QEP Team Meeting
Attended (via SPOC): David Monroe, Ashley Hendrickson, Janice Thiel
QEP Team Meetings – Janice will poll the group about third Wednesdays and look at switching the July meeting to the 20th.
Communication – Janice will resend the invitation to David about joining MSN Messenger, and she will install Microsoft Office Communicator.
Accomplishments of the 2010-11 Academic Year for the Three Initiatives of the Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP) Report to Anne Cooper 5/9/2011:
Student Success
· Included 14 additional academic programs, involving 16 additional Faculty Champions: Dental Hygiene, Emergency Medical Services, Funeral Services, Health Information Management, Hospitality & Tourism Management, Human Services, Medical Laboratory Technology, Natural Science, Orthotics & Prosthetics, Parks & Leisure Services, Physical Therapist Assistant, Radiography, Respiratory Care, Veterinary Technology.
· Crafted 10 additional discipline-specific scenarios to use with the SPC-developed Assessment Rubric for Critical Thinking (ARC).
· Held seven on-campus critical thinking events for students including “SPC Reads” and pre-event activities for the Extreme Entrepreneurship Tour (EET). Conducted pre- and post-assessment of the EET.
· Collected 153 student Critical Thinking Application Paper (CTAP) samples from six randomly-selected PHI 1600 – Studies in Applied Ethics sections from the Fall 2010 semester. Held a scoring workshop, involving 15 faculty members, to assess student learning outcomes.
· Conducted the Critical Thinking Assessment Test (CAT) during the Spring 2011 semester; 233 students participated in the six randomly-selected sections mathematics courses (MAC 1105 and STA 2023). The scoring workshop, involving approximately 16 faculty, will be held June 4, 2011 to assess student learning outcomes.
Professional Development
· Held three college-wide events: Fall Critical Thinking Institute, Retreat for Academic Roundtables, and Spring Critical Thinking Institute/Narrowing the Gulf.
· Held monthly workshops for Faculty Champions on topics related to critical thinking, the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, assessment, and the construction of Instructional Portfolios for Critical Thinking.
· Added instructional videos and other learning resources and components to the online Faculty Champion Guide.
· Added 12 additional Academic Roundtables (ARTs), with 41 active faculty members and 5 non-academic members.
· Sent five administrative staff to the SACSCOC Summer Institute and sent four faculty to the SACSCOC Annual Meeting.
· Initiated a QEP-CETL bridge team to help continue critical thinking efforts within the CETL mission.
Critical Thinking Resources
· Continued maintenance and increased resources via the Gateway Website for Critical Thinking.
· Promoted better cataloging of library resources to identify those related to critical thinking (i.e., Critical Thinking Resource Centers).
· Collected 11 additional Reusable Learning Objects (RLOs).
· Completed 10 additional Instructional Portfolios which detail the process and results of the ART’s study and implementation of critical thinking strategies within its discipline.
· Increased resources and links related to the completion of the Fifth-Year Interim Report, which includes the QEP Impact Report.
I) Assessment
A) Ashley is reviewing the QEP and the response document to conduct a gap analysis. Ashley met with Maggie Tymms to summarize status of various assessments. She will present her findings at the next QEC meeting on Friday, September 2, 9:00-11:00 a.m., EpiCenter, 2-304.
B) SACS Working Group
1) Dr. Cynthia Grey is the Faculty Chair, earning 3 ECH ($2,904) per semester
2) Next meetings will be scheduled for the last week of June and the last week of August – every two months
3) SharePoint site is up-and-running: https://onecollegesupport.spcollege.edu From the "Committees & Groups" menu item, click “SACS Working Group”
C) Assessment Rubric for Critical Thinking (ARC)
1) ARC and Ethics CTAP assignment – Janice, Ashley, David, and Jesse Coraggio met with Barbara Grano and Susan Demers and others on 4/8/2011. It was decided to use the ARC as edited by the Ethics Department, with the understanding that Ethics will not make further changes and will allow students to decipher the scenario’s problem for themselves as part of the critical thinking activity. Janice will contact Susan Demers and Gloria Hobson about getting a list of sections for the random selection, and to also propose a meeting with the chosen faculty after the fall faculty meeting.
