Dublin, 28 July 2011
Questionnaire and Market Support Package
Dear Madam or Sir,
Thank you for your interest in the German market and in working with DEinternational, the service department of the German-Irish Chamber of Industry and Commerce.
To be optimally prepared for a first free of charge consultation, we would like to make ourselves familiar with your company. Only after a suitable preparation we would be able to be a competent partner as well as to compile first market information which we will present you during our first telephone conversation.
In order to support your company’s activities in the German market we would like to ask you to fill in the enclosed questionnaire (attachment 1) and send it back to us. Pleasealso explain your plan as well as the products you wish to market in Germany exactly.
Below you will also find an overview of all services of DEinternational (attachment 2).
If you only wish a short address research, please contact: .
Yours sincerely,
Market Support Package
Attachment 1: Questionnaire
All information will be treated confidential.
Name of the company:
Postal code/ town:
Chiefdecision maker:
Website/ E-Mail Address:
Sales tax identification number:
Current number of employees:
Year of establishment:
Are you the subsidiary of a larger holding? Yes No
Are you certified? Yes No
Yearly Turnover (Mio. €):
2005: 1 1- 5 5- 10 10- 50 50- 80 over 80
2006: 1 1- 5 5- 10 10- 50 50- 80 over 80
2007: 1 1- 5 5- 10 10- 50 50- 80 over 80
Percentage turnover from export sales in the past year:
Did you receive export subsidies from your county or the EU in this or the last year?
Yes No
What amount (in €)?
1)Are you interested in:
To/ from which countries?
Please give names of a few of these foreign business partners (if applicable):
2) What market are you interested in:
3) What products/services is your company interested in exporting to/ importing from your target country?
4)______Through what agents are your products/services sold in Ireland/ other countries?
Partner company
Exclusive distributorship
5)Who are your most important customers?
Market sectors: Examples: (With address/ website please)
6)What category of partners are you seeking in Germany?
Wholesaler/ Importer of related goods
Producer of related goods
Agent for related goods on:
Fixed/ Commission
Employed sales person on:
Fixed/ Commission
Brief profile of an ideal partner:
Partner sells following products/ services:
Partner trades in the following market sectors:
7)What would you regard as your company’s strength in acquiring new customers?
Personal sales adviceParticipation at trade fairs
Direct advertisingOther:
a.) Please identify any quantifiable competitive advantages you hold over your competitors.
Please give examples:
b.) Please identify some of your main competitors and their addresses (in Ireland and
abroad), and the competive advantages they offer in relation to your products.
Company: Advantages in relation to your products:
Individual Market Consultancy - Worldwide
Would you like to gain a complete foothold on the Irish or German market?
The Individual Market Consultancy service is a turnkey package that offers your company individual assistance in gaining a foothold in a business sector in Germany or Ireland. The service is completely tailored to your company's requirements.
Working in close consultation with you, our marketing consultants:
-identify your target groups and competitors, and evaluate market opportunities
-provide you with an in-depth and up-to-date analysis of your requested market
-find the most advantageous market entry strategy for your company
-arrange meetings with prospective trading partners
-provide business and linguistic support
-use our wide network of contacts and draw on specialist market information
We aim to build a long-term market positioning for your company and set standards to maintain it.
Market Study
Are you looking for detailed information on a specific market sector?
With our Market Study, we compile detailed market information according the individual request, including information on the economic situation, specific market sectors, competition and market prospects for your company. In this way, even small and medium sized companies (SMEs) can lower the high risk attached to entering a new market by taking these steps with sufficient and up-to-date background information.
Business Partner Mailing
Would you like to alert prospective German or Irish trading partners to your company?
With our Business Partner Mailing to a wide network of relevant contacts and other identified target groups, we source potential German or Irish business partners for you. We subsequently carry out personalised follow-ups on your behalf and pass on all relevant information and contact details of interested companies to you. We consider ourselves your representatives in Germany or Ireland, and work in close consultation with you to ensure a close fit with potential partners.
Office Service
Are you looking for a business presence in Dublin?
We offer your company the possibility of utilising the address of the German-Irish Chamber of Commerce, thus creating a “virtual” company presence in Dublin. This company address in the heart of the Dublin City Business District is a positive marketing tool for your company. You also avoid the high risks & costs attached to renting office space and personnel.
Furthermore, we can set up a separate telephone and fax number, as well as an email address. Your phone will be answered in your company name. All incoming correspondence is forwarded to you at regular intervals.
