7th Grade Vocabulary, Grammar, & Roots

Root Words:

astro- star

example: astronomy

ology-study of

example: biology

Vocabulary Words:

initiative / the power or opportunity to do something before others do
service / the action of helping or doing work for someone
innovation / a new idea or way of doing something
classical / referring to the cultures of Greece or Rome
perspective / a method of showing a three dimensional scene on a flat surface
vernacular / the common language of the people
ruthless / having no pity; cruel or merciless
ritual / a formal ceremony or series of acts that is always performed in the same way
realism / a style of art or literature that shows or describes people and things as they are in real life

Grammar: Troublesome Adjectives & Adverbs Grammar workbook pages (143-144)

Key Questions:

Can you correctly place modifiers when using adjectives and adverbs?

For the quiz, you will be asked to correctly place modifiers for adjectives and adverbs in a sentence.