Name of Laboratory:

Address: Number & Address Barangay/ Municipality

Province/City Region

Contact No./ Fax No./ E-mail Address:

Application for: c Initial

c Renewal


Name of Owner or Governing Body (if corporation):

Name of Head of Laboratory:

Classification according to:

Ownership: c Government c Private

Institutional Character: c Institution-based c Freestanding

Instructions: 1. Check Yes c if item indicated is present, No c if item indicated is absent, and N/A c if item does

not apply.

2. All items with (*) must be posted in a conspicuously designated area.

3. The Regulatory Officer will use this checklist during inspection/monitoring prior to issuance of accreditation (initial/renewal)

4. This checklist should also serve as a guide for self-assessment of the facility in preparation for inspection/monitoring visits


Yes No N/A


1.1  Application Documents

All application documents are valid and complete.

Documentary Requirements:

List of personnel available including the following:

v  Name c c c

v  Position c c c

v  License number (if appropriate) and validity c c c

v  Status: Permanent or Temporary c c c

v  Educational Attainment (documentation available) c c c

v  Job Description c c c

v  Training (documentation available) c c c

v  Signature c c c

List of equipment/instruments including:

v  Name of Equipment and Manufacturer c c c

v  Date acquired with proof of purchase c c c

v  Quantity c c c

v  Functional Status c c c

Floor Plan available including the following:

v  Properly labeled areas with adequate scaling c c c

to include spatial relationship of adjacent rooms

if present.

v  Valid signature and seal of architect or engineer. c c c

Certificates and Permits:

The laboratory must comply with the following certificates and permits, which should be valid, current, and posted conspicuously in the reception area:

v  Fire Safety Inspection Certificate c c c

v  DTI/SEC registration/Enabling Act Resolution c c c

v  Mayor’s Permit c c c

v  Annual Building Inspection Certificate c c c

v  PRC Board Certificate for the following:

-  Physician Head of Program c c c

-  Head of Laboratory c c c

-  Technical Staff c c c

-  Nurse Follow-up Coordinator c c c

v  Proficiency Testing Program Participation c c c

(for renewal) Quality Assurance Program Plan c c c Manual of Procedures/Operations c c c


The laboratory shall be managed effectively, efficiently and in accordance with its mission, vision and objectives.

Mission, Vision and Objectives

Mission, vision and objectives exist in accordance c c c

with RA 9288 “Newborn Screening Act”

Mission, vision and objectives are known and c c c

understood by all personnel.

Management/Staff Meetings

Documentation of staff meetings occurring at least once c c c

monthly or as needed including proof of attendance.

Meeting minutes exist and are properly filed. c c c

Continuing Program for Staff Development and Training

A policy/program for continuing program on staff c c c

development and training exists.

Proof of training exists (certificates, memos, written c c c

reports, budgetary allocations, etc.

Quality Plan

A written program/plan of management to assure c c c

competence, integrity of newborn screening exists.

An indication of the status of program plan c c c

Implementation exists.

Procedures for handling internal complaints and accidents

A written protocol for handling internal complaints exists. c c c

A written protocol for handling laboratory accidents exists. c c c

A record of complaints and accidents exists. c c c

Client Inquiries and Feedback

A written protocol for handling inquiries exists. c c c ______

A written protocol for handling requests for adding or

changing information contained in patient records exists c c c

Records of record changes exist. c c c


Personnel and practices shall be in place to ensure the achievement of the mission of the laboratory


An organizational chart exists that includes pictures c c c

of employees and clearly identifies positions and lines

of authority.

Written job descriptions exist that describe duties c c c

responsibilities, and performance expectations.

Physician Program Head

Proofs of qualifications. Examples:

v  Licensed Physician c c c

v  PRC Board Certificate c c c

v  Subspecialty Certification c c c

v  Etc. c c c

Proof of training.

v  Certificate of 1 year training/orientation/experience c c c

in running a NBS program or 3 years

of experience in related field. Proof of employment exists. c c c

Laboratory Head

Proofs of qualifications. Examples:

v  Licensed biochemist, chemist, medical technologist c c c

or microbiologist

v  PRC ID (valid) c c c

v  PRC Board Certificate c c c

Proof of training.

v  Certificate of 1 year training in NBS Laboratory c c c

Management or 3 years of experience in related


Proof of employment exists. c c c

Technical Staff (at least 3)

Proofs of qualifications.

v  Licensed biochemist, chemist, medical technologist c c c

v  or microbiologist.

v  PRC ID (valid) c c c

v  PRC Board Certificate c c c

Proof of training.

v  Certificate of at least 3 months training in c c c

laboratory testing experience in performing

the tests specified or 1 year of equivalent

testing experience in a clinical laboratory.

Proof of employment exists. c c c

Administrative staff

Proofs of qualifications

v  Licensed nurse c c c

v  PRC ID (valid) c c c

v  PRC Board Certificate c c c

Proof of training. c c c

v  Certificate of at least 3 months of experience c c c

working/training in NBS or six (6) months of

equivalent experience in a public health case

Management program.

Proof of employment exists. c c c

Personnel Records

All records should be within the lab premises.

Curriculum vitae for all employees exist containing: c c c

v  Personal background

v  Education

v  Training & Experience

A medical /health certificate is present for each employee. c c c

Monthly schedule of office hours and duty assignments c c c

are present and posted within the laboratory.

Policies for Hiring, Orientation and Promotion A written policy for hiring, orientation and promotion exists c c c

for all levels of personnel.

Policies for Violations/Suspension/Terminations

Written policies for violations/suspensions/terminations c c c

exist for all levels of personnel.

Written documentation of errors potentially affecting c c c

patient results exist with reason for occurrence and

corrective actions to prevent recurrence.

