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QUESTION OF: Promotion of multilateral approach in the area of disarmament


CO-SUBMITTERS: Slovenia, Croatia, Kenya, Portugal, Palestine, Georgia, Madagascar, Ireland, Green Peace


Acknowledging the right of all states to secure their populations’ safety and security within their sovereignty,

Recalling that 60 percent of human rights violations involve small arms or light weapons,

Contemplating on the human rights of maintaining a standard life (adequate health and well-being) and of freeing people from violence of any type,

Concerned with the excessive use of force against local people that has been counter-productive,

Reminding nations that disarmament is allowing the maintenance of an army, but ending any military actions, including the development of weapons (e.g. nuclear and chemical weapons), as it intimidates many countries and violates human rights,

Aware that the winner of the Nobel Peace Prize in 2013 is the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW), which implies that it is crucial to prohibit the use of chemical and nuclear weapons, as it threatens the safety of many nations,

Encouraging the understanding of multilateralism as an essential element in resolving non-proliferation and disarmament concerns,

Deeply concerned that, now more than ever, globalization and lack of resources due to boost in population have made non-proliferation and disarmament problems on-going,

Acknowledging the importance of peace within nations so that human rights can be protected and benefit the world,

Bearing in mind the commitment made by many nations and remembering the Millennium Development Goal of generating a global partnership, which states that the regulations should be based on the ideas of creating a worldwide community,

Taking into account that the efforts needed to control the possession of firearms are much greater in scope than those needed to control the possession of other weapons,

Concerned that there are 26,000 nuclear warheads in the world, sufficient to destroy civilization many times over,

Strongly believing that nuclear weapons pose the most serious global threat to the continual survival of civilization,

Convinced that multilateral efforts in the area of disarmament are essential to restore or maintain world peace and security,

  1. Encourages the United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs (UNODA) to execute yearly reports on all Member States and report back to the UN;
  1. Suggests all Member States take a step towards the disarmament of conventional weapons by signing and fully implementing the Arms Trade Treaty (ATT), which regulates the trade of conventional weapons and increases safety in warzones;
  1. Asks for the establishment of a United Nations Regional Center for Peace and Disarmament (UNRCPD) whose purpose would be to:

a)Create and launch educational programs that encourage respect for human rights, freedom from violence, and that support disarmament

b)PromoteUN plans to develop disarmament to increase stability and security within Member States, through means of media and holding assemblies and meetings with local government officials;

  1. Urges the continuation of research and action for limiting the development of nuclear and chemical weapons already in process, which intimidates international relationships and nations;
  1. Calls upon all Member States to enforce or tighten the legislation controlling the possession of guns among their citizens by:

a)Confiscating any firearms when the owner is convicted of any felony,

b)Limiting the number of guns per household

c)Tightening the requirements for all gun licensing

d)Controlling former or current patients of mental institutions said to be unstable from purchasing firearms;

  1. Requests all Member States who have not yet signed the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CBTB) to do so;
  1. Strongly urges all Member States to cooperate with the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) to reduce the number of chemical weapons in existence and in development;
  1. Requests that all Member States who have not yet signed the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) sign and implement it;
  1. Strongly recommends all Member States to adhere to the third principle of the NPT, which ensures all signatories’ right to peacefully use nuclear energy;
  1. Strongly urges all Member States who are not yet part of the Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zones(NWFZ) to make the creation of NWFZ in their regions a high priority in order to regionally eliminate nuclear weapons;
  1. Demands that all world leaders who possess power of weaponry in their states to meet at a summit and further discuss this issue to promote world peace and security;
  1. Recommends all Member States prohibit the sale of military assault weapons and their ammunition to civilians in order to ensure their safety;
  1. Decidesto remain seized upon this matter.