Lincoln-Way Hockey Club Board Meeting Minutes
Be on time
Stick to your time
Seek to understand before being understood
Respect Others - Limit Side Conversations / LEADER:Dave Fister
NOTE TAKER:Dave Corazzi
TIME KEEPER: / MONTH:February 2011l
P / Co Chair - Dave Fister / Mr. Anderson / Mr. O’Donnell
P / Co Chair – Rick Claxton / Mr. & Mrs. Bolek / Mrs. Provencher
P / Treasurer – Rich Domalewski / Mrs. Claxton / Mr. Sanfilippo
P / Secretary – Dave Corazzi / Mrs. Corazzi / Mr. & Mrs. Tourlakes
P / Registrar – Denise O’Donnell / Mr. & Mrs. Deegan / Mrs. Witkowski
P / Fund Raising – Marty Freeland / Mr. Degrado / Coach Tokarz
P / Community Service –Julie Strack / Mr. Dirks / Coach Moore
A / Director of Hockey – Bill Hetfleisch / Mrs. Fister
Mrs. Klich
LEGEND: P = Present & On Time L=Present / Late A= Absent
Agenda With Club Members Present:
Following is a meeting summary structured by topic category
Board Member Exclusion
Mr. Tourlakes charged Mr. Fister and Mr. Claxston with failing to include the entire board in all LWC/W consolidation discussions. When asked later to reveal his information source, he acknowledged information was provided by a LWC contact. Mr. Fister shouted back that the board is made up of volunteers and he believed the Tourlakes real issue was over their son’s playing time. Mr. Tourlake’s gave Mr. Fister credit for not playing the “volunteer card” in the first 5 minutes of the meeting, as he said typically happens in his professional line of work. He then said that he does not accept the act of volunteering as an excuse for not doing the job 100%. He proceeded to tell the group that he will never volunteer because he can’t commit the time required to do the job right. At a later point in the dialogue, he brought up that he had provided volunteer legal counsel to a past Club President, regarding tax filing status. Mr. Corazzi read aloud the email he sent on February 1, 2011 to all club members, signed by all five board members, disputing Mr. Tourlakes claim they had been excluded. Mr. Tourlakes proceeded to challenge the dates referenced in this email. He then drilled Mr. Corazzi on the execution of Secretary responsibilities, alleging dereliction of responsibility for not accompanying Mr. Fister and Mr. Claxton to all meetings with LWC/W and failure to take notes. Mr. Corazzi responded that he the exploratory nature of these meetings did not require the Secretary’s participation. Mr. Tourlakes countered that the there is no exploratory meeting distinction in the By Laws. Mrs. Corazzi spoke up in support of her husband. Mrs. Strack interjected that she did in fact feel excluded by Mr. Fister and Claxton claiming she felt Mr. Fister and Mr. Claxton had withheld information from the entire, board since December.
Board Transparency
  1. Mr. and Mrs. Bolleck expressed displeasure that By Laws, Meeting Agendas, Minutes and Financial records are not posted on the club websites as required by Illinois Charitable Organization governance guidelines. Mr. Corazzi acknowledged his belief that the board could and should do better.
  2. Mr. Dirks was upset that a request made to Mr. Fister for a copy of the club’s recent tax returns, had gone unanswered for 28 days. Mr. Dowalweski asked Mr. Dirk’s to get with him after the meeting.
  3. Mr. Tourlakes and Mr. Bolek asked if club elections were going to occur at the Spring Banquet. Mr. Fister indicated that the board’s current thought was to delay the election pending more definitive Fall merger direction. Mr. Tourlakes and Mr. Bolek disputed the By Law legality of delaying elections. Mr. Fister acknowledged the correctness of their position.
  1. Mr. and Mrs. Tourlakes expressed displeasure with the coaching staff in general and specifically the Director of Hockey (DOH), for his lack of availability / participation with the club to this date. They told the group they felt both team records were unsatisfactory and made clear their belief that previous year results are inconsequential. They challenged why the board retained the DOH knowing full well his availability issues. Mr. Corazzi, Mr. Fister and Mr. Claxton walked through a verbal time line of board discussions and decisions concerning the DOH situation. They communicated that the board felt comfortable that the DOH’s post academy work schedule would permit him to satisfactorily perform his responsibilities beginning early October, heading into the Metro season. That said, Mr. Corazzi, Mr. Fister and Mr. Claxton collectively acknowledged that the actual outcome has not satisfactorily met either the DOH’s or Board’s expectations. Mrs. Strack interjected that she had a 1on 1 conversation with the DOH, at which time he expressed doubt to her. Mrs. Strack stated that said relayedher concern to the board but was notlistened to.
