Umeå Cell Biology Symposium 2018 u May 30-31, 2018, KBC


First author's first name and family name1, Additional author(s) first name initials and family name(s)2, (Presenting author's name should be underlined)

1First author's affiliation, City, Country, 2Additional authors' affiliations, City, Country

These directions are written in the format required for the abstract of an oral presentation at the Umeå Cell Biology Symposium 2018, to be held on May 30-31, 2018 at KBC in Umeå, Sweden. Please use this Microsoft Word document as a template for your abstract since it contains all the necessary formats and styles.

The abstract should be maximum 400 words or 2500 characters (including spaces) long. References (optional) are not counted and should be numbered in the main text like this.1 Use the reference format provided below. Do not use footnotes/endnotes, cross-references or reference software (such as EndNote) for the references.

The title of the abstract (Verdana 14 points, bold, centred) can span a maximum of three rows, and should be followed by one blank line.

Authors’ names (Verdana, 11 points, centred) including first and family names are written in full. Other first names are written only as initials. Authors’ names are separated by commas and marked with superscript numbers when necessary to distinguish authors with different affiliations. Please underline the presenting author. Author’s affiliations (Verdana, 9 points, Italic, centred) are written in max 3 rows when there are more than one, and the last is followed by one blank line. Abstract text (Georgia 10,5 points) is justified; paragraphs are not indented, only separated by one blank line. Figures (optional) should be embedded in the text, including their caption, and NOT submitted as separate files.

The abstract should be submitted as a single WORD file via our Registration Form (please do NOT submit PDF-files):


1 Name NN, Name MM (2015) Journal Title 1(1): 216-228.

Additional information

This information will not be published in the abstract book. It will be used for organizing the scientific sessions of the symposium.

Please specify which techniques and infrastructures in Umeå you are using in the presented research:

Comments to the organisers (e.g. unpublished data, do not publish in the abstract book):