Share your experience with a Quality Process Improvement Project and Win a Prize! 1st prize is FREE registration to the 2018 CNM Symposium (Valued at ~$360). The “Top 10” projectswillhavetheopportunitytodisplayaposteratthe2018CNMSymposium.
(CNM Symposium: March 15-17, 2018 in Albuquerque, NM)
Expectations and Requirements:
Before you submit, be sure you understand and are able to comply with the requirements outlined below.
If your project is selected as 1st prize winner, you (or 1 representative) will be entitled to free registration to the 2018 CNM Symposium. All other symposium expenses (travel, lodging, meals, etc.) will be at your own expense. CNM will not cover nor reimburse for those expenses. However, there is no obligation for the 1st place winner to be in attendance at the symposium. Announcement of the winner will also be publicized in the CNM newsletter and on the website. (Note: 1st place winner will also fall into the “Top 10”requirements)
If your project qualifies for the “Top 10” you will be required to create a 3’x4’ poster for display at the upcoming CNM Symposium. You may use your facility’s own poster template, or use the sample template provided on the CNM website. The printing and shipping of the poster to the venue will be at your own expense. CNM will not reimburse for those expenses. Only the presence of the poster is required at the symposium. Poster authors are not required to attend the symposium in person. However, attendance is encouraged. If poster authors are not in attendance, the QPI Sub-Unit Chair/Vice-Chair will be responsible for setting up the posters for display. (Note: CNM is not liable for lost or damagedposters)
In addition, the “Top 10” project authors will be asked to send a copy of the poster in PDF format for posting on the CNM QPI Sub-Unit section of the website to share with all CNM members since only a limited number of members are able to attend the CNM Symposium. This will enable others to learn from your best practice and will give you recognition for your contributions as a CNMmember.
1.Follow the guidelines outlined in the followingpages.
2.Complete the submission application form in its entirety and include the additional required components in the formatrequested.
3.Projects should be submitted via email to by 6:00pm ET January 10, 2018. Please include “CNM QPI Award Submission” in the email Subjectline.
4.Projects will be judged by a panel of peer CNM members. All entrants will be notified of results sometime in February2018.
5.For examples of QI projects, posters, and last year's Top 10 winners visit the CNM website’s QPI Sub- Unit section.
No later than: Wednesday
January 10, 2018 By 6:00
Submission Information:
Submit your application via e-mail to
Questions or Concerns?
Contact: Donna Belcher at 1
Author - Primary Contact Information:
CNM DPGMember:Yes☐No ☐
Name of Primary Contact/Credentials: ______
Position Title: ______Institutional Affiliation: ______
Address: ______
Email Address: ______
PhoneNumber: ______FaxNumber: ______
Brief Biography (Career highlights and qualifying experience related to your project):
Title of Project: The title should summarize the main idea and clearly represent the process improvement initiative.
Project Team Members: Identify all members of the team, including any interdisciplinary or administrative involvement/support. (Add more spaces as needed) TOTAL 5 Points Possible
Name/Credentials / Position Title / DepartmentQUALITY & PROCESS IMPROVEMENT SUB-UNIT
Project Abstract: Include a maximum 250-word abstract describing your project. Any section headings are also included in the total word count. (failure to meet 250-word limit may result in disqualification)
State theproblem/opportunity
Describe methods: steps, strategies and implementationplan
Describe the outcomes (data) and potentialimpact
Outline the conclusions: lessons learned, barriers encountered and opportunities forspread
Include abstract below: TOTAL 9 Points Possible
Problem Description (Background): TOTAL 9 Points Possible
Describe the “current state” issue or improvement opportunityidentified
Include PROJECT AIM STATEMENT– should be specific, measurable, timely, etc. (SMARTformat)
- Example: To increase the number of inpatients coded for malnutrition DRGs upon discharge by 20% in fiscal year2016.
Include any sub-goals or objectives as appropriate(Optional)
Current State Improvement Opportunity: Project Aim Statement:
Adds 1-3 Extra Points
Goal/Objective #1
Goal/Objective #2
Goal/Objective #3
Showcase how you incorporated the PDSA cycle(Plan/Do/Study/Act)
PLAN – Quality Indicators: TOTAL 5 Points Possible
Include indicators that will measure the impact of change; forexample:
- Volume change (increase) in patients educated on therapeuticdiet
- % improvement (increase) in patient satisfaction (meal)scores
- % improvement (decrease) in charting time due to EHRimplementation
Must include at least one measure – this should correspond with the dataprovided
Measure 1:
Measure 2:
Measure 3:
PLAN – Baseline Data Collection: TOTAL 8 Points Possible
Describe the methods used for the baseline (pre) datacollection
Include a graphical display of the baseline data based on old process prior to improvement implementation (simple bar, pie, pareto, or run charts, etc.) *attach yourgraph(s)
Description of Methods:
Attach your graph(s) representing your baseline data as a separate attachment: You may have more than 1 graph if you have >1 measure (quality indicator). Include all graphs that showcase your baseline state. You may attach your graphs as a Word, PDF, or Power Point document. Please identify the graphs as “Baseline”.
DO – Improvement Initiatives: Total 7 Points Possible
Describe the improvement initiative(s) and methods used forimplementation
(Optional) Include explanation of any tools/resources developed (and/or include asattachment)
Improvement Initiative (Action Items/Variables Changed) / Methods Used(Optional) Adds 1-3 Extra Points
Tools/Resources Developed:
Outcome Results: TOTAL 12 Points Possible
Describe methods used for post data collection, especially if they vary from the baseline collectionmethod
Include a graphical display of the comparison of baseline to post-implementation results (simple bar, pie, pareto, or run charts, etc.) *attach yourgraph(s)
Outline/Identify the improvement shown (For example: the overall % or volume decrease or increase)
(Optional) Include the potential impact on the organization (For example: financial gain/savings, patient/customer satisfaction, productivity, efficiency, volume, readmissions,etc.)
Description of Methods:
Attach your graph(s) representing your comparison data as a separate attachment: You may have more than 1 graph if you have >1 measure. Attach all graphs that showcase your baseline (pre) compared to post data. You may attach your graphs as either a Word or Power Point document.
Please identify the graphs as “Outcomes”.
(Optional) *Bonus points may be awarded for organizational impact explanation.
Potential or Real Impact to the Organization: Adds 1 Extra Point
ACT – Next Steps: TOTAL 4 Points Possible
Describe how the project will move forward and/or your control measures for how you plan to sustain the new process (how you willmonitor)
(Optional) Describe how you may spread the project to otherareas
(Optional) Describe any future adjustments you plan to make with theproject
Description of forward movement and/or sustainability (monitors):
(Optional)Description of any plans for spread: Adds 1 Extra Point
Description of any future adjustments: Adds 1 Extra Point
References: (Optional) – additional points awarded if references included; Adds 1-3 Extra Points
Include project references and literaturesearches
*Bonus points may be awarded if references are included from medical/research journals.
Ref. # / Citation1