How to Specify a Sampling System –

Questionnaire / Design Specification

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General Questions

What is the media to be sampled?
What form is it in? / Solid/liquid/gas*
Is there any gas dissolved under pressure?
If it is a liquid with entrained solids, please give details of the solids:
·  Particle size?
·  How hard?
·  How much?
·  Are they to be sampled?
What pressure is the system at? max/normal/min
What temperature is the system at? max/normal/min
What is the viscosity of the sample media?
What is the specific gravity of the sample media?
Does the sample media solidify as is cools? Is this an issue?
What hazards are there associated with the sample media?
What precautions/PPE are used at present when handling the sample media?
Where are samples to be collected? / Pipeline/Vessel/Other
What are suitable wetted materials for the sampler?
How is the sampler to be operated / Manual/actuated semi/fully automatic
Does the sample need any treatment prior to dispensing? If so what? How?
How large a sample is to be collected?
What is the sample to be collected in?
How is the sample container to be connected to the sampler?
Is a purge or flush required?
Which of these are available at the sampler? / Nitrogen/plant vacuum/wash liquor/ compressed air*
How often are samples to be taken?
Where is the sampler to be located (inside/outside)? What are the ambient conditions?
Are there any external hazards that need to be considered? If so, please specify.

* Delete as appropriate

In-line Sampler Questions

What is the nominal bore of the pipeline?
What type of connection does the sampler need to have?
What is the orientation of the pipeline at the sample point? / Horizontal/vertical*
Is erosion an issue?

* Delete as appropriate

Vessel Sampler Questions

Does the sampler need to incorporate any sensors (eg pressure/temperature). Is so, please specify the make and model of each, and who is to supply them.
If the sampler is of the recirculating type, is there a particular pump model that should be used? If so, who is to supply it?
Should CRP quote for a dip pipe? If so,
·  Vessel nozzle details (flange type & size)
·  Dip pipe nominal bore
·  Dip pipe flange to flange length
·  Dip pipe immersion length
If the vessel is also agitated,
·  Agitator diameter
·  Agitator speed
If no dip pipe is to be quoted, what is the sampler to connect to? – flange type and nominal bore
What space constraints are there around the sampler?

Contact details: Tel: +44 (0)1706 756 400. E-mail: CRP-QA03

CRP, Todmorden Road, Littleborough, Lancs, OL15 9EG, UK.