Fourth Quarter Exam Topics

Quarter: 4 Grade: 3

English Topic(s)
(10) Young Thomas Edison:
1) Grammar:
* Pronouns * Plural Nouns
Practice Book Vol.1 Page: 128, 130, 135, and 138.
(11) Jump:
1) Grammar: More plural nouns.
Practice Book Vol.1 Page: 142, 144, 149, 152, and 154.
(13) Yonder Mountain: A Cherokee Legend:
1) Grammar: Subject- Verb Agreement.
Practice Book Vol.1 Page: 170, 172, and 177.
(21) Two Bad Ants:
1) Phonics: Based Words and-ed , -ing
2) Spelling: words with –ed and –ing
(coming –swimming- dropping- tapping- taping- invited- saving- stared- planned- changing- joking- loved- gripped- tasted- making- stopped- freezing- scared).
3) Vocabulary:
(Scout- narrow- surrounded- underground- puzzling- glassy- violently- liquid- soggy- unaware).
4) Comprehension Skill: Story Structure
5) Vocabulary Strategy: Base Words and Prefix non
6) Reading and Comprehension
7) Writing: Fictional Narrative Essay.
(22)Stories of Migration:
1) Phonics:
* Spelling Changes: s,-es, -ed, -ing
* Less Common Plurals
2) Spelling: Changing Final y to i
( cities- cried- puppies- hurried- stories- flies- parties- tried- pennies- fried- carried- babies- spied- ponies- pretty- very- countries- libraries).
3) Vocabulary:
(Survival- migrate- plenty- frightening- accidents- solid- chilly- landscape- thunderous- dramatic).
4) Comprehension Skill: Compare and Contrast
5) Vocabulary Strategy: Prefixes in-, im.
6) Reading and Comprehension
7) Writing: Descriptive Essay
(23) The Journey of Oliver K. Woodman:
1) Vocabulary:
(Sincere- conversations- managed- inspired- loaded- reunion- loveliest- currently- terror- pleasure).
2) Reading and Comprehension
- Study the spelling words with special attention to the way the words are spelt.
- Study the vocabulary words with special attention to their meanings.
- Study the types of writing from the writing copybook.
- Grammar lessons can be found either in the practice book or in the homework part of the writing copybook.
- Read the stories well and then read the comprehension questions from the booklet.
Science Topic(s)
*Unit 9:
1-Lesson 1: What are some physical properties?
2-Lesoon 4: What are changes to matter?
*Unit 10:
1-Lesson 1: What are simple machines?
2-Lesson 2: What other simple machines?
S.S Topic(s)
*Unit 6:
1-Lesson 1: Land Mark 2-Lesson 2 : Attractions
3-Lesson 3: The Pyramids and Petra. 4-Lesson 4: Modern attractions.
*Unit 7:
1-Lesson 1: Co-Operation. 2-Lesson 2: Solving problems.
3-Lesson 3: Making choices. 4-Lesson 4: Eating healthy.
Math Topic(s)
*Chapter 8:
8.1 Equal parts of a whole.
8.3 Unit fractions of a whole.
8.4 Fractions of a whole.
8.5 Fraction on a number line.
8.6 Relate fractions and whole number.
8.7 Fractions of a group.
8.8 Find part of a group using unit fractions.
*Chapter 9:
9.1 Problem solving (Compare fractions).
9.2 Compare fractions with the same denominator.
9.3 compare fractions with the same numerator.
9.4 Compare fractions.
9.5 Compare and order fractions.
9.6 Model equivalent fractions.
9.7 Equivalent fractions.
*Chapter 10:
10.1 Time to the minute.
10.2 A.M and P.M.
*Chapter 11:
11.1 Model perimeter.
11.2 Find perimeter.
11.5 Measure area.
11.6 Use area models
11.8 Area of combined rectangles.
French Topic(s)
1-Le son (g) sheet.
2-L’aigle et le tigre (sheet).
3-Le son (ent) + la fête d’Aline (sheet).
4-L’histoire du bonhomme de lleige (sheet) + Quel temps fail-il? (sheet).
5-Pages 76+77 (La petite malade).
6-Le son (eu- ou- eur) p.78.
7-Il pleut, il neige (les sports) p, 81 + (sheet).
8-Le son (f)  (Fadi- flic- floc).
9-Page 84 Le son ain- aim- ein- eim (Alain) p.84.
10-Les verbes du 1er groupe (er) booklet + La negation + le pluriel.
German Topic(s)
*Lektion 9:
1-Im klassenzimmer, der/ das/ die. 2-Farben.
*Lektion 10:
1-Wer, was, wie / personalpronomen. 2-Verbekonjugation.

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