Trade Mission
Would you like to take part in high profile trade delegations to other countries?
Inward Trade Mission -> into Ireland
An Inward Trade Mission is an organised group visit to Ireland for German companies from a specific business industry or sector. It offers participating companies an opportunity to gain first-hand experience of the market, to assess its business potential and to make contacts with prospective customers or trading partners. Trade missions are often coupled with official visits or conferences.
Please contact us if you are a German company that wishes to participate or if you are an Irish company interested in meeting below trade mission participants to discuss business opportunities.
Outward Trade Mission -> from Ireland
An Outward Trade Mission is an organised group visit to other countries for Irish companies from a specific industry or business sector. It offers participating Irish companies an opportunity to gain first-hand experience of the market in Germany or other countries, to assess its business potential there and to make contacts with prospective customers or trading partners. Trade missions are often coupled with official visits or conferences.
Current trade missions are listed on our website
Worldwide VAT refund
As the German-Irish Chamber of Industry and Commerce is part of a global network of German Chambers in 80 countries, we can assist in claiming back VAT worldwide.
Please let us know in which countries you are active and we will send you the relevant information.
With effect from 1st January 2006, the employment income of employees engaged under foreign employment contracts, performing duties in Ireland, is subject to Irish Pay As You Earn - deductions (PAYE). By administrative practice, the Revenue Commissioners have directed that in the case of certain employees, who will be in the State for less than 60 working days, the employer is relieved of the obligation to make PAYE deductions. As part of our tax services we offer to operate the payroll of our clients.
VAT registration and fiscal representation in Germany
The German Irish Chamber offers to assist you in registering for Vat in Germany. The first stage in registering is to submit a questionnaire signed and marked with your company stamp to the German registration unit. Having done this they will issue your German VAT number on average within 4 to 6 weeks. Once registered, you will have to submit preliminary VAT returns and an annual VAT return.
We assist you in submitting your preliminary VAT returns to the responsible tax authority in Germany. The period for submission of the preliminary VAT returns depends upon the amount of annual turnover tax payable by you.
The more frequently used method is to submit VAT returns on a quarterly basis. However if your estimated annual VAT payable is more than €6,136 per calendar year the VAT period is 1 month.
Businesses newly registered for VAT purposes have to submit monthly VAT returns in the year of registration and the following year.
Worldwide VAT Refund
German VAT can be reclaimed on expenses which are ineligible under Irish VAT law. These expenses include i.e. hotel accommodation, meals, fuel and car rental. This source of potential savings becomes even more important as the standard German VAT increased in January 2007 from 16 % to 19 %.
Our VAT refund service is offered at comparatively low fees. We charge a basic fee of 150 € and a success fee of 10 %. In cases where no refund is obtained, you will not incur any costs.
Even VAT paid in other countries can be refunded with the assistance of the German-Irish Chamber of Industry and Commerce, as we are part of a global network of German Chambers in 80 countries.
Taxation Services
The German Irish Chamber of Industry and Commerce offers a comprehensive tax advisory service in conjunction with our member firms who specialize in a wide range of legal and taxation areas. We act as liaison between our clients and the relevant advisors thereby providing a convenient one-stop shop for our members and their queries. The service is provided in either English or German as preferred.
Event Management
We have over 20 years experience organising large scale events. We offer skilled professionals and a team of first class service providers. As we are part of a global DEinternational network in 80 countries, we open doors to business leaders worldwide.
We organise your events in a professional and efficient manner, offering numerous event management services:
- Themed Events
- Team-Building Events
- Business Luncheons
- Product Launches
- Conferences
- Promotions
- Christmas Parties
- Your event
Patrons 2008
Bayer Ltd. - GeodisIreland Ltd. – Bank of Ireland Corporate Banking–WGZ BANK Ireland plc - Siemens– Miele –Allianz – Sika –Mercedes Benz - DZ BANK Ireland - Commerzbank – SAP -Bushell Interiors - Baker Tilly Ryan Glennon - BASF - William Fry Solicitors
German-Irish Chamber of Industry and Commerce | Deutsch-Irische Industrie- und Handelskammer
46 Fitzwilliam Square | Dublin 2 | Ireland| Tel 00 353-1-6424 300 | Fax 00 353-1-6424 399 | Email | Web
Registered in Dublin 78978 |VAT No IE 4600630 O | Commerzbank AG Bonn | Konto 2580884 | BLZ 38040007 | Bank of Ireland | Account No 60417262 | Sort Code 90-14-90