QC News – Updates & Training – June 2016
First of all…like always, we want to send out a warm welcome to all of our new members. Like many of our Top Distributors that have “found a home” here at QC, we hope you are in it for the “Long Haul” as all of us here certainly are. Welcome!!! More and more good thing are coming as we move forward.
Our Turn Key Marketing Co-op…how and why it works. As stated in many, many other newsletter and on practically all the weekly calls, we do not do magic here. What we mean by that is, just because you order the co-op, it does not mean that it will some how magically produce results. Since few of you attend the weekly calls and fewer order past newsletters, we like to talk about it each month, mostly for the new members. The co-op orders are filled the first time around about 80% of the time. That means that about 20% of them will have to be re-mailed. We give the co-op 90 days to work. Then, if your order is not filled, we mail out more the second time to try and make sure it is filled. Even at that, there are always a few that we have to mail out a 3rd time. In the past, we have had to mail a 4th and sometimes even a 5th time. However, we have pretty much eliminated the need to mail more than 2 times now. Why is that? In the past, we did not have good reliable numbers to work with. Now, with more data, we know how many to mail in any given month to produce the results that we want. Does it work 100% of the time? Of course not. Nothing is perfect. But, it is working better today than it did in the past. However, even at that, if you do not have the patience to give it time enough to work, then the co-op is simply not for you. It is all clearly explained on your order forms. If you are not in the position to give it ample time to work, then please do not order. It’s as simple as that. Thank you!
The Replicated Sites…are coming together a piece at a time. If you are on the weekly calls, you know that we are not in a big hurry to get them 100%. A Quarterly Program has never been done before. As a result, all of our software has been made from scratch. There is no quarterly software to be had “off the shelf”. We have had our ups and downs, as most members know. We still find a bug here and there. Then, we take the time to fix it. The latest problem has been with the automatic placement of new members when they are sponsored by a member with a big down-line. We “think” we have this finallyresolved. We will know after a few more online sign ups come in. We have a professional company putting together a “Sales Funnel” for us. When it is complete, we will be able to start driving traffic to our site for automatic sign ups. Making sure all the bugs are ironed out is the most important part that must be finished before we can open the “flood gates”. We are getting closer and closer each and every month. But, we still have a ways to go. Patience is the name of the game when it comes to this equation.
In the Spotlight…this month. From time to time, we like to “Spotlight” a membershowing exceptional results. This month, we want to recognize member Ralph Calabrese from New Jersey. Ralph joined Quarterly Connection in February of this year. He works using his business name Calagraphics, Inc. As of this printing, in just a little over 3 months, Ralph has recruited 30 new members on his team. I expect for that number to be higher by the time you are reading this. Ralph is an “old school” marketer like many of our top leaders. We expect for him to continue to climb higher and higher up the leader board. Congratulations Ralph on a job well done! We will try to get Ralph to speak out on a weekly call and maybe give away some of his tips!
There will be no live event this year…as there were just not enough people that could attend. We decided that if we had 20 people that could attend, we would have a live event. We had 18…which means probably about 10 would actually make it. We were going to go ahead and have a live event anyway. But when we spoke with some of the Hotels that are close to DenverInternationalAirport, we found that the price would be the same for 10 or 100. Therefore, we have decided to put off having a live event until next year. We will start planning earlier and get everything lined up in advance. It is probably a smart move. By then, all of our systems will be 100% and we will probably have doubled in growth. It will just be better all the way around. We will still plan on July or August of next year. I know a few of you were counting on having one this year. It is just not good timing. Sorry. We will make it happen next year.
It’s ok to be broke…as long as you’re not stupid! Steve Lucas talked about this on one of the recent weekly calls. We got a lot of positive feedback from it so we decided to put it here…since most of you do not attend the weekly calls. Remember last month’s newsletter where we talked about staying in the game? There were 3 sign ups that came in from the co-op and their sponsors were in-active! No matter how you look at it. That is just plain…stupid! Like he said, it’s ok to be broke. Almost everyone has been broke at least once in their life. It’s ok. Bad things sometimes happen to good people. However, if you’re not stupid, you will always find a way to make some money so you are not broke anymore. But, if you’re stupid, then you will probably just stay broke forever. There is nothing much worse than being broke and stupid! That is about as bad as it gets! Broke and stupid! That is really bad! Nothing could be worse! That is…unless you are sick! Now that would be really, reallybad! Broke, stupid and sick! It couldn’t get any worse than broke, stupid and sick! That has to be as bad as it can get! That is…unless you are ugly! Broke, stupid, sick and ugly! That has to be the ultimate! (exert from Jim Rohn – how to avoid being broke, stupid, sick and ugly) We give all the credit to the late Jim Rohn, one of the all time great motivational speakers of our time. Long story short…don’t be one of those broke, stupid, sick and ugly people! Keep your memberships current! Stay active! Stay in the game! You never know when the next Ralph Calabrese is going to join your business. If you are in-active, he would be passed up to your sponsor! Be smart! Treat your business like a real business! Why? Because it is!
This month’s training is about the 80/20 Rule of Business…and how it affects you and yours. The 80/20 rule says that 80% of your results will come from 20% of your efforts. And 20% of your results will come from the other 80%. The 80/20 rule holds true for almost anything you can measure in your business. We have also talked about this on the weekly calls. (About 20% of you are on the weekly calls and you account for about 80% of all the sign-ups!) The 80/20 rule works in almost everything. If you have 10 rooms in your house, you will spend most all of your time in only 2 of them. Remember we keep talking about finding 3 or 4 good people in your down-line. The 80/20 rule is the reason why. If you have 10 people in your down-line, 2 of them will generate 80% of the new members in your group. The other 8 will only generate 20%. That means that, out of those 10 people, 2 of them are 16 times better than the other 8. You see, a good recruiter isn’t twice as good as the others. A good recruiter is 16 times better than the others. That’s why we say you’ll have to go through 20 or 30 people to find 3 or 4 good ones. It’s not magic. It just works that way. Here’s another example. Let’s talk about quarterly commissions. Only 20% of our members get to enjoy 80% of all commissions paid! We always find that pretty amazing! If you have 10 employees, 2 of them will be 16 times better than all the rest! As you can imagine, this rule can be put to good use. If you will remember, we encourage people to get to the L-2 level, which is sponsoring 10 people. While sponsoring 5 people gets you the first Infinity Bonus, which pays you $2 per person in your down-line…sponsoring 10 people gets you the $5 Infinity Bonus. But, it gets even better than that. Out of those 10 people, 2 of them will be top recruiters and will be 16 times as effective as the other 8! That is why your top leaders will always continue to recruit more and more people into their respective businesses. For every 10 people (on the average), they will end up with 2 that will become very effective marketers! That’s what makes down-lines grow. It is those 2 effective markets bringing in another 10 people in search of the 2 that will be 16 times more effective than the other 8! That’s why Jerry Ross didn’t stop after he had recruited 20 or 30 new members! No…he kept of going and currently has sponsored over 130! Steve Potter didn’t stop after he had recruited 20 or 30 members. No…he kept on going and has now sponsored 98 new members! He will be our next L-5 Leader! That’s how the 80/20 rule works folks! It’s not magic and it’s not rocket science. It just works. That’s all…it just works!
We hope you enjoyed this month’s news. If you have anything you would like for us to talk about, just let us know and we will be happy to give it a whirl!
Most Sincerely,
Your QC Staff