Survey Report, November 2016
Commuting Habits at Northern Michigan University in Marquette, MI
Q0 - Are you a student or an employee at NMU?
1 / Student / 71.02% / 875
2 / Employee / 28.98% / 357
Total / 100% / 1232
Q1 - If you happen to be a student at NMU, what year are you?
# / Answer / % / Count1 / Freshman / 17.16% / 140
2 / Sophmore / 16.54% / 135
3 / Junior / 23.16% / 189
4 / Senior / 37.25% / 304
5 / Graduate Student / 5.88% / 48
Total / 100% / 816
Q2 - Do you live in on-campus housing or in off-campus housing?
# / Answer / % / Count1 / On - Campus / 43.33% / 354
2 / Off - Campus / 56.67% / 463
Total / 100% / 817
Q3 - As a student at NMU (Undergraduate or Graduate), what is your primary mode of transportation to campus?
# / Answer / % / Count1 / Walking / 40.76% / 333
2 / Bicycling / 8.81% / 72
3 / Vanpooling or Carpooling / 2.57% / 21
4 / Driving Car (commuting by yourself) / 44.43% / 363
5 / Public Transportation / 0.86% / 7
6 / Campus Shuttle / 2.08% / 17
7 / Motorcycle or Scooter / 0.49% / 4
Total / 100% / 817
Q4 - When traveling to campus, which method of transportation do you prefer to take? (Please rank in order of preference, 1 being most preferred & 4 being least preferred)
Question / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / TotalCar / 53.31% / 386 / 24.03% / 174 / 17.68% / 128 / 4.97% / 36 / 724
Walk / 32.04% / 232 / 27.07% / 196 / 28.45% / 206 / 12.43% / 90 / 724
Bike / 13.40% / 97 / 35.91% / 260 / 39.36% / 285 / 11.33% / 82 / 724
Public Transportation / 1.24% / 9 / 12.98% / 94 / 14.50% / 105 / 71.27% / 516 / 724
Q5 - When driving to or from NMU's campus, what road do you generally take?
# / Answer / % / Count1 / Third Street / 9.71% / 79
2 / Fourth Street / 12.90% / 105
3 / Seventh Street / 13.51% / 110
4 / Other / 31.20% / 254
5 / I do not drive to campus / 32.68% / 266
Total / 100% / 814
Q6 - When biking to or from NMU's campus, what road or path do you generally take?
# / Answer / % / Count1 / Third Street (Using Bike Lane) / 4.54% / 37
2 / Fourth Street / 5.77% / 47
3 / Seventh Street / 3.80% / 31
4 / Bike Path along Lakeshore Boulevard / 4.29% / 35
5 / Sidewalks / 16.93% / 138
6 / Other / 8.34% / 68
7 / I do not bike to campus / 56.32% / 459
Total / 100% / 815
Q7 - Which variables do you consider when choosing to ride your bicycle for transportation? (Select all that apply
# / Answer / % / Count1 / Time of Day / 49.23% / 320
2 / Weather Conditions / 84.46% / 549
3 / Traffic Conditions / 14.92% / 97
4 / Other Variable(s) / 22.62% / 147
Total / 100% / 650
Q8 - Approximately, how many MILES round trip do you travel from your housing residence to NMU's campus per week?
# / Answer / % / Count1 / 1 - 5 Miles / 53.89% / 436
2 / 5 - 10 Miles / 18.91% / 153
3 / 10 - 20 Miles / 10.51% / 85
4 / 20 - 30 Miles / 4.94% / 40
5 / 30 + Miles / 11.74% / 95
Total / 100% / 809
Q9 - Approximately, how many round trips do you take to travel from your housing residence to NMU's campus per week?
# / Answer / % / Count1 / 1 - 5 Trips / 41.04% / 330
2 / 6 -1 0 Trips / 43.16% / 347
3 / 10 + Trips / 15.80% / 127
Total / 100% / 804
Q10 - If you bike, do you feel safe biking in the bike lanes throughout the City of Marquette?
# / Answer / % / Count1 / not applicable / 40.14% / 297
2 / very unsafe / 4.46% / 33
3 / somewhat unsafe / 11.76% / 87
4 / neither safe nor unsafe / 8.24% / 61
5 / somewhat safe / 27.16% / 201
6 / very safe / 8.24% / 61
Total / 100% / 740
Q11 - Should there be more or fewer bike lanes throughout the City of Marquette?
