Quality of Life and Survivorship Workgroup Strategic Planning

Health Issue Priority: Quality of Life / Survivorship
Goal: Support education and awareness of cancer survivor needs in northeast Florida
Objective: Support northeast Florida awareness of Cancer Survivor Day by identifying what events exist by May 18, 2016.
Strategies / Resources / Lead Person/Organization / Measure / Current Performance Level / Target
Review existing member list to identify any planned events through their respective organizations /
  • Workgroup leaders
/ List of events / 0 / 1
Research county Cancer Survivor Day events * / Nesd.org /
  • Workgroup leaders
/ List of events / 0 / 1
Share information at the May NEFCCC meeting /
  • Workgroup leaders
/ Presentation / 0 / 1

*If nothing, to plan event in 2017

Health Issue Priority: Quality of Life / Survivorship
Goal: Support policies that ensure all northeast Florida residents with advanced disease have access to resources that honor and respect patients’ choices for care.
Objective: Identify Northeast Florida providers of hospice and palliative care who accept Medicaid and/or sliding fee scale patients by December 31st, 2016.
Strategies / Resources / Lead Person/Organization / Measure / Current Performance Level / Target
Create a verified list of providers that accept Medicaid and/or sliding fee scale patients / Search Engines
Phone Calls
Community Hospice of Northeast Florida / Paul Clark or Intern
Quality of Life/Survivorship Committee / Completed List / 0 / 1
Health Issue Priority: Quality of Life / Survivorship
Goal: Support policies that ensure all northeast Florida residents with cancer (and their caregivers) have access to resources that provide quality of life during and after therapy.
Objective: Review and identify supportive cancer patient care services and palliative care services (inclusive of caregiver support services) in northeast Florida by May 18, 2016.
Strategies / Resources / Lead Person/Organization / Measure / Current Performance Level / Target
Identify a list of supportive cancer patient care services and palliative care services /
  • P. Clark
/ List of services / 0 / 1
Report on progress during May quarterly meeting /
  • P. Clark
/ Report / presentation / 0 / 1
Goal: Support policies that ensure all northeast Florida residents with cancer (and their caregivers) have access to resources that provide quality of life during and after care.
Objective: Create a list of 2 – 3 software options for disseminating information on ways to live with cancer, focusing on quality of life by May 18, 2016.
Strategies / Resources / Lead Person/Organization / Measure / Current Performance Level / Target
Research software options /
  • P. Clark
/ List of software options / 0 / 1
Health Issue Priority: Quality of Life / Survivorship
Goal: Support education and awareness of cancer survivor needs in Northeast Florida
Objective: Identify and agree upon a definition for a cancer survivor for Northeast Florida by May 18, 2016.
Strategies / Resources / Lead Person/Organization / Measure / Current Performance Level / Target
Workgroup leaders will draft a cancer survivor definition /
  • Office of cancer survivorship NIH
  • P. Clark
  • R. Weistein
/ Definition / 0 / 1
Workgroup leaders will conduct email vote for definition /
  • P. Clark
  • R. Weistein
/ Email Vote / 0 / 6/10
Health Issue Priority: Quality of Life / Survivorship
Goal: Support policies that ensure all northeast Florida residents with advanced disease have access to resources that honor and respect patients’ choices for care.
Objective: By July 15, 2017, identify and encourage the use of evidenced based end of life medical care services for Northeast Florida.
Strategies / Resources / Lead Person/Organization / Measure / Current Performance Level / Target
Create a list of evidenced based approaches to end of life medical care / Evidence Based Practices
Digital Libraries
Journals / Paul Clark
Rachel Weinstein
Quality of Life/Survivorship Committee / List of Approaches / 0 / 1
Create a dissemination plan to encourage the use of evidence based practices in end of life medical care / DOH resources
Other Partner Websites / Emily Suter
Paul Clark
Rachel Weinstein
Quality of Life/Survivorship Committee / Dissemination Plan / 0 / 1
Health Issue Priority: Quality of Life / Survivorship
Goal: Support policies that ensure all northeast Florida residents with advanced disease have access to resources that honor and respect patients’ choices for care.
Objective: By December 31, 2016 support patient and caregiver active decision making in use of palliative care services.
Strategies / Resources / Lead Person/Organization / Measure / Current Performance Level / Target
Research the National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization’s (NHPCO) Guidelines / NHPCO / Rachel Weinstein
Quality of Life/ Survivorship Committee / Researched Guidelines / 0 / 1