MINUTES of the Quality Assurance Sub Group Meeting, Wednesday 25thMay 2016

In attendance:- Jane Morris, Linda Keenan, Neil Laurenson, Sam Aitcheson

Via VC:Laura Hulse, Paula Collin

No / Item / Action
1 / Apologies
Lesley Dolan, Phil Crockett, Pauline Milne, Louise Johnston
2/3 / Minutes of the Previous Meeting/Matters Arising
On page 1 under Matters Arising change Sarah Wood to read Sara Kay. All other items were passed as accurate.
Matters Arising:
Island Consultation Group – JM would urge other people who wished to attend future meetings. NL said he would attend as representative from NHS Grampian.
Quality Assurance Minutes – these are now posted on the MCN website.
It was agreed to put the dates of the Island Consultation meetings on the MCN Website. / AS
4 / Current Audit Activity
Alison Sherriffs has taken on extra sessions to cover Brenda Leel’s departure.
PCollin advised that Tayside are supposed to be getting a trainee Psychiatrist in post for around 6 months. It was agreed to write to all Consultants across the region advising that we have an audit project taking place which would be suitable for a Junior Doctors audit in the MCN, which will be supervised and if they knew of anyone that would be interested to put them in touch with Jane/Phil/Lesley. Copy in Caitlin Napier.
PC also informed the group that her trainee is doing an audit on Patient use of IT Self Help measures and this would be a pre-emptive study for her thesis.
PCollin advised that they are to be moving onto a new IT system so the current system isn’t being utilised much and is therefore not producing much in the way of outcome data.
LHulse said that they are to be piloting a new text messaging service called Florence. This service will be used for out of hours patient help and they will be concentrating this solely on Bulimia patients to start with.
JM asked Laura if she would be willing to present an Audit on her thesis work on Trauma Care at the Research Event at the SEDIG day which is taking place on the 11th of November and it was agreed that she would be happy to do this.
NHS Highland are also launching a new POD system for patient data. PCollin also advised that they are to be moving onto Trakcare for recording all their clinical work.
Grampian currently have 2 projects onjoing. Elena McAndie is doing an Audit on Physical Monitoring Guidelines and Louise Johnston is doing an Audit project on Transitions and the Patient Satisfaction Questionnaire and is meeting up with LK/AS next week to discuss this.
They are also looking at Group drop-out data and may have someone taking up a 1 day post to help with this. Sam Aitcheson’s trainee is doing her Thesis on Staff Burnout which may also be suitable for a presentation at the Research Network Meeting.
The team also have a few other things in the pipeline but these are in the very early stages of discussion.
Tayside currently have no audits ongoing. Their 2nd year trainee who is going into their 3rd year is currently looking at research into Patient Use of IT Self Help and a Smart Eating IT Programme which includes a Family Support module.
Eden Unit are going to commence audits on CORE, EDEQ’s and HADS when Lily Lee joins the service. / LK
5 / Further Development of Care Pathways
It was agreed to share the current Care Pathways we have for Orkney and Shetland with the group. JM suggested arranging for everyone to get together to look at what we already have and where there might be gaps. It was agreed to do this during the meeting scheduled for 30th November and have the meeting from 1:30 – 4:30. LK and AS to look for a suitable room to hold this. Could everyone make sure this date is in their diaries and to submit current Pathways prior to that date. / LK/AS
6 / AOCB
JM gave some feedback from her meeting at the Royal College of Psychiatrists and advised that it is hoped that a National MCN for Perinatal Disorders can be set up and wondered what people thought about setting up a National MCN for Eating disorders. The general concensus felt that this would be a positive step.
It is hoped to put on the first FED Conference together with the Perinatal Faculty in February next year. Work is ongoing to achieve this.
9. / Dates & Times of Next Meetings
31.08.16 – 2.00 – 3.00 pm
30.11.16 – 2.00 – 3.00 pm