Qualitative Data Repository (QDR), Center for Qualitative and Multi Method Inquiry (CQMI), Syracuse University

Data Deposit Form[*]

Please answer each question below. Contact QDR with any questions you have(). When you have filled out the form completely, please give it the following file name – “QDR - Data Deposit Form- YOURLASTNAME” – and email it to QDR. Thanks!

Q1. Title of the research project

Title in the original language and English, if different.


Q1a. If we need to refer to the project with a short title, what would you like it to be? If original title is no more than five words, please type “Not applicable.”


Q2.Data abstract

A data abstract is a short, self-contained statement that describes the scope and products of the data collection process, and the types of data being deposited.Data abstracts allow QDR users to effectively browse and search QDR holdings.


Q3. Please describe the steps you took to prepare data for sharing (for instance, anonymization). If you deemed that none wasnecessary, please indicate “No special preparation for sharing was needed.”


Qualitative Data Repository (QDR), Center for Qualitative and Multi Method Inquiry (CQMI), Syracuse University

Q4.Data files description

Please describe your data project in detail, filling in each column for each file you are depositing (see codes below the table). Use as many rows as you need to inventory ALL the data files you are depositing. The more information you provide, the more useful your data project becomes. Please give related items (e.g., the audio file and written transcript of an interview, or documents and field notes concerning the same case) file names that are consistent across data forms so links can be made among the different types of items.

File name / Type of data** / Short description of contents of file / Copyright status*** / Human subjects status**** / For any source that is difficult to access (e.g., archival document, rare historical and/or non-US published book, etc.), describe where the original source is held.
For all others indicate “N/A”.

(Please add more rows to the table as needed, using the tab key.)

** Data will typically be of one of the types listed below. If some of your data do not fall into these categories, please indicate the type in your own words.

  • Audio/video from interaction with human subjects
  • Transcription of recording of, or notes from, interaction with human subject(s)
  • Field notes
  • Newspaper article
  • Output from qualitative analysis software
  • Picture
  • Primary document
  • Quantitative data
  • Scan of ephemera
  • Secondary source

*** Please use these codes to indicate copyright (CR) status. For any file that does not fall into any of these categories, please indicate the status in your own words.

CR-i: Copyright issues are irrelevant to the material in this file;

CR-ii: I have implicit or explicit copyright to the material in this file and have the right to make it publicly available through QDR;

CR-iii: The material in this file is in the public domain and no permissions are required to make it publicly available through QDR;

CR-iv: I have provided QDR with third-party permission so the material in this file can be made publicly available through QDR;

CR-v: I do not hold the copyright to or third-party permission to share the material in this file. It is being deposited for sharing to the extent permissible by fair use, and for record and safe-keeping purposes only and should not be made publicly available through QDR.

**** Please use the following codes to indicate human subjects (HS) status. For any file that does not fall into any of these categories, please indicate the status in your own words.

HS-i: Materialin this file was not obtained through interaction with human subjects and thus has no human subjects-related constraints;

HS-ii: Material in this file was not obtained with a promise of confidentiality and so may be made publicly available through QDR;

HS-iii: Material in this file was obtained with a promise of confidentiality to research subjects, but I have removed all information directly identifying the research subjects, and have used due diligence in preventing information in the project from being used to disclose the identity of the research subjects. The material may thus be made publicly available through QDR;

HS-iv: Material in this file was obtained with a promise of confidentiality to research subjects and hasnot been anonymized. The material is being deposited for record and safe-keeping purposes only, and should not be made publicly available through QDR.

Qualitative Data Repository (QDR), Center for Qualitative and Multi Method Inquiry (CQMI), Syracuse University

Q5.Documentation files description

Please briefly describe the documentation files that you are submitting with your data. We refer here to anyresearch instruments used in connection with generating datasuch as consent forms, interview protocols, interviewer instructions, survey questionnaires, topic guides, copyright permissions, etc. If your documentation falls under other categories, please indicate the type in your own words.

File name / Type and brief description

(Please add more rows to the table as needed using the tab key.)

Q6.If the research that generated these data was supported by external funding, has your funding agency placed any constraints on or stipulated any requirements concerning sharing the data? If so, please describe them.


Q7. Logic of activation and annotation (for active-citation compilationsonly)

Please outline the logic by which you activated citations, and annotated citations, below. If you followed the logic you described in your Project Proposal Form, please simply indicate this.

Q7a. Please indicate the logic by which you activated citations. How did you decide which citations to activate?


Q7b. Please indicate the logic by which you annotated citations. How did you decide which citations to annotate? If there is a set of citations that you activated but did not annotate, could you explain that choice?


Q8. Is there any additional information you would like QDR to know about this deposit?

In particular, if any significant information listed in your original Project Proposal has changed, please indicate this here.


Q9. Are the data published anywhere else? If so, please indicate the location (including the URL).


Q10.Published products (monographs, journal articles, book chapters, etc.)

If the data or any subset of the data were used in publications, please list these here, indicating the complete reference information (author(s), title, series or journal, editor, place and date of publication, URL, DOI, etc.).


Q11.Non-published products (reports, working papers, etc.)

Please indicate any works in progress or more informal products based on these data. Please provide as much information aspossible.


Q12. Data transfer

Please consult with QDR staff when you are ready to transfer all of your files.

Q13. Depositor (corresponding author)





Additional materials required for data deposit:

QDR staff will use the information collected in this Data Deposit Form, the Project ProposalFormyou submitted earlier, and the Standard Deposit Agreement/Special Deposit Agreement(confirming you have satisfied external constraints and stipulating access conditions for the data) to completethe repository’s metadata requirements. Metadata (data about your data) are vital to ensure the long-term preservation and accessibility of the data you share via QDR.

[*] The format and content of this document draw on the Data Deposit form used by the UK Data Service, the New Project Description form used by FORS-DARIS and the Data Deposit form used by ICPSR.