The Official Little League Regulations and playing rules will govern all league play unless amended by the local rules below.
Local Playing Rules:
- Starting a Game:
a)The visiting team has the use of the field, if available, from a half-hour before game time to fifteen minutes before game time. From fifteen minutes before game, to game time, the home team has use of the field.
b)The home team is responsible for an adult volunteer to operate the scoreboard for games at the pool dugout field.
c)The only adults on the bench can be the manager and no more than two approved coaches. No form of “bench jockeying” which distracts the other team will be tolerated. Anything other than positive cheering is unacceptable.
d)Field maintenance in the form of adding dirt, sand, sawdust, etc. for filling in holes or to absorb water is not to be attempted by managers, coaches, players or parents. The Garden City Maintenance Department has the responsibility for fieldwork and adding “foreign” material will make their jobs difficult and will damage the special field clay.
e)Managers/Coaches must write their line-up in their scorebook and show it to the opposing manager.
f)Games will be forfeited fifteen minutes after the scheduled starting time. No less than seven players can be used to field a team. If one or both teams are unable to field a team, an attempt should be made to play a practice game.
g)Inclement weather: If it is definite that a game cannot be played, the league coordinator will notify managers. If managers are not notified, the decision on playing conditions will be made by the umpire at the field.
- A game is a regulation (Official) game if:
a)Four innings have been completed or Three and a half (3 ½) innings if the home team is ahead.
b)A new inning is considered to have started the moment the third out is made completing the previous inning.
c)If a team is ahead by thirteen runs when a game is official the game is deemed over. Play may continue at the discretion of the managers for practice. No team will embarrass another by continuing to run up the score.
d)If the first inning is completed and the game is suspended, the game will be continued from that point when/if that game is replayed.
e)After a game is official (4 innings have been completed or 3 ½ innings if the home team is leading) and the next full inning cannot be completed, the score reverts back to the previous full inning.
- Duration of play:
a)Games will be played to conclusion, or until called by the umpire. If the field is scheduled for multiple games, no new inning may be started after two hours from the scheduled start of the game.
b)Once the game has been completed, both teams are immediately required to pack up their gear and abandon the dugout area & field of play. Each manager should also ensure that all garbage on his or her side of the field be placed in the garbage can.
- The score is kept by each manager/coach. At the end of each half inning, both teams should verify the number of runs scoredin the last half inning. If there are any discrepancies in the score, the umpire scorecard shall be the official score. Managers are also responsible for tracking pitches thrown for each pitcher and must report both the score and pitch counts to the League Coordinator after each game.
- All players must wear the teams’ uniform shirt; baseball pants and teams hat while playing in the game.
- Footwear: Shoes made with metal spikes or cleats are not allowed during games or practices.
- Managers must be sure that all unused equipment is kept in a dead area.
- Offensively:
a)All players present for a game will be in the batting order.
b)All players must wear battinghelmets with cageswhile at bat, coaching or running the bases.
c)Players arriving after the first pitch of the game are to be added to the bottom end of the batting order. No game shall be delayed while a late player is running from the parking field or is putting on equipment.
d)Batters must not throw the bat. Umpires will issue a warning to the player and manager for the first occurrence. For the second occurrence the player will be called out and ejected from the game.
e)Pinch runners are not allowed unless the runner is injured, with both managers agreeing to the injury. The pinch runner must be the player who made the last out (most recent). If a player is injured by a pitch while batting and cannot go to first base, the batter is not out.
f)Bunting is permitted.
g)Stealing is permitted. No lead off any base is permitted. The runner must hold his base until the ball reaches the catcher. If the runner leaves too early on the pitch, he will be called out. Once the pitcher is standing on the mound with possession of the ball, the ball is dead. At that point in time, all runners must return to their base.
h)Only Little League approved Wood bats are used, maximum 33 inches in length and 2 ¼ inches in diameter. No metal, composite or composite handle bats are allowed.
i)Sliding: Little League Rule 7.08 (a) (3) “Any runner is out when- the runner does not slide or attempt to get around a fielder who has the ball and is waiting to make the tag.” Per GCAA local rules a player may be ejected from the game at the discretion of the umpire for failing to abide by rule 7.08 (a) (3). All sliding must be feet first, no head first sliding is allowed. (a player may slide head first back to the base on a pick off attempt)
j)The offensive team shall station coaches on the field during its time at bat near first and third bases. Board approved adult coaches are allowed at both bases. Players who occupy any coaches’ box must wear a helmet.
- Defensively:
a)All players must participate in each game and must be playing on the field by the second inning. No player may sit on the bench for more than one consecutive inning or more than 2 innings in any game.
b)A team is permitted to play nine players in the field.
c)Any player unnecessarily forcing a runner to slide into a base when he does not have the ball shall be charged with obstruction, and the umpire shall award the runner an additional base. The player and the manager will be issued a warning and the next time the player and manager will be ejected from the game.
d)Catchers must wear a catcher’s mask with a throat guard (even if the mask is hockey style) and a full ear-flapped helmet. In addition, he must wear a metal, fiber or plastic cup type athletic supporter.
e)The infield fly rule is in effect when called by the umpire.
10. Pitching: The manager must remove the pitcher when said pitcher reaches the limit for his/her age group as noted below, but the pitcher may remain in the game at another position:
League Age 17-18 maximum of 105 pitches per day
League Age 13-16 maximum of 95 pitches per day
League Age 11-12 maximum of 85 pitches per day
League Age 9-10 maximum of 75 pitches per day
Pitchers league age 14 and under must adhere to the following rest requirements:
• If a player pitches 66 or more pitches in a day, four (4) calendar days of rest must
be observed
• If a player pitches 51 - 65 pitches in a day, three (3) calendar days of rest must be
• If a player pitches 36 - 50 pitches in a day, two (2) calendar days of rest must be
• If a player pitches 21 - 35 pitches in a day, one (1) calendar days of rest must be
• If a player pitches 1-20 pitches in a day, no (0) calendar day of rest is required.
In addition, the following local rules are in effect:
a)A player is limited to six innings in a calendar week, Sunday through Saturday, all games inclusive. One pitch equals one inning.
b)A player shall not pitch in more than one game per day.
c)If a pitcher hits two batters in one inning or three batters in the entire game he MUST be removed from pitching for the rest of that game.
d)No balks.
11. Players must remain in the dugout while not playing defense, batting, coaching or running the bases. The only exception is for warming up a new pitcher, and then a pitcher/catcher combination may be out of the dugout.
12. Protests should be submitted to the League President for review. Taking protests to the Little League Board will be at the discretion of the League President.
13. Only positive cheering will be allowed. All parents/spectators should be reminded that the games are for the children’s enjoyment, not for the parent's entertainment. The umpire shall have the right to remove any one from the park complex who is not conducting themselves in a sportsmanlike manner. The umpires will be instructed to report all incidences to the League President.
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