Altamonte Elementary School

3rd Grade Newsletter

FSA is fast approaching! During this testing time, please make sure your child is going to bed early. The morning of the test, students should eat a healthy breakfast.

Focusing on…

Here’s a preview of the skills we will be working on this month!

English/Language Arts (ELA) Focus Skills:September

  • Focus Skills:

Compare and Contrasting, Point of View, Theme, Character Traits

Grammar: Common misspelled words

  • Writing: Growing sentences with adding vivid verbs and adjectives. Focus on Narrative pieces. Telling a story to answer our W-H question words.

Math Focus Skills: Unit 3: Measurement

  • Tell time to the nearest minute
  • Tell time intervals as elapsed time
  • Measure liquid volumes and masses
  • Measure length

Science Focus Skills:

Plant Parts and Responses

  • Describe structures of plants
  • Recognize that plants use energy

Social Studies Focus: Government

  • World Communities

Spelling Lists

List 1

above / afraid
another / nickel
upon / sugar
animal / circus
paper / item
open / gallon
family / melon

List 2

question / vacation
creature / mansion
furniture / fiction
division / feature
collision / sculpture
action / vision
direction / celebration

List 3

leadership / unbearably
impossibly / ownership
gracefully / unacceptable
refreshment / reappear
uncomfortable / unprepared
overdoing / oncoming
remarkable / misbehaving

List 4

cloth / deal
clothes / dealt
nature / please
natural / pleasant
able / sign
ability / signal
mean / signature


HOMEWORK: Students should be reading a minimum of 30 mins every night. Parents should encourage discussion with your child about what they are reading to check for understanding. Please also speak with your child about reading an even amount of fiction and nonfiction books. Math facts are also a necessity for fluency. This will range from adding to subtracting to multiplication facts. Students are also encouraged to work on iReady Reading and Math for 20 minutes per session.

PLANNERS: Please check and sign planners nightly! This is our most immediate form of communication with home!

DIVIDENDS: If you are interested in being a dividend at our school or for field trips, please fill out the application online to be processed. The process for approval may take anywhere from 1-3 weeks. Even if you have applied in the past, every year, you are required to reapply.

Questions? Contact us!

Mrs. Ortiz

Mrs. Fentress

Mrs. Keener

Ms. Downer

Mrs. Strittmatter

Mrs. Adams

Ms. Batcheler

Mrs. Kindy