Français II – Parlons Français!Ch. 5

For the speaking assessment, you must be able to recognize what the questions are as well as appropriate responses to them. As we move through the chapter, be preparing to discuss the following topics as part of the Chapter Test. You will not be permitted to use any notes.

  1. Tell what you do in the morning to get ready for school and be able to name items you use in your grooming routine.

Qu’est-ce que tu fais le matin pour te préparer pour l’école?


  1. Tell 3 things you did yesterday using reflexive verbs in the passé composé.

Quelles sont trois choses que tu as fait hier?

  • 1. ______
  • 2. ______
  • 3. ______
  1. Give 3 commands (affirmative or negative).

Donne trois ordres.

  • 1. ______
  • 2. ______
  • 3. ______

Français II: Parlons Français Chapitre 5


You may choose to demonstrate your speaking ability three different ways:

  1. Engage in a short conversation with Madame Stratton; she will ask you 3-4 questions from your sheet. Be able to respond in complete sentences.

For options 2 & 3: Using complete sentences, describe at least four things you do each morning to get ready for school, tell me four activities you did yesterday in the past tense, and give five commands using reflexive verbs.

  1. Call Madame’s phone extension (5056) and leave a voice-mail.
  2. Create a voki and send it to Madame’s e-mail:

How to create a voki:

1. Follow this link and create an account.

2. Click on “Create New Voki”

3. Customize your character

4. Under “Give it a voice” you have multiple options.

  • Click on the phone. Call the given number, type in the code, and it will record your voice or
  • Record yourself on a mp3 of wav file, then upload it.
  • You may NOT use the “type the text” option.

5. Once you have finished, click on “Publish your Voki”

6. On the left hand side, under where is says “Or, get your voki link here:”, choose “Standard Voki Link”

7. Below, in the box, will be the link to your voki. Copy this link and email it to Madame Stratton (). Copy yourself in the email to make sure it arrives and the link works. (the“email your voki” option does NOT work)

Nom:______Fr II Ch. 5 ParlonsFrançais

avec Madame Stratton ____ / 19 / enregistré (recorded) ____ /29
  1. Tell what you do in the morning to get ready for school and be able to name items you use in your grooming routine.

Qu’est-ce que tu fais le matin pour te préparer pour l’école? (quatre minimum)

  1. Tell 3 things you did yesterday using reflexive verbs in the passé composé. (quatre minimum)

Quelles sont trois choses que tu as fait hier?

  1. Give 3 commands (affirmative or negative).(cinq minimum)

Donne trois ordres.(Cinq si c’est enregistré)

Parlons Français Total: ____/25 points