SVBC July 15th, 2008
Quarterly Steering Committee and Monthly Social Meeting Minutes
- Steering Committee Meeting:
- The members of the steering committee present voted to implement the following agenda:
- All grant money to Narrowback to make a North Shore type bike park and concession area including chair lifts and quad chairs.
- Install a micro brewery on the new Massanutten trail.
- Give Dick Heerchap and family unlimited farming rights to the GWNF for blueberry planting.
- Establish a "monthly deserving biker reward" who will receive a TREK 9.8 full carbon bike courtesy of SBC. Thanks Thomas and Tim, very generous.
- Buy a 25 ft flat screen TV for the top of Elliotts Knob to be installed for next year's tour de burg King of the Mountain finish.
- Cancelled all the above actions due to a lack of quorum, darn it
- Steering committee will meet before next month's social meeting. HEADS-UP!.
- Current balance: No idea, more than last month.
- Membership: No idea, more than last month
- On going weekly events: Check the web page for details.
- Monday Social MTB Ride
Beginner Social Road Ride - Tuesday Ladies MTB Ride
Tuesday Fast Road Ride
Dry River TT (Official 2nd and 4th Tuesday) - Wednesday Social Road Ride from HHS 5:15 sharp
- Thursday Trail Work @ Massanutten all of July
Keezletown Leaderless Fast Road Ride - Sunday Two Road Rides to choose from
- Tour de Burg and Tour de Leisure Recap: $1280 profit for SVBC. Thanks to all the participants and volunteers.
- Trail Work Recap Hours: 847
- Hillandale: 204 hrs
- Massanutten: 33 hrs
- National Forest: 310 hrs
- SVBC Upcoming Events
- Shenandoah Valley Bike Festival sponsored by OCP July 26th
- Mountain Mama Road Bike Challenge August 2nd
- Shenandoah Valley Century September 14th
- GWNF Management Plan Revision**
- **Friday July19th 7-9PM Augusta County Government Center 18 Government Ctr Lane Verona Va. Call Chris for details 434-2087**
- Bicycle & Pedestrian Education Tent and Display September 27th
- SVBC, MPO, City of Harrisonburg, needs your HELP! They have decided to put together a Bicycle & Pedestrian Education Display at the International Festival on September 27th. Anyone willing to man the area for an hour more or less is encouraged to contact Thanh Dang .
- Shenandoah Valley Century Update:
- Plans are moving ahead, next meeting is Aug. 20 @ Neups and Robin's
- Web page is up and running on the coalition site
- Contact Art to volunteer . We need lots of help, sag, registration, parking, rest stop support, coordinator for next year, etc.
- Railroad Track Update:
- Norfolk Southern has suddenly gone stupid. Although you can't fix stupid SVBC members are encouraged to pass along suggestions they have seen used on tracks in other localities. Keep tuned to the forum for possible upcoming actions. Find a beater and stay tuned.
- Shenandoah Mountain Bike Festival:
- October 10th-12th…Many volunteers needed ESPECIALLY before and after.
- Planning meeting Wed. July 30th 8 PM Jenkins house 375 East Wolfe Street. Please plan to help and to attend this meeting.
- Next SVBC Meeting:
- August 11th 6:30 for Steering Committee, 7:30 for Social at Clementine Cafe