University of Wales, Trinity St David, Students’ Union
Minutes of: Student Council, Lampeter. 26th November 2015
Agenda Item / Main Discussion Points / Action Points1. Welcome / Welcome from Bea Fallon’ Lampeter Campus President
2. Apologies / Abigail Jenkins, Meg Cherry, Sam Muckley, David Snook, Willow Kehliy
3. Minutes previous meeting / BF talked through the minutes from the previous meeting. Noted that sacred arts needs to be changed to secret arts.
4. Matters Arising / Action Points:
BF to follow-up Societies involvement in Varsity – check to see whether South Wales willing to participate.
-BF informed that TSDSU would take a list of our societies to USWSU to see which societies could take part. Noted that LARP society could take part in an exhibition during varsity which members believed would be an incredible idea and would like to see it happen.
BF & MC advertise the Ents Committee & generate involvement.
-Ents committee has been advertised and held and was a success.
AJ to ensure that policies are circulated in advance in the future.
-This has been completed.
Social Media Policy - Further discussion required, delay discussion and adoption until next Student Council.
-Noted that members were not happy with the wording of the policy
Steph to meet with new Health & Safety Advisor to raise issues again and see if they can be advanced. Steph to report back to next meeting.
-Steph not present to report back
Bio-degradable straws - SU to lobby VMS
-Noted that it would be good for Amber and Willow to get together to perhaps campaign for this
Estates problems: Unresolved broken tap in halls – AJ to raise with Hywel
-AJ not present but would follow up on this
Food Re-cycling in the Halls - BF to follow up with the SEC traffic light report system.
-Posters been put up around halls regarding this
-Could there be a hot water or hot drinks dispenser in the Library - BF / MC to raise with the Library.
-This is still an ongoing issue / BF to inform Varsity committee that Lampeter student council members would like to see LARP play a role in Varsity in some sort of exhibition.
BF to include Kenny and Rebecca into the Ents committee.
BF to set up another meeting to discuss this
BF to bring up at Student Convention
Officer Reports & Questions / AJ
Noted that she has attended several meetings and taken up a lot of her time.
Noted that a Three Wishes campaign has been launched on Swansea campus by AJ to raise their education through content and delivery. This would be rolled out on another campuses after Christmas.
Working with the CEO on having student input to the strategic plan of the Union to ensure the SU is delivering on what students want.
Been involved with various departments to ensure that the SU is working and supporting all students with a current emphasis on engaging better with distance leaners.
Night time – Awaiting on Estates with regards to purchasing a panic alarm
Rugby and Football posts have now been purchased and in the middle of being installed
Varsity date has been changed to the 25th of January 2016
Re-fresher’s fayre is being looked at by Bea, Toby and Dylan and members are free to input ideas
Frat party was a success and £317 raised for sports clubs which will be split equally but noted that there was a lack of support from sports clubs
Blackout was a success with a noted that there would be a projected saving of over £3,000 between all campuses if lights and computers were turned off during the evenings
Looking to involve volunteering with Team TSD which would be logged through the Project scheme
Noted that the Allotment project needs more support. Suggested that this is a project that Willow could be more involved in
Dominos has been a success but we would need to promote more through all PTOs rather than just FTOs
Mr X Appeal has been a great success with 75 presents given to different children.
Societies are doing well with sports hall allocations underway for them
Noted that Yoga have not yet been ratified to become a society of the union and are currently paying for sports hall time which will not be the case if ratified.
Four working groups now underway with charity groups and are working with each other on fundraising events.
Possibly working with the schools with regards to Volunteering.
Spoken with NUS Wales reps and other SU members with regards to holding a Volunteering week in Wales that will include different events around the themes of collaboration and celebration and also to have a big end of week celebration event.
On Tuesday the 1st there will be a meeting with CAVO to discuss how the University, SU and CAVO can implement student projects and work together more
Parenting opportunities involving officers are being discussed in order to involve more volunteers. Currently being discussed with FTO’s but would be good to get PTs involved as it will expand on volunteering opportunities for students.
Noted that the posts are getting done
Working with TL in offering more volunteering opportunities through sport.
Noted that sports teams were not happy with the change in varsity trials date
Colors Ball being organised in Lampeter to be held in April to include the Sports teams. Hoping to have the Alumni to fund ties and badges for the event.
Spoke with VMS with regards to fundraising for Ball.
Noted no student discrimination had to be dealt with in November which is the first month for this to happen since JP began the role.
SM submitted a report as he was unable to attend. BF read out the report.
November began quietly but has picked up since.
Been promoting all sports fixtures but not received any for football.
Been working with VMS to kick start the weekly Thursday Quiz event.
Taken part and promoted the Ents committee and different fundraising events.
FemSoc meeting arranged to discuss a fundraising event in January
Not heard back yet regarding campaigns with a further discussion needed on campaigns such as Tax Free sanitary products on campus
Trying to find a working wheelchair to ensure accessibility is feasible for wheelchair users
Several personal cases have been undertaken in conjunction with student services.
Began the role by looking at the Welsh language policy which he wants to change. Will work with the Carmarthen Welsh Affairs Officer to re-write the policy.
In discussions with FTOs to begin a Welsh language awareness campaign.
Looking at Welsh language classes for students.
Raised money for Children in Need
Still devising a crib sheet for answering the phones and will pass on to BF once completed / BF to contact Willow
CR to chase the football team for a fixture list
BF and CM to discuss further
6. Social Media Policy for ratification / Discussed this in Matters Arising
7. Re-Fresher’s Fayre / Discussed this in BF Report
8. General Meetings / Agreed to hold this to give students an opportunity to ask questions to the Executive Committees.
Agreed to hold the first one before Christmas. / BF to organise for the last week of term
9. A.O.B. / TL brought up that there should be an Officer Christmas dinner.
BF noted that an online calendar could be created for Officers to use to highlight the different events at Lampeter Campus / TL to organise poll and the event itself.
BF to discuss with Marketing Assistant
10. Date and time next meeting / Thursday 28th January 2016
Signed Chair: Secretary/Scribe:
Name: Bea Fallon Name: Dylan Davies