Quantitative Research for the Company Coca-Cola Global – Statistical Data 1

Quantitative Research for the Company Coca-Cola Global – Statistical Data


This previous essay that builds on this essay identified a research problem at a company that I am familiar with. The company is Coca-Cola. The problem with Coca-Cola is that Diet Coca-Cola is known to cause seizures (Epilepsy Foundation.com, 2016). In order to understand this problem better, quantitative research would be used in the form of surveys to those people who have suffered from seizures and to determine if they have or still do drink Diet Cola. This essay will give a hypothetical situation where the data that was mentioned from the previous essay is analyzed and how this would contribute to a positive change with the problems of Diet Cola for Coca-Cola. First, I will give a brief reminder of the survey tool that will be used for this research. Next, I will give some hypothetical data that will be collected from this survey tool. Finally, I will analyze how the data can help to contribute to resolving this problem for the company Coca-Cola.

Quantitative Research for the Company Coca-Cola Global

As a reminder Coca-Cola Global (Coca-Cola.com, 2016) is in North America, Latin America, Europe, Eurasia, Africa and the Asia Pacific. The company’s current slogan is: “Taste the Feeling,” (Coca-Cola.com, 2016). Unfortunately the problem that seems to be occurring with Diet Coke is that “Tasting the Feeling” is causing seizures for many, many people worldwide. There is also supporting evidence of this from medical researchers in Belgium (Mortelmans, Van Loo, De Cauwer, & Merlevede, 2008). To build on the research of Mortelmans, Van Loo, De Cauwer, & Merlevede (2008), this research will use quantitative surveys as a methodological approach in order to determine the efficacy the previous research and to discover whether Diet Coke does indeed cause seizures.

By crafting a basic survey that builds upon the following sample, this survey would be sent out through Survey Monkey (Survey Monkey.com, 2016) to two Epileptic organizations: Epilepsy Foundation (Epilepsy Foundation.com, 2016) and the Epilepsy Network (Epilepsy Network.com, 2016). The survey design will be based on the following format:

  1. Do you have Epilepsy? Does a close friend or a family member of yours have Epilepsy?
  2. What brought you to belong to this organization?
  3. The purpose of this survey is to determine if there is a link between Diet Coke and seizures. When was the last time that you had a seizure?
  4. How many seizures have you had in your lifetime?
  5. How do you usually control your seizures?
  6. Do you drink Diet Coke?
  7. How often do you drink Diet Coke?
  8. Are you someone who still gets seizures and has not ever had Diet Coke?
  9. Has your Doctor ever told you not to drink Diet Coke because they cause seizures?
  10. Do you think Diet Coke causes seizures?
  11. Do you have a personal story or a story of a close friend and/or family member who has been affected by seizures due to Diet Coke?

The above would be the sample of the surveys. Once the surveys are done and at this point it would be difficult to determine exactly how many completed surveys I would receive, I would then be able to analyze the data and coupled with more research on the link between Diet Coke and seizures I can determine if there is indeed a link between the two.

The analysis of the data will build upon the research of Mortelmans, Van Loo, De Cauwer, & Merlevede (2008) where these researchers in Belgium did discover that there was a link between drinking massive amounts of Diet Coke and seizures, as well as hyponatremia.

Hypothetical Data Collected

I would estimate hypothetically that by using the websites of the two Epileptic organizations: Epilepsy Foundation (Epilepsy Foundation.com, 2016) and the Epilepsy Network (Epilepsy Network.com, 2016) the following general surveys results would be found:

  1. Do you have Epilepsy? Does a close friend or a family member of yours have Epilepsy? Yes, I have epilepsy and/or a close friend or a family member of mine has epilepsy. Total responses: 490
  2. What brought you to belong to this organization? I wanted to learn more about epilepsy and how I could manage my life better with it or to understand a family member. Total responses 490.
  3. The purpose of this survey is to determine if there is a link between Diet Coke and seizures. When was the last time that you had a seizure? The last time I had a seizure was a month ago. Total Responses 90. The last time I had a seizure was a year ago. Total responses 100. The last time I had a seizure was earlier this year. Total responses 30. The last time I had a seizure was more than 20 years ago. Total responses 130. The last time I had a seizure was within the past week. Total responses 140.
  4. How many seizures have you had in your lifetime? The number of seizures I have had in my lifetime – average 40.
  5. How do you usually control your seizures? I control my seizures with medication. Total responses 400. I control my seizures with natural therapies. Total responses 90.
  6. Do you drink Diet Coke? Yes – total responses – 245. No – total responses – 245.
  7. How often do you drink Diet Coke? Out of those who said yes – weekly.
  8. Are you someone who still gets seizures and has not ever had Diet Coke? Out of those who said no – Responses – yes.
  9. Has your Doctor ever told you not to drink Diet Coke because they cause seizures? Total Responses – 490.
  10. Do you think Diet Coke causes seizures? Total Responses – 490.
  11. Do you have a personal story or a story of a close friend and/or family member who has been affected by seizures due to Diet Coke? Total Responses – 245.

