Queries received for RFP # PLD/CPS/LF/Web Drama/2011
For the "EDUCATING" Web Drama Supporting the School Based Teacher Development Programme
and Our Replies Dated on 22 November,2011
(3 pages).
Query #1
Will UNRWA provide the content material for the training?
UNRWA is developing course material for a school based teacher development programme. This material covers a number of key topics: The course covers key areas that the UNRWA reforms are focusing on. These are
- Developing active pedagogies
- Learning focused classroom practices
- Assessment for quality learning
- The teachers role in promoting literacy and numeracy
- The inclusive approach to teaching and learning
- Engaging parents in raising achievement
These are the titles of the six modules that make up the six month training programme.
The drama – which this RfP refers to - will address some of these topics but could also touch upon other topics not addressed by the training course such as, for example, social status of teachers, violence in classrooms etc. that are relevant to teachers.
Query #2
Does UNRWA have any studies or documents about the teacher’s needs or challenges?
UNRWA cannot at this moment share any research documents about these issues. An important part of the project consists of formative research. The successful applicant will also have access to UNRWA teachers and staff as well as internal research material.
Query #3
Does UNRWA have specific objectives (outcomes) for the training project?
The main aim of the school based teacher development programme is to improve teaching and learning practices, to contribute to the development of UNRWA students towards:
- Achieving attainment levels that meet international standards;
- Preparedness for the social and economic conditions (life-skills and employability) in the coming century;
- Developing a positive approach to learning as an ongoing process;
- Increased respect for Human Rights, democratic values and diversity;
- Knowledge of and pride in their Palestinian identity, culture, heritage;
- Participating in their local communities and being socially responsible;
- Adopting a healthy life style and feeling safe.
Through the SBTD programme, teachers will reflect on their own experience, interact with new ideas, plan and implement new approaches. The teacher will learn in situ and as such will take into consideration the constraints regarding resources, time and space.
The objectives of the SBTD programme are:
- To develop understanding of the personal and collective professional development processes;
- To ensure that teachers use active pedagogical methods in educationally engaging classroom environments;
- To promote the use of a variety of learner focused assessment strategies including formative and summative approaches;
- To build a repertoire of teaching strategies to enable the effective teaching of literacy and numeracy;
- To create an understanding of the contemporary inclusion agenda and develop classroom and school strategies and practices to meet diverse needs;
- To be fully aware and implement strategies for engaging parents in raising achievement.
However, this RfP does not deal with the training component. This RfP deals with a webdrama that supports the blended learning training course but can also be used as a stand-alone drama that is interesting to watch not only for teachers but parents and students as well.
Query #4
Would the Web Drama material be live shooting or could it be animated?
It could be either. Companies are requested to submit proposals regarding format.
Query # 5
How many episodes of the Web Drama are required? And what is the duration for each episode?
As per the RfP, number of episodes will depend on nature of format suggested. Regarding duration, this is up to the company to suggest bearing in mind that the output is produced for the web.
Query # 6
Would you please advise us how to get the main specs of this RFP that will allow us to start doing some research and to prepare the bid?
Question is not clear, but all specifications (requirement) can be found under our TOR (Annex D)
Query # 7
We wantto convene a meetingbetween ourcompany and the personresponsible for thetopicstructureto obtainsome of thedetails andunderstand somethingsmore clearly.
Please note that no meetings can be hold at this time, we only answer the suppliers queries.