Records of memoranda related to policy infractions exist. c c c


Adequate facility shall be in place for the safe and efficient operation of the laboratory.

General Floor Area

Overall working floor area is 100 sqm. or more. c c c

A specimen collection area/drying area of samples exist. c c c

Five (5) work-benches to run the five (5) tests. Each work c c c

bench approximately three (3) ft. wide and (5) ft. long.

Laboratory Facilities

Proper ventilation exists. c c c

Adequate lighting exists. c c c

An adequate water supply exists(free flowing water c c c ______

from the faucet in the work area and in the hand

washing area).

Waste Facility

A written protocol for waste management following c c c

universal guidelines exists. ______

Evidence of protocol implementation exists. c c c

Waste segregation is practiced. c c c


The facility should contain adequate equipment in good working order and sufficient supplies to provide uninterrupted operation.


A sufficient supply of reagents to perform all required c c c

testing should exist. Tests include:

v  TSH

v  17-OHP

v  PHE

v  GAL

v  G6PD

All reagent containers are labeled with contents and c c c ______

date opened.

All date sensitive reagents/kits are fresh (i.e. "in date"). c c c ______

Equipment (s)

Refrigerator/Freezer is present and operational. c c c

v  A daily temperature record is posted on each unit. c c c

v  Food is not stored in reagent refrigerators. c c c

v  Maintenance records exist. c c c

Manual/automated puncher is present and operational. c c c ______

v  Daily, weekly, monthly maintenance records exist c c c

and are posted on or near automated puncher. c c c

Fume hood is functioning properly. c c c ______

v  Air flow is operating and records indicating flow c c c

has been regularly checked exist.

v  Work area is uncluttered and safe. c c c

Equipment necessary for the required tests is present

and sufficient to perform the following tests:

v  TSH c c c

v  17OHP c c c

v  PHE c c c

v  GAL c c c

v  G6PD c c c

Database system is operational and compatible with NSRC. c c c

2  Appropriate system maintenance records exist. c c c

3  An operations manual is present and sufficient. c c c

4  A system of daily back-up is in place. c c c

Other supplies and fixtures

Cabinets are orderly and safe. c c c

5  Cabinets are secure where needed for records c c c

and supplies.

6  Tables and chairs are sufficient for the number c c c

of personnel.

7  A functional calculator is present and operational. c c c

8  A supply of filter paper cards exists and storage c c c

meets NSRC requirements.

9  A supply of lancets exists and storage is safe. c c c

10  A drying rack(s) is present and properly used. c c c

11  Residual specimen cards are stored in an c c c

appropriate space in an orderly fashion.

12  A supply of gloves for employee use exists and c c c

are appropriately used. c c c

13  An appropriate supply of pipettes exists. c c c




2.1.1Individual result records for abnormal test results are in use c c c

v  Individual reports contain results obtained, c c c

expected range or result, and suggested action.

v  Reported results are traceable to data showing c c c

the procedure used, accurate assay controls,

and proper use of standard curve (if appropriate).

2.1.2  A summary form for reporting normal, elevated and c c c

unsatisfactory sample results is in use. Minimum data fields:

v  Name of patient c c c

v  Date of birth c c c

v  Date of collection c c c

v  Hospital of birth c c c

v  Hospital of collection c c c

v  Attending physician c c c

v  Laboratory accession number c c c


The facility must include an integrated system for specimen collection, receipt of externally collected specimens, sorting, accessioning, releasing specimen results, and handling program finances.

2.2.1  Procedure for specimen collection  A written procedure for specimen collection at the facility c c c

must exist and comply with the procedure of the NSRC.

2.2.2 Procedure for receiving, accessioning and releasing results

v  A written procedure for receiving specimens, c c c

and determining analytical acceptability, exists.

v  A written procedure for assigning laboratory c c c

accession numbers exists and is routinely followed.

v  A written procedure for entering and checking c c c

demographic information exists and is followed.

v  A written procedure for entering and checking c c c

analytical results exists for each procedure.

v  A written procedure for releasing results exists. c c c

v  A written procedure for correcting results or c c c

demographics when errors are reported exists

and appropriate documentation of changes exists.

2.2.3 Operating procedures for the analytical procedures Written procedures exist which provide specific testing c c c

procedures for each of the following procedures exists:

v  TSH c c c

v  17-OHP c c c

v  PHE c c c

v  GAL c c c

v  G6PD c c c Criteria for determining analytical unacceptability exist c c c

for each testing procedure.  Mechanism of Reporting Results c c c

v Flowchart reflecting mechanism of reporting results. c c c

v File copy of computer-generated results c c c

v Transmission of results to participating hospitals c c c


The newborn screening laboratory shall practice quality assurance program.

2.3.1 Internal Quality Assurance Program c c c

v Protocol for Internal QA c c c

v Controls/ Standards/ Blind samples c c c

v Logbook/Record of QC results c c c

2.4  External Quality Assurance Program (for renewal) c c c

v Application for proficiency testing c c c

v Record of receipt of samples from NSRC c c c

v Logbook/Record of PT results c c c

v Record of results received from NSRC c c c

v Certificate of PT c c c

v Record of corrective action taken when evaluation c c c

of performance is below satisfactory.

Name of Facility :

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Health


Date of Inspection:


A.  For Licensing Process:

[ ] For issuance of Certificate of Accreditation as Newborn Screening Center.

Validity from to

[ ] Issuance depends upon compliance to the recommendations given and submission of the following within ______

days from the date of inspection:

[ ] Non-Issuance: Specify reason/s.

Inspected by:

Printed Name Signature Position/Designation

Received by:


Printed Name



Republic of the Philippines

Department of Health


Republic of the Philippines

Department of Health


Republic of the Philippines