Analyzing the Data

With these numbers of the statistical data that support the previous research that has been done on this topic, I would advocate and/or propose that the Epilepsy Foundation and the Epilepsy Network partner with the Coca-Cola Company in order to design a diet soft drink that is lower in calories and does not contain aspartame which is the key ingredient that is linked to seizures.


This previous essay that builds on this essay identified a research problem at a company that I am familiar with. The company is Coca-Cola. The problem with Coca-Cola is that Diet Coca-Cola is known to cause seizures (Epilepsy Foundation.com, 2016). In order to understand this problem better, quantitative research would be used in the form of surveys to those people who have suffered from seizures and to determine if they have or still do drink Diet Cola. This essay gave a hypothetical situation where the data that was mentioned from the previous essay was analyzed and how this would contribute to a positive change with the problems of Diet Cola for Coca-Cola. First, I gave a brief reminder of the survey tool that was used for this research. Next, I gave some hypothetical data that will be collected from this survey tool. Finally, I analyzed how the data can help to contribute to resolving this problem for the company Coca-Cola. I began by identifying the name and the description of the Coca-Cola Company Globally. An example of the research survey tool and the data collected that was used for the quantitative analysis is the following:

  1. Do you have Epilepsy? Does a close friend or a family member of yours have Epilepsy? Yes, I have epilepsy and/or a close friend or a family member of mine has epilepsy. Total responses: 490
  2. What brought you to belong to this organization? I wanted to learn more about epilepsy and how I could manage my life better with it or to understand a family member. Total responses 490.
  3. The purpose of this survey is to determine if there is a link between Diet Coke and seizures. When was the last time that you had a seizure? The last time I had a seizure was a month ago. Total Responses 90. The last time I had a seizure was a year ago. Total responses 100. The last time I had a seizure was earlier this year. Total responses 30. The last time I had a seizure was more than 20 years ago. Total responses 130. The last time I had a seizure was within the past week. Total responses 140.
  4. How many seizures have you had in your lifetime? The number of seizures I have had in my lifetime – average 40.
  5. How do you usually control your seizures? I control my seizures with medication. Total responses 400. I control my seizures with natural therapies. Total responses 90.
  6. Do you drink Diet Coke? Yes – total responses – 245. No – total responses – 245.
  7. How often do you drink Diet Coke? Out of those who said yes – weekly.
  8. Are you someone who still gets seizures and has not ever had Diet Coke? Out of those who said no – Responses – yes.
  9. Has your Doctor ever told you not to drink Diet Coke because they cause seizures? Total Responses – 490.
  10. Do you think Diet Coke causes seizures? Total Responses – 490.
  11. Do you have a personal story or a story of a close friend and/or family member who has been affected by seizures due to Diet Coke? Total Responses – 245.

With these numbers of the statistical data that support the previous research that has been done on this topic, I would advocate and/or propose that the Epilepsy Foundation and the Epilepsy Network partner with the Coca-Cola Company in order to design a diet soft drink that is lower in calories and does not contain aspartame which is the key ingredient that is linked to seizures and hypothermia.


Coca-Cola.com. (2016). “Taste the Feeling,” Coca-Cola.com. Atlanta, GA: Coca-Cola Global.

Retrieved from:

Epilepsy Foundation.com. (2016). “Community Forum: Diet Coke Aspartame Seizure Link?”

Epilepsy Foundation.com. Landover, MD: Epilepsy Foundation. Retrieved from:

Epilepsy Network.com. (2016). “Stronger Together,” Epilepsy Network.com. United States:

Epilepsy Network.com. Retrieved from:

Mortelmans, L. J., Van Loo, M. De Cauwer, H.G. & Merlevede, K. (2008). “Seizures and

Hyponatremia after excessive intake of diet coke,” PubMed.gov. Washington, DC: US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health. Retrieved from:

Survey Monkey.com. (2016). Survey Monkey.com. Palo Alto, CA: Survey Monkey.com.

Retrieved from: