Minor Mother’s Child (Dec. 2004)
Question: “This came up today. We have a case that was referred from KAMES as KTAP was active. The CP was the maternal grandmother. We have now received a referral where the 16 year old mother of this child has applied & been approved for KTAP. The mother continues to be in the same home with the maternal grandmother.
Our caseworker contacted the local Community Based Services office and was told that their policy has changed to allow anyone who qualifies, regardless of age to be approved for benefits. What this means is that an under age child, still in her parents home will be receiving benefits.
How do we address this? Legally a minor can not sign legal documents. Does the case remain in the name of an adult in the home? If KTAP is not active, does the child support payments go to the under age mom or to the adult in the home?
______told our caseworker that they are approving more and more of these type of cases and that we will see more of them referred.”
Answer: In reviewing the case, the minor mother’s child was originally receiving benefits under the grandmother’s number until July, 2004 (minor mother never received assistance during this period). In July, the minor mother started receiving benefits for her child in her own case. The minor mother did not receive benefits in her mother’s (grandmother) case.
The case should not be in the adults name as the IV-A number and client’s number never matches. The case for the child should be in the minor mother’s name and she should be made payee in the case. The case shows that a payee change has been completed and the minor mom is payee in her case as she should be. The welfare account summary on KASES should be checked for accuracy. The money that is holding should go to the minor mother.
The maternal grandmother should continue to receive child support payments on her case in which the minor mom is listed as the child until the minor mom emancipates
The following is according to the KTAP Supervisor: “There has been no change in policy. It has always been that a minor parent could receive on their own case while living with a parent if the parent was not receiving for siblings of the minor parent. If the minor parent has siblings in the home who are receiving K-TAP then all must be on the same case. Additional criteria is that the minor parent has to be income eligible when considering the mother's income toward her case.”
A hard copy referral is signed by the minor mother. Although the minor mother may sign the referral, she cannot sign anything else (e.g., a complaint). Any authorized complainant, i.e., the mother, child, or any person or agency that substantially contributes to the support of the child, may sign an Affidavit and/or Complaint.