Smoke-Free Sign Order Form

To order signs select the appropriate sign(s) and list how many of each you need. Then either email your order (if you are using the Word version of the order form) to: or fax the pdf version of the form to: 801.538.9303.

There is no charge but quantities may be limited.

Mailing information


Company or organization name (if applicable):

Mailing address:

Telephone number:

Sign / Quantity
In Accordance (window cling)
In Accordance (sticker)
Universal “No Smoking” Symbol (window cling)
Note: This symbol may be used to reinforce the other two signs listed below but may not be used at entry ways by itself.
Universal “No Smoking” Symbol (sticker)


4 1/4" x 15" In Accordance Cling
(applied on inside of window or glass door) /
4 1/4" x 15" In Accordance Sticker
(opaque- applied on outside of surface)
4"x4" Universal “No Smoking Symbol
(Available as window cling and sticker)

For more information call the Tobacco Free Resource Line at: 1.877.220.3466