Q1 Write below manpower planning (MP):

a)Definition b) Need c) Advantages

Ans:- a)As per to Eric W. Vetter, MP is a vital process where themanagement determines how firm should move from its presentmanpower position to a desired manpower position. As per Stainer,MP is strategy for the procurement, development, allocation and utilization of an enterprise’s HR.As per,K. F. Turkman MP can be an attempt to match supply of people with the jobs available . Statistical techniques have been used to ascertain the supply

of people with the jobs available.Asper,BruceColeman,it determines manpower need & means for meeting those needs in order to carry out the integrated plan

b)The shortage of certain categories of e/or variety of skillsdespite the problem of unemployment. The rapid change in technology,marketing, management etc. and the consequent need for new skills andnew categories of e. The changes in firm design and

structure affecting e-demand. The demographic changes like thechanging profile of e in terms of age, sex education etc.

The Govt. policies in respect to reservation, child labor, working conditionsetc.Every firm needs investments of funds. The art of maximizing returnsfrom such investments within the framework of law and ethics requires thatthe right numbers of e are available for the open positions at the righttime, at the right place with the right competencies, attitude and values for

doing the right things. Imagine, your firm needs 1000 people, and your business always has

300 less HR than required in most of the months. Will your firm be able to achieve the goals and objectives it set out at beginning of the year? If it does not achieve the goals and objectives

planned, it will not be able to generate the returns promised by themanagement of the company to be given away to its shareholders ordirectors or investors. If the business is not able to build and maintain itscredibility with various stakeholders, the business starts to fail.

Similarly if your business needs 1000 people and your business is alwaysoverstaffed by 300 people then the cost of the additional e,infrastructure cost for the additional e & mgmt costs for the additional eats away into the profit,hence the need for MP.

c)MP has gained wide recognition as a reliable tool foreffective HRM.MP helps firms in utilizing HR better through effective planning & timely execution. it assists firm in anticipating the future trends in the demand forand supply of labour. It replaces haphazard and thumb rule approachestowards HRM with a well-planned, systematic andscientific approach. HR plans are capable of serving both the long-term and short –term HRneed offirm.It helps firm in determining the career growth of each employeein a systematic manner.It helps firm in creating and maintaining a satisfied , well-trainedand skillful workforce.

Q2 Write below manpower forecasting (MF):

a) Definition b) Need c)Types


a)As per American historian, sociologist and philosopher LewisMumford, “If we do not take the time to review the past we shall not havesufficient insight to understand the present or command the future: for thepast never leaves us, and the future is already here.”

MF is the very first step or feature of the entire MP activity.Heewe foresees the demand and supply of different types of HR. It is to see where or in which area there is a shortage or surplus of Hr need.MF is the process of making judgments about

events whose actual outcomes have not been seen. We could use a wordlike prediction which is similar, but a more general term.

b)Necessity:It is key as It helps management decide whether the product or
product line will be successful.MF prevents the company from
spending time and money developing, manufacturing, and marketing aproduct that will fail.
c) Types of MF are as:
1) Short-Term MF are very useful at the micro-level or we can also saycompany level, e.g., a chain hotel makes financial statement for itsexpenditures keeping in view both the ongoing projects and the projects inthe pipeline. The financial provisions have to be made for both the expectedand unexpected expenditures. These are usually made for aperiod not exceeding two years aiming to facilitate estimation of financialprovision for wages/salaries in the programmes/projects initiated.
2) Medium-Term MF
For most countries medium term is about 2 to 5 years - the horizon forplanning. These are useful in those offices wheremanpower is concerned with advising ministers or preparing contingencyplans to meet the 'twists and turns of economic circumstances orinternational events'.
3) Long-Term MF are for a period more than five years are considered as long-termforecasts. These are useful in educational planning, particularlyrelating to the highly skilled professional categories of manpower. They arealso useful in the preparation of corporate plans incorporating productivitychanges, technological changes and major organisational developments.
4) Policy Conditional MFare determined bythe policy towards the factors which influence the demand for manpower.
Such MF may be based on a rule of thumb, or onprofessional judgement, or on an explicitly specified model or anycombination of the three.
5) Optimising MF are obtained as solutions toan optimising model in which numbers demanded of various categories ofmanpower are so determined that either the end benefits are maximised, orcost of resources used in achieving a pre-determined end objective isminimised.
6) Macro MF are done usually at the national, industry sector andregion state levels whereas Micro MF are made at the enterprise ordepartment level. Macro MFs are used for planning,
education and training facilities as well as to make decisions regardingchoice and location of industries for development whereas MicroMF are needed primarily for planning recruitment,
promotion, training and counselling in accordance with the plan for thedevelopment of enterprise or department concerned. Forecasts at this levelare, therefore, required to be in greater details as well as precise. The microforecasts are usually expressed in terms of numbers required for eachoccupation, source and stage of recruitment, and scheduling of training.
Q3 Write below E-Recruitment’(E-R):
a) Definition b) Kinds c) Online recruitment c) Advantages and disadvantages

Buzzword and the latest trend in R is the “E-R ” or“Online R t”. In this internet based tools are used to assist R processes. E.g.: naukri.com, careers section of firm website etc. Many big and small organizations are using Internet as asource of R . They advertise job vacancies through the internet.

