there. They continued saying, "Što afford means of rediscounting commercial paper."
Now, let's examine what they said here for a moment. When they said "rediscounting commercial paper" they were telling us that they set out to do TWO things. Not only were they going to create their own inflation by discounting commercial paper, but they were also going to set up a process of REdiscounting commercial paper. This was so they could establish a more effective supervision of banking within the United States. What happens when you set up a more effective supervision of banking? Well, that means you control banking. Thus, we can see that they told us back in 1913 when this process was passed exactly what they were planning to do. We can easily see the result of this by looking at where we are at with the value of our "money" today.
For example, shortly after Mr. Buhtz and his wife were married back in 1960 they went out and bought a brand new vehicle. They paid $1318 for it. If you tried to purchase that same car today, you wouldn't be able to even touch it for less than $12,000 - $14,000. That's what inflation is folks, a devaluation of the dollar. It has been going on all this time and the government purposely created it. Yet they didn't stop there. Later in 1933, there were some very interesting things that took place, which worked in conjunction with this. However, at this juncture we need to back up a bit and examine the Federal Reserve Act and what it did back in 1913.
What The Federal Reserve Act Did
The Federal Reserve Act established a private combine of banks that labeled themselves as the Federal Reserve. Their name starts with "federal" yet they have nothing to do with the federal government and it ends with "reserve" yet they have no reserves. Anyhow, the Federal Reserve became the official bank for the United States of America. They began to control the printing of money; they did not print their own money. Instead the Federal Reserve possessed the printing presses that were under the control of the U.S. Government. They used these presses to begin printing Federal Reserve Notes (FRNs) for the U.S. government. This is the money that we continue to use today. Get out your wallet or purse and look at any denomination of paper currency that you have. You will see that your money is labeled as a Federal Reserve Note.
The Federal Reserve paid for these FRNs by paying for the cost of the paper and the ink to produce them. A sheet of twenty dollar bills in 1913 only cost about one dollar and thirty-one cents. However, once the Federal Reserve put serial numbers and their own stamp on it, suddenly that sheet of paper became a value of thirty-six twenty-dollar bills. Multiply twenty dollars by thirty-six and suddenly you get a much larger sum than the $1.31 it cost to produce them. The Federal Reserve then didn't just turn that money over to the United States Treasury; the government had to pay back the full face value of the FRNs plus compounding interest.
The interest charged during the twenty years from 1913 to 1933 almost made the federal government go bankrupt. The government faced the fact that they didn't have the assets to cover what they would owe on the national debt to the Federal Reserve. The Federal Reserve then approached the federal government and said they had better provide the assets. Otherwise, they would call the loan due. Therefore, in 1933 through a series of actions, Congress then changed things to where they committed all the assets of every living American to cover the "national debt". Well, the national debt was simply the money owed because of compounding interest to this private combine of banks.
The action that Congress took was a House Joint Resolution known as HJR 192. This declaration took the U.S. off the gold standard and imposed a freeze on all transactions requiring gold. Then President Roosevelt called all of the state governors together. He got their backing and their action to prevent all banks in all states from honoring any claim for payment in gold. Congress, however, said that would be violating the U.S. Constitution. So, they devised a plan to overcome that, which went as follows. Every obligation that is contained or made with respect thereto, shall be discharged upon payment, dollar for dollar in any coin or currency, which is at the time of payment legal tender for public and private debts. The American people didn't catch on to what the government did, but basically here is what our government told us. Since Congress had removed the U.S. from the gold standard, now any claim made against an American citizen could be presented to the government. Upon doing so, the government would then have to honor it, and DISCHARGE it, dollar for dollar.
For many years we didn't know what this stuff was all about. Understanding this process that the government put into place has taken a number of years with many people investigating it. This understanding didn't come without a price though. There have been individuals around the country who by trial and error and spending some time in jail, discovered exactly what that process was. The process that the government put into place emerged into what we now know today as the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC). The UCC in its current form has not been around for too many years. It's only been around ever since the 1950s or 1960s. Before that, it existed in other forms so that the states could do business with other states and so the United States could do business with other countries. It eventually emerged into the UCC, a legislative and administrative body of law that set everything on a level playing field.
The government introduced some interesting provisions into the UCC based upon Congress' actions taken back in 1933. One prominent thing to come out of it was the fact that any individual whose parents had given up the rights to them could regain those rights to themselves. Now, upon reading this you might think to yourself, how in the world did that happen? Well, it occurred when your parents applied for your Birth Certificate.
The Application For A Birth Certificate
When a woman gave birth to a child in the old days back before 1933, the record of that birth was most likely put into the family bible. That was the only place where it was recorded. Well, back in 1921 there was a federal bureau set up called the Federal Bureau of Children. This agency began a program of initializing or educating the states to register children. They guided the states to begin pressing for, or getting parents to issue or accept, a Certificate of Birth for their offspring. In 1933 this process was effectually put fully into force within local counties in hospitals and birthing houses, etc. Virtually everyone today now has a Birth Certificate.
Well, the issuance of a Birth Certificate means that somewhere there has to be an original signed contract that brought it into existence. When a child was born, the parents were presented with an application for a Birth Certificate. The application for the Birth Certificate was a UCC contract. For reference, a UCC contract stipulates that the property named in a contract shall be transferred over to the control of someone else or to some other entity. So, when your parents got you a birth certificate a transaction took place. Mr. Buhtz discovered it is not the Birth Certificate itself that causes a transfer of interest, it is the application for a Birth Certificate. Now here is the interesting part. Go and try to find the application for your own Birth Certificate. You won't find it. You won't find it at the county level because they sent it on to the State capital. You won't find it at the State capital because they sent it on to Washington, D.C. From there, as far as Mr. Buhtz could figure out, it is very possible that the application ended up either on file somewhere in Puerto Rico or at the headquarters of the International Monetary Fund.