To: «Initial» «Surname» Date 1st August 2015
cc. Department of Occupational Health and Safety
School/Department file copy
Designated First Aider
You are appointed a Designated First Aider for «Location» until 31st July 2016. The conditions of your appointment are as follows:
1. The University authorises the establishment of posts of Designated First Aiders. Heads appoint holders of current First Aid Certificates to these posts normally for one year from 1st August.
2. The duties of Designated First Aiders include:
2.1 Maintaining first aid boxes for which they have agreed responsibility, including checking that items are in date and sufficient stocks maintained. Stocks are available on request from the Department of Occupational Health and Safety (except where other arrangements are in place).
2.2 Advising the Head of School/Department on matters relating to first aid requirements of staff in their area
2.3 Providing first aid to injured persons in the area and ensuring that injuries are recorded in the Accident Book. A Treatment Record Form must be completed and forwarded to the OHM for retention
2.4 Ensuring that adequate first aid cover is maintained as far as possible
2.5 Attending the Resuscitation Course held during the year, details of which will be notified
2.6 Such other duties as assigned.
3. A stipend of £200.28 p.a. (pro rata) will be paid to a full-time Designated First Aider .
Signed Head of School/Directorate
Notes: A. A Qualified First Aider who renders assistance to an injured person within the University is recognised by the University as acting in an authorised capacity in the event of any claim for compensation by the injured person, provided that the Qualified First Aider acts in a reasonable manner.
B. Qualified First Aiders are advised when in doubt about the extent of injuries of an individual to call an ambulance or taxi. Where an individual refuses aid, that fact must be documented on the Treatment Record Form.
IW/cao/dfaform/July 2015/pink