Quest Analysis

“The Princess Bride”

As you’ve learned, there are many characteristics that great quest stories share. While each story may not contain ALL of the characteristics, the best stories include most of them. As you mentally prepare yourself for the quest that you will write, consider this: “The Princess Bride” contains many of the criteria that make up a great quest story. It is up to you to locate examples of these and to make note of them (in detail) in the spaces provided below.

The hero or heroine must……..

1.  …….be threatened at birth or at a young age.

2.  …….show early signs of being special.

3.  …….be called upon to undertake a special quest.

4.  …….come from humble beginnings.

5.  …….face a dangerous journey.

6.  …….receive help along the way.

7.  …….overcome obstacles using physical strength or skill.

8.  …….overcome obstacles using intellect.

9.  …….confront their enemies in hostile surroundings (on their turf).

10.  Consider your character’s quest. Who is your hero/heroine, and for what are they searching. Utilize these nine criteria to craft your 28-page book. Brainstorm here.