Quality of Life Task Force Meeting


Quality of Life Task Force Meeting

Quality of Life Task Force Meeting

Wednesday, May 21, 2014 Jan and Gary’s Restaurant 5:00 pm

Members present: Wayne Oak, Karen Carlson, Matt Ludwig, Val Palmer, Steve Palmer, and Deb Ludwig

The Task Force would like to welcome Val and Steve Palmer to the Task Force. It is nice to have some new faces on the Force.

We would also like to send get well wishes to Irene Sandell for a speedy recovery.

1. Sandstone Arts in the Park

  1. Schedule of events

June 6 Holy Hootinaners

June 13 Nate and Marty

June 20 Autumn Voices

June 27 SALT band

  1. We agreed that we should donate $100.00 to each group for performing.
  2. Deb will make up an ad that will in turn serve as posters (20). She will complete them by Friday and we will put an ad in the June 2nd and June 16th Evergreen.

Should include the following:

-Dates, Musical Groups, type of music, 6:00-7:00 pm

-Bring your own chair or blanket

-*Schedule is subject to change

-In case of bad weather the show will be cancelled.

-Sandstone Arts in the Park is supported by a grant from the Initiative Foundation and sponsored by the Sandstone Thriving Community/Quality of Life Committee

d. The Youth and Future Workforce Task Force may show movies in the park in conjunction with the music. Wayne will call Dorothy Dybvig and check on this.

e. Wayne will also check on the type of music each group will be performing.

f. Karen will set up the Pine County Dairy Association Ice Cream Wagon and check on popcorn.

g. Advertising can be put on Channel 13, the chamber website, and WCMP Radio

h. Matt will notify the Sheriff’s Department about the performances.

2. Neighborhood Night Out-Tuesday, August 5, 2014

a. Maria Lourey- Bowen will attend the June meeting to discuss

how we will proceed with the Neighborhood Night Out.

3. Paint-a-thon Update

a. Wayne and Matt met with Valspar in Duluth and ordered the

paint. Pick up will be June 5 or 6 in Duluth.

Donation 135 miles @ $.56 a mile

4. Train Park Food Stand

a. Matt and Dave Barsness will stake out options at the park.

New restrooms at Robinson Park are the first priority of the Park Board.

b. Things to consider: sidewalk, water and restroom facilities

Our next meeting will be Tuesday, June 24 at Jan and Gary’s Restaurant at 6:00 pm.

Meeting adjourned at 6:50 pm

Additions after the meeting:

It had already been agreed to pay the Holy Hootinaners $200.00 prior to our meeting.

Holy Hootinaners-Old Time Country Gospel

Nate and Marty-Country Music

Autumn Voices-Variety of Songs

SALT band-Contemorary Gospel

Dairy wagon will be at the park on June 20 and 27

No popcorn stand and no movies as of now.