
(Achievement till July, 2017)

The Govt. of Bihar has introduced "MukhyamantriBhikshavritiNivaranYojna"(MBNY) publicly known as PAHCHAN 2008 - 09 with a vision to protect and promote the rights of people into beggary by ensuring their care, protection, development, socio-economic and cultural empowerment through enabling policies and programmes. Govt. of Bihar has established “SAKSHAM” (State Society for Ultra Poor and Social Welfare) within the Social Welfare Department for working on the issues of people into beggary. Apart from the implementation of other projects, the Society is fully accountable for the implementation of MBNY, the scheme to eradicate beggary from the State.

Right now, MBNY has been executed in 12 district of Bihar viz.Patna, Muzaffarpur, Darbhanga, Purnia, Gaya, Nalanda, Rohtas, Katihar, Bhagalpur, Saran, Arariya and Vaishali.

Survey of Beggars

The survey of beggars work has been done in 12 above said districts and there were 9879beggars identified.

Issue of Identity Card

There were 4219 identity cards have issued to surveyed beggars so that they could get benefited from different activities of MukhyaMantriBhikshaVritiNivaranYojna and other government welfare schemes.

Rehabilitation homes/Short Stay Cum-classification Centre

Currently under MBNY, there are 2 rehabilitation homes and 8 short stay cum classification centres (Seven SevaKutir for male beggars and sixShantiKutir for female beggars) are running in six districts (Patna, Muzaffarpur, Darbhanga, Purnea, NalandaGaya) of Bihar to address the target group of People in beggary, old and sick people in beggary, destitute families in beggary, persons with disability in beggary, person in destitution with mental illness , addicted & drug abused in beggary, children in beggary etc..

Basic Services are provided in homes / Food / Counselling
lodging / Referral
Clothing / Legal
Recreation / Medical care
  • At present 600 beneficiaries are living in 10 homes (SewaKutir and ShantiKutir)
  • 3350 beggars have got registrationin2 rehabilitation homes and 12 Short stay cum classification centre(SewaKutir and ShantiKutir) and more than 2100beggars have been rehabilitated in the following mode:

Mode of Rehabilitation / Numbers of Beneficiaries
Repatriated/Likage with Family / 1738
Link with employment/livelihood / 98
Link with KaushalKutir/ training program / 197
Staffs at home / 29
Released on the will of beneficiary / 38
  • Tender has beenpublished for running16 Short stay home cum classification in Patna, Gaya, Nalanda, Rohtas, Darbhanga, Saharsa, Munger, Bhagalpur and Saran.

Shelter with Kitchen Basera

In Patna, two "Basera”(Day night shelter with kitchen Basera) are running.

Name of Basera / Total Capacity / Total Registered / Present Status / Numbers of Beneficiary / Rest of Beneficiary
Shelter with Kitchen Baseara for Male / 50 (Individual Male) / 76 Individual / 36 (Working) / 36 / Left
Shelter with Kitchen Basera for family / 20 (Family) / 95(members) / 13 (family) / 46 / left
Total / 171 / 49 / 82

Vocational Training/KaushalKutir

Residential KaushalKutir / vocational training for youth beggars is running in Patna.

Till date408youth beggars have got registration and 280 beggars rehabilitated and got job placement finally got after training and at present 51 beneficiaries are getting training rest of beneficiary dropped out.

Total Enrolled / Placement/link with job / Presently on training / Dropout /left
408 / 280 / 51 / 72

Blanket and warm cloth Distribution

In FY 2015-16, there were 3850 blankets and 1570inner wear warm cloths distributed towards people into beggary.

In (FY 2016-17) 2510 blankets and 2510 inner-wears have been distributed towards beneficiaries.

Community Based Saving Groups

Community Based Saving Groups (CBSG) will be promoted among the people into beggary. This would provide a common platform to share their distress, difficulties and problems as well as new ideas to get rid of their difficulties and most importantly develop saving habits. The CBSG would unite them for their common causes and concern and can resolve their problems. The intervention would generate awareness on the different issues i.e. health, drinking water, self employment, children’s education, Govt. welfare programmes etc. The members of the group would start thrift and credit to with small amount on weekly basis which would help them in their emergency needs. After a certain period of time, SHGs / CBSGs would be linked with Banks from where they can mobilize additional credit for income generation activities. Competent NGOs will be engaged to promote SHGs / CBSGs in the specified areas.

SI / District / Total No. Of CBSGs / Total Members / Total Saving (Rs)
1 / Patna / 12 / 186 / 95500
2 / Gaya / 1 / 10 / 3000
3 / Nalanda / 3 / 27 / 2850
4 / Purnea / 6 / 72 / 16180
Total / 22 / 295 / 117530

Producer Group

Main objectives of producer group to create livelihood opportunities for people into beggary for Employment and income generation activities through technical and financial support. Forty four beggars have been mobilized and got training on Jute handicraft and out that 14 members formed a group i.e. called MuktaSakshamUtpadakSamuha. Six beneficiaryhave got self employed. Right there is a work shop of MuktaSkshamUtpadakSamooha at Saksham Office, ApnaGhar 2nd Floor, Bailey Road, Patna. Now this has been registered with Ministry of micro small & medium enterprises.

State Society of Ultra Poor is providing had holding support to MuktaSakshamUtpadakSamuha.

Health Camps

Under MBNY health camps are organized in beggars’ pockets area and are provided free medical checkups, medicine distribution, referral for critical care etc.

FY 2016-17,sixteen health camps organized and 2453 beggars/ultrapoorweregot medicine and health check-up and 228 were got handicapped certificate.

Financial Status of MukhyaMantriBhikshavritiNivaranYojna (MBNY)

Total expenditure in FY2016-2017is INR 61391729.00

Total expenditure in FY2017-2018 till 30June is INR 13836430.00/-