QC News – Updates & Training – May 2018

Welcome all new Members…and this is the way we like to start out each month. We are honored to have you as one of our newest Members! Current newsletters are included in all the Member Kits that go out. Only new Members get hard copy. After your first month, all future Newsletters can be found on our web site: . Click on the tab at the top that says “QC News”. You can also find previous newsletters there. You can also order hard copy of past newsletters using your order forms.

Happy Mother’s Day…to all the “Moms” out there! It seems that May is a busy month with winter finally gone and summer almost here. Soon we will forget what winter was like and most of us, depending on where you live, will be enjoying nice warm weather for a while.

In Quarterly Connection news…if you are on the weekly calls, you know that we faced more challenges trying to close out the quarter again. This was due to deleting all of the in-active distributors from the data base. Somewhere in the process, it caused a few problems with the pay schedule. So, after days and nights of trying to communicate with the programmers in India, we finally got the situation resolved and the reports printed. We were 10 days late getting all the checks in the mail. However, the good news is…the checks are finally all in the mail. It would have been even more embarrassing to have to get on yet another weekly call and not have this issue resolved. We are glad that it didn’t take any longer than it did!

The Reverse 2-Up System…is still doing well. We talked about it on the call last week. Sign ups are up and drop outs are down. That is always a good sign. Master Marketer Jerry Ross spoke out on the call in favor of the new system and let everyone know that he signed up 18 new members last quarter! Well done Jerry! People always want to know what Jerry’s secret is. His answer is always the same. There is no secret! He mails out the same flyer that everyone else does along with a cover letter. The big “secret” is…he mails out 30 pieces every day without fail. That is called being consistent! That’s the big “secret” folks!

Lucky Starz is still going strong…with no slow-down in sight. Each week is a little better than the last and we anticipate for that to keep happening even through the summer. New programs don’t slow down as much as the other programs in the summer months…simply because they are new.

There is a bit of disappointing news however. When we first kicked off Lucky Starz in December, there were 127 new members that joined for the month. We sent out the Renewal notices that were due here in the office by May 1st. As of this writing, only 52 people had renewed! Can you believe it??? Only 52!!! That leads us to the question, “Why did you join in the first place?” There is no other word except… “disappointing”. We try to teach people the importance of staying in the game. And then, to have less than a 50% renewal the very first billing period is…disappointing. You know who you are…

In Bitcoin news…it is still like a roller coaster. But, it seems to be steadily climbing once again. Lately, it has been over $9000 more often than it has been in the $8000 range. There are lots and lots of experts predicting huge price gains in the near future. The reality is, there is no way of knowing. If there are more buyers than sellers, the price will go up. If there are more sellers than there are buyers, the price will go down. That’s just how it works. Our position is…we will remain “cautiously optimistic”! We also believe that it will not be long before Bitcoin makes another “Bull Run” and shoots for the Moon! The only question is…“When?”

Until next month…everyone take care and may God Bless you and yours!

Your QC Staff