Name: ______

Quarter 1 Test: Study Guide

Directions: Use this sheet to guide your studying. Fill in blanks and answer questions as they come up. It covers the main ideas of the things we’ve worked on throughout the first nine weeks of school. You may use your IAN and previous class activities to help you prepare for the test as well! There are extra pages

Part I: Dialogue

(For more practice - Grammar Book 169-172)

Direct and Indirect Quotations

  • A direct quotation represents a person’s exact ______and is enclosed in ______(“ ”).
  • An indirect quotation reports the general meaning of what a person said or thought and doesordoes notrequire quotation marks.

Practice Directions: Read each of the following sentences carefully to determine whether it contains a direct quotation that requires quotation marks or an indirect quotation.

  • If it contains an indirect quotation, write I.
  • If the sentence contains a direct quotation, write D on the blank.
  1. Ms. Kim said that we had no homework! ______
  2. You always should study as homework corrected Ms. Mourdock. ______
  3. Ms. Abney wants us to read a book for fun, too! ______
  4. Ms. West said 6th period is my favorite class! ______
  5. Ms. Henderson said that she loves all her classes equally. ______
  6. Carol complained that her sister was never on time. ______
  7. I have noticed that commented Bruce. ______
  8. I wish she would hurry continued Carol. ______
  9. Bruce thought that the delay might make them miss the movie. ______
  10. He said that they should probably leave without her. ______
  11. There is no better tire made said the sales clerk. ______
  12. The waitress said that they bake all their own pies. ______
  13. The officer said to Vicki let me see your driver’s license. ______

Punctuating DIRECT Quotations

  • ______, like he asked, are often used to identify the ______in a direct quotation. These expressions can begin, ______, or interrupt a quotation.
  • ______the first word of the initial quotation in each sentence.

Practice:Place quotation marks, commas, and other punctuation marks where they are required. Place three lines under each word that should be capitalized. Write correct if the sentence is correct.

  1. Have you guessed the riddle yet the hatter asked
  2. No I give up said Alice What’s the answer
  3. I haven’t the slightest idea said the hatter
  4. I guess I’ve lost my watch again Chris moaned
  5. Here laughed Lauren is your missing watch
  6. I don’t know why Chris replied I even wear a watch
  7. No one is watching the TV mother said
  8. We want to watch The Voice yelled Daniela
  9. The guard yelled this is a closed set
  10. We didn’t know said the visitors
  11. Bill wondered if he should try out for the track team
  12. You’re one of the fastest students in our grade said Sam
  13. Bill thought about it and replied you’re right
  14. Let’s leave now suggested Barbara
  15. Alright replied Lucy but where will we go
  16. A lion Edna stated would not make a good pet
  17. Simone agreed with Edna

Part II: Parts of Speech

What jobs do these parts of speech perform? Write their definitions below.

  1. Nouns:______
  2. Adjectives: ______
  3. Verbs: ______
  4. Adverbs: ______
  5. Conjunctions: ______

Nouns (Grammar Book page 30): Underline the nouns in the following sentences.

  1. The owl flew slowly over the tree looking for a snack.
  2. The moon shone brightly in the sky over the mountain.
  3. Two boys dug a hole in the sand.
  4. The wind blew my hat into the air.
  5. Karen opened a new account at the department store.

Adjectives (Grammar Book page 100): Underline the adjectives in the following sentences.

  1. There is a big sale at the old mall.
  2. She bought an expensive book when it was on a super sale.
  3. Doreen ran in her red shoes as she chased the angry criminal.
  4. He had taken her most prized possession.
  5. It was an antique painting of her wise grandmother.

Verbs (Grammar Book page 73): Underline the verbs in the following sentences.

  1. The koala bears climbed the tree.
  2. The peacock seemed more beautiful than ever.
  3. The birds looked strange and exotic.
  4. Panda bears are rare.
  5. The snake’s skin felt smooth under my fingers.

Adverbs (Grammar Book page 109): Underline the adverbs in the following sentences.

  1. People who shop wisely can save money!
  2. Denise always goes to the store during sales.
  3. She is amazingly skilled at finding a good deal!
  4. The Challenger suddenly exploded in midair.
  5. Sacagawea guided Lewis and Clark expertly.

Conjunctions (Grammar Book page 127): Underline the conjunctions in the following sentences.

  1. I love pie, but I also enjoy cake.
  2. Milk and cookies go together perfectly.
  3. I studied really hard, so I will get an A on my test.
  4. This information is tricky, yet I know that I can do it!
  5. I don’t want to brag, but I’m a rockstar.

DLR Practice: You will have a few questions about common DLR mistakes.

  1. What is a synonym?
  2. What is an antonym?
  3. Name two situations where you use capital letters.
  4. ______
  5. ______
  6. Commas are important to writing! Give three times when you would need a comma.
  7. ______
  8. ______
  9. ______