Supplemental Appendix 1:The Questionnaire Sheet

Q1. Gender: Female Male

Q2. Current age (years):

Q3. Age at cancer diagnosis (years):

Q4. Age at treatment completion (years):

Q5. Residential area (prefecture):

Q6. Treatment received area (prefecture):

Q7. Cancer diagnosis:

Q8. Treatment received: 1. Chemotherapy 2. Radiation 3. Surgery 4. Stem-cell transplantation 5. Immunotherapy 6. Other

Q9. Regular routine check-up (per year): 1. Once every several years 2. Once 3. Twice 4. Three times 5. More than four times 6. None

Q10. Current health status: Good Fair Moderate Poor Bad

Q11. Late effects: 1. Yes (go to Q11-1) 2. No (go to Q12)

Q11-1. Please specify:

Q12. The disability qualification: 1. Yes (go to Q13-1 and Q13-2) 2. No (go to Q14)

Q13-1. Please specify: e.g., Shintai Shougaisha-techo・Seishin Shougaisha-techo・Ryoyo techo.

Q13-2. Employed: 1. Yes (go to Q15) 2. No (go to Q15)

Q14. Do you need the disability qualification? 1. Yes (go to Q14-1) 2. No (go to Q15)

Q14-1. Please specify the reason(s):

Q15. Educational achievement 1. Junior high-school 2. High-school 3. College 4. Vocational school 5. University 6. Graduate school 7. Dropped out

Q15-1. If you chose “dropped out” in Q15, please specify the reason(s):

Q16. Married: Yes (go to Q16-1) No (go to Q18)

Q16-1. Please specify the number of years married and the number of your children you have:

Q17. Please specify any marriage-related problems:

Q18. What type of worries do you have? 1. Academic achievement 2. Employment 3. Family-related 4. Friends or lovers 5. Character and life 6. Health-related 7. Self-appearance 8. Others (go to Q18-1) 9. No particular worry

Q18-1. If you chose “other” in Q18, please specify:

Q18-2. Please specify the worrisome

Q19. Your economic status: 1. Good 2. Fair 3. Poor 4. Bad 5. Unknown

Q20. Employment: 1. Yes (go to Q21) 2. Not at present (go to Q24) 3. Never (go to Q24) 4. Student (go to Q31)

<Employed childhood cancer survivors Q21-Q23>

Q21. Job satisfaction: 1. Good 2. Fair 3. Moderate 4. Poor 5. Bad (want to quit)

Q22. Influence of childhood cancer experience 1. A lot 2. Fair 3. Moderate 4. A little 5. Not at all

Q22-1. Please specify any influencing problems from Q22:

Q23. Shared about the cancer diagnosis with employers and/or colleagues: Yes No

Q23-1. Please specify the reason(s) for your response to Q23:

<Un-employed childhood cancer survivors Q24-Q30>

Q24 Please specify the reason(s) for unemployment: 1. Failure despite job-seeking 2. Not job-seeking 3. