Terri Werdmuller – I.E., MBA


Quality Manager, Manufacturing Engineer- RIM Plastics Manufacturer 2013 – Current

Design Octaves, Soquel CA

·  Manage the Quality System and ISO Program- maintain day to day quality program, provide monthly management reviews, maintain quality metrics, train, educate and encourage continuous improvement within the manufacturing and business operations

·  Manufacturing Engineer- Provide on floor support to production team for resolution of day to day manufacturing issues, process improvements, supplier quality and customer satisfaction

Program Manager, Sr. Mfg Engineer- Contract Manufacturing 2010 – 2013

Global Equipment Services & Manufacturing, San Jose CA

·  Contract Manufacturing Services- Manage the transfer of knowledge and manufacturing processes from our customers to our Vietnam manufacturing facility. Providing a high quality, low cost, solution for contract manufacturing.

·  Manufacturing Services Department Development- Key participant in developing the manufacturing services organization within a start-up engineering/contract services provider company.

·  Develop local US supply chain or South East Asia supply chain as required for each new customer project.

·  Project Quoting and Contract Negotiation for new projects and new accounts.

·  Developed and implemented a production release process for the transfer of new designs/products from engineering proto-type builds to full blown production lines

Product Manager- Aviza APCVD Solar 2008 – 2009

Aviza Technology, Scotts Valley CA

·  Key participant on product development team- defining market requirements, product scope, film and process requirements

·  Organizing and managing process demo activity for potential customers and R&D projects

·  Reviewing and deciphering R&D data and findings to determine next steps and/or product development path

Director Operations Engineering 2003 – 2008

Aviza Technology, Scotts Valley CA

·  Directly managed manufacturing engineering, sustaining engineering, supplier engineering and document control

·  New Product Introduction – responsible for successful transition of new products into production- with a focus on Design for Manufacturability, configurable BOM structure, manufacturing philosophy, documentation, outsourcing plans, production/test fixtures and tooling

·  IT Systems Experience; Agile and Oracle 11i implementations locally and at remote facilities; restructured BOMs allowing for configuration options

·  Overseas outsourcing of major sub-systems and modules- in China and Malaysia

·  Managed the transition of product manufacturing to sister facility in Newport, Wales, UK

·  Reduced BOM costs, manufacturing costs, install and start-up costs on several products

·  Designed and implemented engineering processes to enable a quick turn business strategy for system refurbishment and sellable upgrades, within cost and turn around time constraints

Director Operations Engineering 2000 – 2003

ASML, Scotts Valley CA

·  Directly led a team comprised of supplier engineering, manufacturing engineering, doc control and shop order engineering

·  Implemented an engineering process within the shop order engineering group to better respond to customer expected lead-times and production cycle lead-time requirements

·  Manufacturing facility consolidation – managed consolidation of documentation control departments, gas panel assembly and test departments and various other tasks associated with merging two sites into one

·  Partnered with Dir. of Materials to manage the entire Operations organization through a significant reduction in force and restructure as a result of a downturn in business and market conditions

Manager Manufacturing Engineering and Injector Operations 1997 – 2000

Watkins Johnson Co. / Silicon Valley Group, Scotts Valley CA

·  Direct supervision; set priorities and managed projects in support of current production goals and new product development programs

·  Led efforts with production team to improve final product quality and improve efficiency of manufacturing processes and procedures

·  Managed system demo and production scheduling within the Injector Operations Lab

·  Implemented customer process demo capabilities in the injector lab- developed a training and certification program for lab employees, implemented procedures for running customer demo’s and handling customer wafers

·  Increased inventory accuracy in the Injector Operations area from approximately 15% to above 94%; re-organized facility layout, improved BOM accuracy, calculated proper stock quantities, participated in cycle counts and inventory review meetings

·  New Product Introduction- manufacturing engineering and process testing for the Monoblok injector, process N2 shield re-design, and the WJ1500 release

·  Taught APCVD Process Troubleshooting course to WJ employees and external customers

Manufacturing Engineer 1993 – 1997

Watkins Johnson Company, Scotts Valley CA

·  Created assembly documentation (method sheets, SOE’s, wirelists) and improved BOM accuracy. Designed floor plans, sized kanbans and organized material flow in support of a JIT manufacturing philosophy. Participated in a Process Re-Engineering initiative to document and evaluate the “as-is”; design, test, evaluate, train and implement the “to-be” for several internal business processes

·  Trained on CVD process and the operation of the WJ999 and WJ1000 systems, learned to troubleshoot both hardware and process problems associated with injector qualification

·  Responsible for the transition of the WJ1000 Automation System from engineering to production- implementing DFM improvements, sequence of events, method sheets and BOM accuracy


Masters of Business and Administration

University of Santa Clara - Santa Clara, CA 1998

Bachelors of Science, Industrial Engineering

California Polytechnic University - San Luis Obispo, CA 1993