Leadership Institute Recommendation Form

Ivy Tech Leadership Institute is a critical element of the College’s succession planning model which is designed to create an internal pipeline of qualified talent for future roles of leadership. This program is targeted at employees who are identified as high performing and having high leadership potential who also intend to remain with the College and build their career. Leadership Institute is a program intended to bridge the gap between our Leadership Academy and Executive Leadership Cohort programs.

The objective of Leadership Institute is to develop these employees and create a talent pipeline for senior-level positions, such as Executive Director, Dean, Assistant/Associate/Vice Chancellor, and Assistant/Associate Vice President. Prior participation in Leadership Academy is not a requirement.

Qualifications for Leadership Institute Applicants:

  • Full time employee
  • Excellent performance in current role
  • High in leadership potential
  • Seeks senior-level leadership position

Requirements of Leadership Institute Participants:

  • “Pay it Forward” and share learning
  • Work with others on a team project
  • Complete assignments between sessions
  • Supervisor approval to participate

Please complete all questions on this form regarding the applicant. Return completed recommendation form to the applicant in an envelope with your signature over the sealed flap. If you prefer, you may scan and send your completed form directly to the campus Executive Director/Director of Human Resources. Completed application packets are due October 20, 2017. If you have any questions about this form, please contact John Lowe, Director of Talent Development at or 317-921-4419.

Background Information
Applicant Name / Click here to enter text. /
Your Name / Click here to enter text. /
Your Job Title / Click here to enter text. /
How long have you known the applicant? / Click here to enter text. /
In what capacity? / Click here to enter text. /

Please rate the applicant in the following areas (Check the box that applies):

Performance– In current assignment
*If you are not the applicant’s supervisor and don’t have enough insight into their performance, feel free to select “Can’t Rate Clearly”
Exceptional Top few I have seen
☐ / Talented
Top 10%
☐ / Above Average
☐ / Average
☐ / Room for Growth
☐ / Can’t Rate Clearly

Leadership Potential– Has the ability to move up two or more levels within the organization
Top few I have seen
☐ / Talented
Top 10%
☐ / Above Average
☐ / Average
☐ / Room for Growth
☐ / Can’t Rate Clearly

Learning Agility – Is willing and able to learn from experience, and subsequently apply that learning to perform successfully under new or first-time conditions
Top few I have seen
☐ / Talented
Top 10%
☐ / Above Average
☐ / Average
☐ / Room for Growth
☐ / Can’t Rate Clearly

Critical Thinking– Is comfortable with complexity and ambiguity, examines problems carefully, makes fresh connections, can clearly explain their logic and thinking to others
Top few I have seen
☐ / Talented
Top 10%
☐ / Above Average
☐ / Average
☐ / Room for Growth
☐ / Can’t Rate Clearly

Interpersonal Skills – Can readily deal with a wide variety of people and tough situations, navigates relationships well, understands the motivations of others, inspires and influences others
Top few I have seen
☐ / Talented
Top 10%
☐ / Above Average
☐ / Average
☐ / Room for Growth
☐ / Can’t Rate Clearly

Openness to Change– Is curious, likes to experiment, and can effectively deal with the discomfort of change, has a passion for ideas and is highly interested in continuous improvement
Top few I have seen
☐ / Talented
Top 10%
☐ / Above Average
☐ / Average
☐ / Room for Growth
☐ / Can’t Rate Clearly

Results Oriented – Delivers results in first-time situations, demonstrates initiative and drive, rises to the challenge, is able to overcome obstacles
Top few I have seen
☐ / Talented
Top 10%
☐ / Above Average
☐ / Average
☐ / Room for Growth
☐ / Can’t Rate Clearly

Integrity & Trust– Is trusted throughout the organization; is viewed as a direct, truthful individual; presents the truth in a helpful manner; keeps others’ confidences; admits errors and mistakes; doesn’t distort who they are for personal and professional gain
Top few I have seen
☐ / Talented
Top 10%
☐ / Above Average
☐ / Average
☐ / Room for Growth
☐ / Can’t Rate Clearly

What is your overall recommendation of this applicant?
Highly Recommend
☐ / Recommend
☐ / Recommend with Reservation
☐ / Do Not Recommend

Why are you recommending this applicant for Leadership Institute?
Click here to enter text. /
Additional Comments
Click here to enter text. /

Signature: ______Date: Click here to enter a date.