4thEdition of FICCI Water Awards

Questionnaire form – submission of entry

Category – Industrial Water Use Efficiency

Eligibility: Any industry unit belonging to one of the following water intensive sectors (Thermal power, steel, textiles, pulp and paper, refinery, metallurgy and mining, cement, chemicals and fertilizers, sugar, engineering, FMCG) who have carried out measures for water efficiency resulting in saving of water in the industrial processes. Units who have carried out water conservation measures for at least a period of three years are eligible to apply in this category. Emphasis is on units undertaking an intervention for long term sustainability and protection of water resources.

Maximum 2 entries per company are allowed.

Screening process:

Entries will be screened for their eligibility and selection for the final round will be on the basis of the following parameters:

  1. Level of adoption of technologies requiring less water per unit of production resulting in measurable reduction in water use (specific water consumption);
  2. Adoption of rainwater harvesting and artificial recharge mechanism to recharge groundwater or use it in industrial processes;
  3. Adoption of wastewater treatment for recycling wastewater (including treatment of effluents) and its use;
  4. Awareness creation on water related issues amongst their supply chain and employees; and
  5. Transparency measures/ Water Audits and voluntary disclosures

Selected entries that clear the screening will make a presentation to the jury in New Delhi. The jury will evaluate the entries and select the finalist. Site validation of short listed entries will be done by Jury and winners will be selected. The decision of the jury will be final.

Important instructions

  • Names of the applicants, questionnaire submitted and scoring information will be kept confidential and will be the property of FICCI Water Mission.
  • Information contained can be used for dissemination giving due credit to the organisation. FICCI Water Mission will not be responsible for the authenticity of the information supplied by the applying organisation.
  • Incomplete entries will not be taken into consideration for evaluation.
  • Please submit the completed final questionnaire in hard and soft copy (Word doc. only) by September 30, 2016. Complete entries should be submitted to –

Swapna Patil,

FICCI Water Mission

FICCI, Federation House, Tansen Marg, New Delhi – 110001

T: +91-11- 23487480

E mail: , (Size of attachment should not exceed 10 MB)

Section 1: Company details

Contact Person:
Address for communication:
E mail:
Website (if Any)
Annual Turnover of the company in 2015-16
Type of company (Sector)
Category of company
Production Capacity of the Plant (in a year)
Maximum Water Demand of the plant (m3)

Section 2: Water use patterns

  1. Describe the water use pattern for the industrial unit only

Year / Water use in Industrial process only
(in m3) / Water use in Utilities and other services# (in m3) / Water use for Drinking purposes (in m3) / Actual production of the plant (mention unit of production) / Specific water consumption
(m3 per unit of production)
For fresh water only / For total water

#other services like fire water, dust control etc.

  1. Water intake source wise:

Source of Water / Annual Water Intake in m3 / Cost of Water
Municipal Fresh Water Supply
Municipal Sewage/ Treated Sewage Supply
Ground Water Withdrawal
Private Water Tankers
Rainwater Harvesting
Other sources ( Mention source)
  1. Describe the water consumption pattern for the residential areas/ colonies

Year / Annual water consumption (residential areas/ colonies in m3) / Source of water / Population served with water supply / Per capita Consumption/ day

Section 3: Water conservation measures

  1. Describe the water conservation measures taken within your industrial unit during the period (April 2012-March 2016)

Sl. No / Water conservation project/ measures implemented / Year of implementation / Actual / Planned date of completion / Annual water saving in m3 / Monetary saving due to water saving / Investment made (` Lakhs) / Payback period in years / Replicability of the measures implemented

*Please add or remove rows as per your requirement

Section 4: Wastewater generation and treatment

  1. Mention the volume of wastewater (effluent) generated and treated during the industrial process in the plant.

Year / Effluent generated in m3 / Effluent treated in m3 / Effluent recycled back into the industrial process in m3 / Effluent discharged in m3 / % Effluent discharged / Effluent discharged/ unit of production
  1. Describe the wastewater treatment measures undertaken for treating industrial effluents.
  2. Mention the volume of wastewater generated and treated in residential areas/ colonies.

Year / Wastewater generated in m3 / Wastewater treated in m3 / Wastewater used for processes in m3 / Wastewater discharged in m3 / % wastewater discharged / Mention the areas where treated wastewater is put to use
  1. Describe the wastewater treatment measures undertaken for treating domestic effluents

Section 5: Rainwater harvesting and use

  1. Details of rainwater harvesting structures completed (include information on rainfall, catchment area, water harvesting potential, volume of water harvested and method to calculate rainwater harvested).
  2. Explain the design of the water harvesting structures implemented.
  3. What is the harvested rainwater used for?
  4. What percentage of harvested rainwater is used for storage (including use by the unit) and recharge respectively?
  5. Do you use the harvested rainwater in any ofthe industrial process? If yes, what is it used for and what is the volume of harvested water used?
  6. Has the use of harvested rainwater reduced your freshwater intake? If yes, by what amount?
  7. Is there a mechanism to monitor the impacts of groundwater recharge? If yes, can provide evidences.

Section 6: Awareness generation and capacity building

  1. Describe the activities carried out for awareness creation amongst the employees during the last 3 years.
  2. Describe the activities carried out for awareness creation amongst the supply chain during the last 3 years (if any).
  3. Is there any mechanism to monitor the impacts of increased awareness? If yes, describe it briefly.
  4. Describe the capacitybuilding measures undertaken for employees in the last three years.
  5. List of certifications (ISO 9000 /14,000, OHS 18000) obtained (mention year).

Section 7: Transparency measures/ water audits/ voluntary disclosure

  1. Have you undertaken a water audit in your plant?
  2. If yes, what was the rationale for undertaking an audit?
  3. When (year) was the water audit carried out and by whom?
  4. Briefly describe the findings of the audit and themeasures for improvement recommended.
  5. What of the measures suggested in the water audit have been implemented in the unit?
  6. Describe the monitoring system in place for water use assessment, conservation and wastewater treatment in your organisation.
  7. Is your organisation part of any international water mandate / water disclosure programme? Yes....No...If yes, please mention the name and since when you are reporting?
  8. If yes, have you made a disclosure on water use in your unit and to whom?

Section 8: Supporting Materials

Enclose copy of brochures, photographs; any other supporting material that you feel will be useful in the evaluation process.

Section 9: Declaration

Take the content below in the letter head of your company and attach it with the questionnaire.


I hereby declare that the data/ information provided in the questionnaire is correct to the best of my knowledge

I also declare that information contained can be used for knowledge sharing and increasing awareness with due acknowledgement.


Seal of organisationName and Designation:

FICCI Water Awards

Questionnaire Form – Category –Industrial Water Use EfficiencyPage 1