Job seekers send in their applications or CV via email.The internet penetration in India is increasing and has tremendous potential.As per NASSCOM – “Jobs is among the top reasons whynew users will come on to the internet, besides e-mail.” There are more than18 million resume’s floating online across the world.

b)Two kinds ofe-R options that an organization can use are:

Job Portals: Post an opening with JD & job specification onthe job portal. Search for suitable resumes available on the portal and invitecandidates for an interview.

Careers Section On Company’s Own Website: Create a complete onlineR /application section in the careers section of the company’s ownwebsite. The ‘passive’ job seekers can submit their resumes into thedB of firm for consideration in future, as and when the

roles become available.

Resume Scanner is a facility offered by job portals to employers. Employerscan filter, select &screen resumes on pre-defined criteria andrequirements (skills, qualifications, experience, payroll etc.) of the job.

c)OnlineR Techniques

Provide a detailed JD& job specifications in the job posting toattract candidates with the right skill sets and qualifications.Review applications using the filter and screening method. Don’t print, justscreen online.E-R is the “Evolving face of R .”

d)Advantages :Cost of posting jobs online are low vs. advertising in newspapersNo intermediaries or middle men handling CV’sHiring time is reduced for R . Works 24x7x365.

Facilitates recruitment of right type of people with requisite competenciesShort-listing is automated and quick


Require being computer savvy: The process is restricted within computersavvy candidates. As the search is based on various websites, theirscreening, keywords application demands for a computer savvy person andcompany.

Legal consequences: Alike other R - sources this source alsoshould be aware of the words used in the advertisements otherwise it maylead to the charge of discrimination. E.g Disney World was suedfor screening the resumes preferring the key words used by whites

Vast pool of applicants:It is good as well as bad to them also.As huge database cannot be scanned in depth. Either first few candidates are called for interview or the resumes

are screened based on some key words. On the other hand applicants also

face global competition.

Lot of applicants forward their resumes just to know their market value. As personally the candidates are not checked thus whether they are serious is not known. At the time of interview the recruiter might realize that the candidate is not serious in leaving the current job. But

by that time some serious candidates might have been rejected.

Disclosure of information: Candidates profile and company details areavailable to public. The applicants do not want their employer to know thatthey are looking for a change. Phone number, address information has leadto many security problems. Again the companies do not want theircompetitors always to know the current scenario

Q4 Write below induction program(IP):
a) Necessity b) Types
a)IP is meant to enable a new e to become productive and getintegrated with the team faster and hence start feeling good about his/herjoining the new firm. The aim is not to “throw someone into the deep end”.
But to create an environment for the new e to become productiveand part of the team in a manner that the person will be able to quickly startperforming and also start undertaking large responsibilities. The idea is thate should not be expected to perform without understanding how
to do their job, or how their role fits in with the rest of the company. A goodIP can increase productivity and reduce short-termturnover of staff.

b)Types of IP may be as:

i) Informal IP

In this the new e are instructed to report to the HR department foran explanation of firm- policies before being referred to the managerfor on the job briefing on specific work process.

In informal orientation, new e are put directly on the job and areexpected to adjust themselves on the new job and organization. Informalorientation tends to be brief; may last for an hour or may be less than anhour.

Example: A sales person is asked to go along with a tenured highperforming sales person or his manager to make sales calls and learn aboutthe product and the selling skills during the calls.

ii)FormalIP:Here the management has a structured program which is executed when

new e join the firm.It is more elaborate & is spread over a couple of weeks or months. Most of these have 3 stages:

General introduction to the organization is often given by the HR Department.Specific orientation to the job and the department, typically is given by thesupervisor or manager.

Follow up meeting to verify that the important issues have been addressedand employee questions have been answered. This follow up meetingusually takes place after a week of joining between the new employee andthe manager.Formal IP is shared by the HR specialists andmanagers. The HR manager covers areas such as:

Introduction: to supervisors, trainers and colleagues.

Organization issues: organization history, history of the employer, namesand titles of important executives, departments, layout of physical facilities,Page No.: 181

probationary period, product line, production procedure, organizationpolicies and procedures, disciplinary regulations, safety procedures.

