Quality Enhancement Committee


Prof Judyth Sachs (Chair), DVC (Provost) / Prof Michael Johnson, Vice-Pres Academic Senate
Mr Paul Bowler, DVC and COO / A/Prof Bill McGaw, PVC (International)
Ms Maxine Brodie, University Librarian / Prof Elizabeth More, Academic Director, MacquarieCityCollege
Prof Mitchell Dean, Dean SCMP / Prof Jim Piper, DVC (Research)
Mr Sebastian Hartford Davis, Student representative / Mr Tim Sprague, Director HR
Ma Pamela Hass, University Secretary & General Counsel / Ms Caroline Trotman, DVC (Development and External Relations)
Mr Colin Hawkins, Academic Registrar / Prof Stephen Thurgate, Dean ICS
Ms Zoe Williams, Manager Quality Assurance, Macquarie International

In Attendance

Ms Barb McLean, Executive Officer

Ms Jennifer Newton, Quality Evaluations Manager


Mr Paul Bowler, DVC and COO

Ms Pamela Hass, University Secretary & General Counsel

Mr Colin Hawkins, Academic Registrar

Prof Elizabeth More, MacquarieCity Campus

Prof Jim Piper, DVC (Research)

Ms Zoe Williams, Manager QA, M.I.


11.00-12.30p.m. Thursday17th July 2008, Function Room, level 2, E11A

1.Minutes of the Meeting 15th May 2008 and Business Arising

Minutes were adopted.

1.1 Strategic Directions 2008-2010 document

The Chair informed the meeting that the Vice-Chancellor had adopted the Strategic Directions document (with the amendments suggested at the last meeting) and fully endorsed the “Partnership and Performance” sub title.

1.2Internationalisation Strategy

A representative Working Group have developed an Internationalisation Strategy, which had commenced as an amalgamation of the Macquarie International Strategic Plan and the University Learning and Teaching Plan, and had eventually, over many iterations, become the document as tabled.

The following suggestions were made:

-remove “unit outlines” and replace with “units” in the Indicator: “All Unit Outlines will normally have a global perspective by 2012”

-add “where appropriate” or some limiter, as it would not be appropriate for units such as Australian History to have a global perspective

The Strategy was endorsed with these amendments.

2Management and Implementation

2.1QA for Islamic Higher Education, Seminar 15th July 2008

The Chair reported that Macquarie had presented its Quality Enhancement Framework, and representative examples from each of the four elements(governance, strategy and policy, implementation and review), to a group of 25 colleagues from Indonesian Islamic Higher Education institutions. There had been a significant number of questions and an interest in replicating some of our models and projects. The differing concepts of “power” was a theme throughout the day – with the visitors very interested in how Macquarie managed to implement change in the absence of coercive power. The concept of collegiate bodies, such as Academic Senate, was a new concept to them.

Four universities in Sydney were being visited by the group, which was being hosted by the Research Institute for Asia and the Pacific (RIAP) from the University of Sydney.

It was suggested that a register of such hosting of delegations should be kept to facilitate future collaboration. Adopted


3.1Review of Academic Programs

The Working Party has met to work on an early draft of the White Paper. Challenging areas include:

-language support: how to integrate with academic programs to ensure relevance and engagement of both international and domestic NESB students, without creating a huge central infrastructure

-definitions and composition of induction and capstone units

-criteria for “people”, “planet” and “participation” units

-name and number of degrees and criteria for Arts degrees, Science degrees, named and professional degrees

-workload value of a credit point and translation of existing units into 6 credit points or part thereof

-definitions of “major” and “minors”

Faculties will have a challenging timeframe, which is set by the publishing timetable of the Universities Admissions Centre Handbook. It has been decided to work in 2 stages, with Stage 1 focussing on existing units that will be amended, and new 100 level units. Stage 2 will consist of the new units to be developed.

Governance structures for the new faculties will have to commence even prior to the official commencement of the faculties. This is already occurring in Humanities and SCMP, where the divisional Learning and Teaching Committees are working jointly on projects.

3.2Performance Portfolio Chapter 1 Update

The Chair informed the meeting that it had been agreed with AUQA that Macquarie’s Performance Portfolio would be due in AUQA on the 23rd January 2009.

The Working Group for Chapter 1 of the Performance Portfolio has been expanded to include Prof Sachs, Ms Hass, Prof Johnstone, Ms Brodie, Ms McLean and Ms

Butt. Matters raised under 3.1 of the Minutes of the 21st May will be addressed by this Working Group.

3.3Performance Portfolio Chapter 2 Update

The Working Party has focussed on developing a draft Internationalisation Strategy (see item 1.2). The next stage will be a data collection exercise in the Divisions and Departments to establish current level of activity.

The major issue of the AUQA1 Review had been poor process around transnational programs (where Macquarie-developed programs are offered either offshore or by another provider). The Academic Senate and its APC Committee has formalised two moderation processes for these programs:

-a formal contract e.g. such as with SIBT

-the (same) Macquarie teacher teaching in a remote campus

New templates developed by the Academic Program Committee ensure all new courses, or modification to courses, are signoff by the Dean prior to tabling at APC and progression to Academic Senate, i.e. the moderation process is integrated into existing University committees.

It was recommended that Ms Sonia Jeffares, Principal of SIBT be invited to join the Quality Enhancement Committee. Adopted

3.4Performance Portfolio Chapter 3 Update

The review of the Research Strategic Plan 2006-2008 has completed and in August there will be a workshop to draft the Research Strategic Plan 2009-2012.

4Any Other Business

4.1Report on AUQF2008

Ms Newton attended AUQF2008 and tabled 3 documents:

-Pre-Forum Workshop on AUQA1 – Survey Response Content Analysis

-AUQA Cycle 1: lessons on achieving a productive audit outcome

-Ms Newton’s notes from the Pre-Forum Workshop on AUQA Cycle 1

The message appeared to be the value of self-review. Prof Sachs intends to visit the new faculties to emphasise the value of the fourth element in the Quality Enhancement Framework – Evaluation, Review and Reporting.

4.2Format for Macquarie’s Performance Portfolio

Ms Newton tables a document suggesting that Macquarie’s Performance Portfolio have a dual column format, with web links in a column down the right hand side of the page.

The aim will be to have a first draft by October, to facilitate adequate consultation. This will also provide time to give the document “one voice”. Mr Peter McCarthy was nominated to fill this role. Adopted

4.3Strategic Directions – 2008 IAF

Draft Strategic Directions introduction to the 2008 IAF was endorsed.

4.4AUQA Communication Strategy

Ms Trotman reported that the aim of the Communications Strategy is to integrate AUQA into the existing governance and management committees of the University, by placing AUQA2 on the Agenda for each meeting. Ms Trotman will also speak to U@MQ’s CEO, Ms Dee Anderson, about gaining access to the Student Advisory Group.

Ms Trotman also informed the Committee that a Change Web Page is being established. The page will be for staff only and provide web links to all existing projects underway – to bring projects together in one place.

5Next Meeting:21st August 2008 at 11.00-12.30p.m.

Meeting Room 1 Building E11A, the Chancellery

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