D) Critical Thinking Assessment Test (CAT)
1) Scoring Workshop will be held Friday, June 3, 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m., DO-102, Consular Conference Room.
(a) Gail Lancaster will facilitate, assisted by Ashley. Carol Weideman has offered to assist. However, with Gail and Ashley’s facilitation, we’ll probably need scorers more than facilitators. Ashley and Janice will meet with Gail on Friday, May 20, 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. at EpiCenter in TE 2-115 to prepare for workshop.
(b) Janice has contacted two vendors about catering – The Executive Chef and Banquet Masters. To provide a continental breakfast and light lunch would be over-budget. Janice will prepare coffee, tea (iced and hot), water, ice, danish, fruit, and yogurt for breakfast, and will prepare salad bar items with chicken and rolls for lunch. David and Ashley offered to help.
(c) Janice crafted a proposal to pay faculty a $150 honorarium for participation in the workshop. The proposal was declined by Anne Cooper.
2) Vet Tech – The 18 completed instruments will be scored during the CAT Scoring Workshop scheduled for Friday, June 3, 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m., DO-102, Consular Conference Room.
3) Math – All CAT tests administered in the six math courses (STA 2023 and MAC 1105) have been collected and inventoried. There are 159 completed instruments, including 18 from Vet Tech.
4) 2012 Administration – The cost per test will increase to $6.00 after July 1, so Janice is ordering next year’s CATs early to take advantage of the lower cost of $5.00 per test.
II) Student Success
A) Classroom Activities
B) Rubrics
C) ePortfolio
D) Student Activities
1) Matt approached Nadia Yevstigneyeva about the possibility of identifying a student(s) from Honors College to become a member of the QEC. David will continue to get in-touch with Mark Younger to connect with Student Life and Leadership. David will touch base with Matt about his efforts to recruit a student representative of the QEC.
III) Professional Development
A) Critical Thinking Institutes
1) Narrowing the Gulf
(a) Blue & White article appeared 4/13/11
(b) Evaluation results (see attached)
2) Fall Critical Thinking Institute
(a) Date: Friday, September 23
(b) Time: TBD
(c) Location: Clearwater Campus Arts Auditorium
(d) Student presentation during opening general session – Nancy Smith
(e) Partnership with CETL – Janice has discussed next steps with Li-Lee Tunceren, Janice will continue to follow-up.
B) Faculty Champions
1) Next Faculty Champion Meeting
(a) Friday, May 20, 9:00-11:00 a.m., EpiCenter, 1-310
(b) Janice met with Karen, Alan Shapiro, and Tim Godcharles on 5/2/11. Tim will assume Karen’s WITS Liaison position at the start of the fall semester. They will present Reusable Learning Objects at 10:00-11:00 a.m.
2) 2011 Faculty Champions
(a) Public Safety, Humanities, HIM, and Mathematics are complete with spring deliverables.
(b) The 2011 Calendar has been finalized except for computer lab locations for two Faculty Champion meetings –October, and December. Janice will check back with Christina Hand toward the beginning of June.
3) 2010 Faculty Champions
(a) Vet Tech BAS, Respiratory Therapy, Physical Therapy, EMS, Funeral Services, Park & Leisure/Hospitality, Human Services, and Radiography are complete with their Instructional Portfolios and Portfolio Report.
4) Final Survey for 2009 and 2010 Faculty Champions – Janice will work with Ashley to develop this after the gap analysis is complete.
5) QEP-CETL Bridge Team
(a) To help advocate for the continuance of critical thinking within the CETL mission
(b) Six-member team – half QEP, half CETL – attending the 31st Annual International Conference on Critical Thinking July 25-28: Janice Thiel, Li-Lee Tunceren, Bill Hemme, Matthew Bodie, Cher Gauweiler, Ginny Price
C) Academic Roundtables
IV) Critical Thinking Resources
A) Gateway Website – additional resources are being added for SACSCOC and the Fifth-Year Interim Report which includes the QEP Impact Report
B) RLO’s
C) Instructional Portfolios
D) Critical Thinking Resource Centers
1) Matthew will review the site and note ideas for improvement.
*Action Item 3 of 4