Matt StruckPage 1 of 3

Natural Homosexuality
As a bisexual male my biggest struggle has been the idea that
homosexuality is anatomically incorrect. With this essay I plan to show that
gay and hetero sex are equally natural in different ways.
When I use the term unnatural I mean that it doesn’t belong. When
something doesn’t belong in nature there is an organic solution to the
unnatural occurrence. When a person receives an organ transplant, most of
the time the immune system rejects the organ. It can tell that it doesn’t
belong and is a possible threat to the body. If homosexuality was
scientifically unnatural then the body would reject it, similar to an organ
transplant. (Immunosuppressive drugs allow the transplant to be accepted by
stopping antibodies from rejecting it.) With gay people their bodies do not
read gay sex as foreign or unnatural; biological messages are sent to and
from our brains that gay is right. This can be seen through the sexual
arousal process. The arousing stimuli runs through the brain and then brain
sends messages throughout the body causing organs to be sensitive to touch
and all culminates in sexually arousal and eventually climax. This is true
for gay people and non-gay people alike. Biological sexual alertness is a
sign that the body is going with what feels right. Sexual desire works very
mysteriously and it varies from individual to individual. In some
heterosexual relationships sex is viewed differently or carried out
differently in all sorts of ways, whether it be oral, anal, or other
creative creations, everyone also assigns their own meaning and feelings
toward it. So not even heterosexuality means the same thing to every woman
and man, so how can people expect homosexuality or heterosexuality to mean
anything outside of an individual? We all have different experiences that
shape our outlook about sex and relationships and we all are humans, eating
food, drinking water, and made of human DNA. It is like we are all needing
the same kind nutrition to live the human existence.
When I am in a gay relationship it is not like I morph into a
mechanic cyborg made out of unearthly molecular structure. My blood is still
natural, my skin is still natural so how can it be unnatural to exist with
another natural human being? It is an anti-gay notion that homosexuality
seem unnatural; gay is not unnatural in and of itself.
People tell me, “If you were to leave two gay men on a deserted island and
return 50 years later they would never would have had children.” I tell
them, “I’m lucky then.” They ask me why and I say, “Because 50 years ago I
left two heterosexual men on an island and they populated the island like
rabbits.” Homosexuality never claimed to be the same as heterosexuality;
they have their different rules and circumstances. When someone says, “But
you both have the same sex organs.” I say, “Exactly! We love it for that
reason. That’s what we have been trying to tell you for centuries.”
Homosexuality never claimed to be able to reproduce, it proclaimed to be
attracted to members of the same sex. It is natural for two men or two women
not to have a child together. It is natural for homosexuals to have sex with
members of the same sex.
I believe what has happened is a misuse of terminology and a
flawed system of comparing. When people say that homosexuality is unnatural
they mean that it is not a means for reproduction. Homosexuality never
claimed to be able to reproduce, it claimed to be attracted to members of
the same sex. If my body were to reject a gay relationship, similar to an
organ transplant, then I could see how an unnatural occurrence is happening.
Clearly this is not the case. If one believes that homosexuality is
unnatural they are basing that off of a socially defined notion about
heterosexual supremacy and the procreation that follows, remember
procreation sometimes leads to homosexuality. Only if we measure
homosexuality with homosexual standards and heterosexuality with
heterosexual standards can we begin to see what is natural. Sexuality
differs from individual to individual, and gay and non-gay sexualities are
both natural in their own ways. If we look at what things are in their own
right we will begin to decipher what are objective facts and what are
subjective notions. So, my statement to the world is this, “I am a male
(fact) I am attracted to males (fact) and it is natural (fact) because
everything about my being is natural (fact), some people believe that my
homosexuality is unnatural (notion).”

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