Pre-AP World History Agenda
April30and May 01(Monday and Tuesday)
Era II: Classical Civilizations and the Rise of Religious Traditions, 1000 b.c.e. to 500 c.e

By the end of this unit, students will demonstrate knowledge of civilizations and empires of the Eastern Hemisphere and their interactions through regional trade patterns by:

1)locating major trade routes;

2)identifying technological advances and transfers, networks of economic interdependence, and cultural interactions;

3)describing Japan, with emphasis on the impact of Shinto and Buddhist traditions and the influence of Chinese culture;

4)describing east African kingdoms of Axum and Zimbabwe and west African civilizations of Ghana, Mali, and Songhai in terms of geography, society, economy, and religion.

By the end of this unit, students will demonstrate knowledge of the major civilizations and empires of the Western Hemisphere, including the Mayan, Aztec, and Incan, by:

1)describing geographic relationships, with emphasis on patterns of development in terms of climate and physical features;

2)describing cultural patterns and political and economic structures.

Unit Overview:

April18/19Eastern Hemisphere Overview / Africa: Great Zimbabwe and Axum

April20 and 23Africa: Ghana, Mali, and Songhai / Japan

April24/25Western Hemisphere Overview /Americas: Maya, Aztec, and Incas

April26/27Recap: Eastern and Western Hemispheres

April30/May 01Eastern and Western Hemispheres Exam


We will demonstrate our knowledge of the Eastern / Western Hemispheres.

Closing Task:

What was the most difficult part of the exam? Why? How could you have better prepared? Explain.

Part I – Africa and Americas Empires Exam – Multiple Choice (40 minutes) Individual

Take the exam, choosing the best answer for each question. You MUST write your answer BOTH on your exam AND on the scantron. If you have any questions, please raise your hand and I will come to you to provide an answer.

Part II – Table Top Activity (15 minutes) Group

Follow the instructions as you complete a team building Exam activity. This will allow the possibility of earning BONUS POINTS on the exam!

Part III – Homework Time (Time Remaining) Individual

Use the remaining time to start working on your next assignment, reading Chapter 13, Section 1 and preparing for a Reading Quiz on this material.


The following assignment is due NEXT CLASS (May 02/03):

  1. Read and take notes on Chapter 13.1 (p317). Be ready for a Reading Quiz on this material.