Employee benefits: pay scale, pay days, vacation and holidays, rest breaks,training and education benefits, counselling, insurance benefits, retirementprogramme etc.

Supervisors outline the main job duties: job location, task and overview ofjob, safety requirements and relationship to other jobs.Choice b/w formal & informal Formal IP will depend mainly on goals and objectives of the organization. The more formal the programme

the more the new e will acquire a set of standards. Manyorganizations prepare certain induction manual and induction power-pointpresentations which they keep on the intranet. These can be accessed onlyby the company employees. It is helpful when employees join in small

numbers at different point of time, when a separate induction programmecannot be held. This is also helpful to clarify any doubts an employee mayhave regarding certain organizational practices. In an informal programmeindividual differences are maintained.

Q5 Write below talent engagement (TE):
a) Definition b) importance c) driving factors

a)TE is the concept which explains the degree to which a talent (E) is emotionally bonded to his firm & passionate about his work.TE is the level of commitment a person has towards his firm & its values.

An engaged talent (employee) is well aware of the organizations businesscontext, and how to work with colleagues to improve performance in his/herjob and thereby benefit the organization.TE forms a criticalingredient for an individual as well as the organizations’ success. TE is strongly influenced by the depth of the leadership and itsqualities as well as organizations culture.TE creates an atmosphere for employees to go beyond jobresponsibilities to delight customers and promote business. It is a powerfulretention strategy.

b)Managers should essentially cultivate engagement in the organizationas failure to do that causes a lack of commitment and motivationamongst e.TE is linked to talent turnover,

customer satisfaction, loyalty and profitability.

The importance of TE is that it helps

Create and sustain world class processes

Contribute greatly to society at large

Lower stress and allows more healthier lives

Achieve greater work-life balance

Allows more peace on earth

Increase ability to attract new talent

Increase ability to innovate

c)Driving Factors of TE are:

Employer’s ability to create the conditions that promote TE

Employees own unique psychological makeup and experiences

Nature of interaction between talented employees at all levels in the


The above listed aspects are the responsibility of an organization and theyhave to create an environment and culture which is conductive to thispartnership.

Some of the other driving factors are:

Higher productivity

Higher employee commitment

Higher profits

Higher client satisfaction

Q5 Write below exit process:

a) employee exit process (EEP) b)Operational Responsibilities c)Difference between exit surveys (ES) exit interviews(EI)

a)E-turnover is key aspect that affects MP. When Eleaves firm,he takes with him the knowledge & experience he had, which cannot be monetarily measured and that cannot be easily recreated. E-turnover is a ratio comparison of number of

E a company must replace in a given time period to the average

number of total E. In order to reduce E - turnover, many firms see EEP . They make a proper plan for EI to see causes for e- turnover & also find suitable practices for e- retention.

b)Operational Responsibilities |basic housekeeping. Immediately before or on the date

of departure e looks into basic “housekeeping” issues. Many use “Exit Checklists as:

IT Checklist

Clean-up local hard drive

Clean-up network drives (personal & work)

Let them know what to do with network job files

Return manuals and disks

Delete organization software from personal laptops or other home


Signature of E who reviews the checklist: ______

Administration Checklist

Return all Office Keys

Clear out the office desk, files; return all stationary /supplies/ equipment

to production; take all personal belongings

Return Credit Cards (if any)

Have address changed on letters, bills/forwarded at post office/ courier

Hand in all copies of reports, files, manuals etc

File all work, or arrange with someone responsible for filing work file

when job is complete (do not leave any work files in office)

Signature of E who reviews the checklist: ______

HR Checklist

Leave forwarding address

Telephone Number

Facsimile (fax) Number

Mobile Number

Hand in all appropriate forms

Signature of E who reviews the checklist: ______

Page No.: 251

Exit Survey(ES) / EI
It is documenting, “e’s general impressions,” of firm. Employers document e’s impressions of their work experience for later use in improving firm functionalities. Forward thinking HR managers track the circumstances of e-exits &outgoing perceptions of those e. This data offers insights for enhancing SOPs, e incentive programs, organizational structure, managerial approach etc. To ensure that basic e exit data can be evaluated reliably with statistical analysis, it must be collected in a standard format.Some firm specialize in this type of evaluation. E- should meet professional & legal need. / It is viewed as the “personal & professional closure.” The employer &
E accomplish proper closure with a face-to-face EI . EI is generally conducted by impartial persons such as an HR manager or a senior leader of firm. The idea is that E
should tend to be more forthright than disagreeable. Some firms
engage 3rd party to conduct such EI & provide honest
feedback.Its aim is to gather data to improve upon lacunae it may have in its working conditions so that it helps in retaining
otherE. A questionnaire includes common questions as reasons for leaving, job satisfaction level, frustrations & feedback
concerning firm.