# / Answer / % / Count1 / More / 47.26% / 379
2 / Neutral / 44.89% / 360
3 / Fewer / 7.86% / 63
Total / 100% / 802
Q12 - Do you live in on-campus housing or in off-campus housing?
# / Answer / % / Count1 / On - Campus / 1.17% / 4
2 / Off - Campus / 98.83% / 339
Total / 100% / 343
Q13- As an employee at NMU, what is your primary mode of transportation to campus?
# / Answer / % / Count1 / Walking / 3.72% / 13
2 / Bicycling / 3.72% / 13
3 / Vanpooling or Carpooling / 4.87% / 17
4 / Driving Car (commuting by yourself) / 87.11% / 304
5 / Public Transportation / 0.29% / 1
6 / Campus Shuttle / 0.29% / 1
7 / Motorcycle or Scooter / 0.00% / 0
Total / 100% / 349
Q14 - When traveling to campus, which method of transportation do you prefer to take? (Please rank in order of preference, 1 being most preferred & 4 being least preferred)
Question / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / TotalCar / 75.78% / 194 / 12.89% / 33 / 8.20% / 21 / 3.13% / 8 / 256
Walk / 10.94% / 28 / 33.20% / 85 / 30.47% / 78 / 25.39% / 65 / 256
Bike / 11.72% / 30 / 32.03% / 82 / 47.66% / 122 / 8.59% / 22 / 256
Public Transportation / 1.56% / 4 / 21.88% / 56 / 13.67% / 35 / 62.89% / 161 / 256
Q15 - When driving to or from NMU's campus, what road do you generally take?
# / Answer / % / Count1 / Third Street / 7.23% / 25
2 / Fourth Street / 11.56% / 40
3 / Seventh Street / 30.92% / 107
4 / Other / 48.55% / 168
5 / I do not drive to campus / 1.73% / 6
Total / 100% / 346
Q16 - When biking to or from NMU's campus, what road or path do you generally take?
# / Answer / % / Count1 / Third Street (Using Bike Lane) / 2.91% / 10
2 / Fourth Street / 4.07% / 14
3 / Seventh Street / 7.27% / 25
4 / Bike Path along Lakeshore Boulevard / 9.59% / 33
5 / Sidewalks / 3.49% / 12
6 / Other / 13.37% / 46
7 / I do not bike to campus / 59.30% / 204
Total / 100% / 344
Q17 - Which variables do you consider when choosing to ride your bicycle for transportation? (Select all that apply)
# / Answer / % / Count1 / Time of Day / 32.99% / 65
2 / Weather Conditions / 76.14% / 150
3 / Traffic Conditions / 11.17% / 22
4 / Other Variable(s) / 49.75% / 98
Total / 100% / 197
Q18 - Approximately, how many MILES round trip do you travel from your housing residence to NMU's campus per week?
# / Answer / % / Count1 / 1 - 5 Miles / 28.45% / 99
2 / 5 - 10 Miles / 12.07% / 42
3 / 10 - 20 Miles / 16.38% / 57
4 / 20 - 30 Miles / 12.07% / 42
5 / 30 + Miles / 31.03% / 108
Total / 100% / 348
Q19 - Approximately, how many round trips do you take to travel from your housing residence to NMU's campus per week?
# / Answer / % / Count1 / 1 - 5 Trips / 54.78% / 189
2 / 6 -1 0 Trips / 37.68% / 130
3 / 10 + Trips / 7.54% / 26
Total / 100% / 345
Q20 - If you bike, do you feel safe biking in the bike lanes throughout the City of Marquette?
# / Answer / % / Count1 / not applicable / 43.40% / 115
2 / very unsafe / 6.79% / 18
3 / somewhat unsafe / 16.60% / 44
4 / neither safe nor unsafe / 6.42% / 17
5 / somewhat safe / 20.75% / 55
6 / very safe / 6.04% / 16
Total / 100% / 265
Q21 - Should there be more or fewer bike lanes throughout the City of Marquette?
# / Answer / % / Count1 / More / 35.98% / 118
2 / Neutral / 49.39% / 162
3 / Fewer / 14.63% / 48
Total / 100% / 328