  2. Mr. and Mrs. Bolleck expressed strong dissatisfaction with the JV team record, and were critical of the Head JV Coach for not playing to win. They also expressed dissatisfaction with his Coach’s coaching style, claming it is never positive. That said, their son does not want to play for him. They told the group that coaches from other sports have always considered their son a pleasure to work with. Coach Tokarz spoke up and complimented their son’s coachability and commitment.
  3. Mr. and Mrs. Bolleck expressed doubt that player evaluations were going to happen stating they had not received one in December per club policy. They also insisted that parents be included in the coaching evaluation process.
  4. Mr. Deegan spoke up saying the club needs to be built from the ground up.
Playing Time
  1. Mrs. Coda noted that she felt her son did not get enough ice time given the direct and indirect financial costs incurred.
  2. Mr. Tourlakes brought up that the coaching staff obviously did not grant playing time based on stats or performance. He volunteered that his older son’s all star recognition did not result in advantaged playing time. In response, Mr. Corazzi provided a copy of the LWE 2007-2008 Metro West regular season stats, which showed a 59% (Tourlakes) / 41% playing minutes split.
LWE/N & LWC/W Club Consolidation
As noted above, Mr. Fister walked the group through a summary of conversations held to date with LWC/W. He communicated the coaching plan proposal from our DOH and LWC Head Coach, which was to have been presented at the joint board meeting on February 26, did not occur. Mr. Fister stated that the LWE/N board had pushed back hard on LWC coaching staff involvement due to Sr. Night events. Mr. Fister reported the LWE/N position was to place further Spring combination discussions on hold pending feedback and support from club membership tonight and that the LWC/W board questioned the need for us to do so. Passionate debate over short and long term implications for and against merger / combination ensued. A strong point of view was expressed that LWC/W appears close to folding and that our club should negotiate from a position of strength. Mrs. Brusca appealed to “do the right thing and make sure the LWC/W players have a place to play.” Mr. Corazzi replied he felt the board should first due what is our club’s memberships best interest. Mr. Fister ultimately cut off the discussion from time standpoint, at which moment Mrs. Strack stepped up to make the following proposal:
Strack Proposal - Combine for the Spring and work out the necessary
details for a Fall Merger
Mrs. Strack then left the meeting
Additional debate ensued regarding the role coaching, the boards and finances. As a result, a request to clarify the proposal. Based on post Strack proposal discussion, Mr. Corazzi read out loud the following proposal:
Final Proposal – Combine Spring with LWC/Central players only, no LWC coaches or board.
Mr. Fister proceeded to execute a roll call vote. The vote for those in attendance was 11 for combining, 7 against, 1 withdrawal and 1 abstain. Mr. Domalewski did leave to find Mrs. Srack in the facility and brought her vote back. / D Fister
Agenda Continuance With Out Guests:
Spring Banquet – Denise said she would take care of decorations, gate receipts, etc. No volunteers needed
Sr Scholarships Selection – No status update from Bill. Dave F to follow up with Bill. $3700 is to granted with 7 seniors eligible
Alumni Game – Rick reported the game will be March 19 at 7:30 PM. A general club family skate will proceed the game starting at 6:20 PM
Spring Tryouts – Rick reported the dates of March 14 at 9:50 PM, and March 17 at 9:10 PM, with team, coach and player participation pending Club Combination status resolution
Domalewski Fall/Winter Fee – The family requested the board reconsider its previous decision to require full payment. again citing pre tryout notice given the board of their son’s injured reserve type medical restrictions and no clear doctor release date. After candid debate, Denise motioned to grant the family’s request for a total fee payment of $2000 for JR. The vote was 5-1 (Rick dissenting, Julie was not present) / D. Fister
1)Financial Review, Player Payments – Rich provided a delinquent account status update and reviewed the 2010 tax return and February financial report / R Domalewski
