QEP Development Team

UNA SACS Reaffirmation

Meeting Notes

GUC Loft

April 5, 2010

2:30 p.m.

Members Present: Lynn Aquadro, Phil Bridgmon, Rob Koch, Linda Lewis, Chris Maynard, Lisa Minor, Joan Parris, Celia Reynolds, Molly Vaughn, and Libby Watts.

Chairman Phil Bridgmon called the meeting to order at approximately 2:30 p.m.He reported on the progress of the “working group” that has been established composed of department chairs and the instructors of the University’s “W” courses. He and Dr. Chris Maynard have begun meeting with this group to examine where academic research literacy is already being taught within the university curriculum and how it is being assessed. The intention is to make a curriculum map documenting where such instruction is already occurring, both in general education courses and in the majors. Attendance and cooperation during the meetings have been encouraging. This working group approach appears to be allaying concerns over adding new required courses. The work group will continue with its examination of UNA’s curriculum and how it fits into the Quality Enhancement Plan. It is anticipated that this group will do considerable work through the summer.

Dr. Bridgmon lead a discussion of ideas for keeping the university community informed concerning the development and importance of the QEP. The Committee supported continuing to use the QEP website ( for communication. Other recommendations included the use of social media such as Facebook and Twitter, requesting regular articles to be included in the Flor-Ala, developing an informational brochure to be disseminated via e-mail to solicit input, developing a newsletter, developing a series of posters to correspond with the stage in the QEP development, meeting with the SGA to exchange ideas, and including a QEP section on each departmental website. Dr. Bridgmon agreed to further develop some communication ideas.

Dr. Bridgmon reminded the committee that a significant portion of the QEP proposal is the literature review to examine current scholarship in academic research literacy and best practices. Dr. Koch gave an overview of the review of the literature prepared for the original QEP proposal. It was then determined that some expanded examination into how research literacy applies to various disciplines is needed. Dr. Bridgmon asked the Committee to look over the sources provided on the list, to identify relevant articles from their own disciplines, and to forward those to him prior to the next committee meeting. It was suggested that professional organization documents would be a good source of information.

Dr. Bridgmon reminded the members that the University will eventually need to identify an external content evaluator to recommend to SACS for participation in the on-campus review. He reviewed the role of this lead QEP evaluator and made some suggestions regarding identifying candidates for this role. He asked that members notify him of suggested evaluators.

The next QEP Development Team meeting was set for Monday, April 26, at 2:30. Dr. Bridgmon requested committee members review appropriate literature to share at the next meeting. The meeting adjourned at approximately 3:40 p.m.

[Note: Since the April 5, 2010 meeting, the time of the next meeting has been changed from 2:30 to 3:30 to avoid conflicting with a campus-wide professional development opportunity.]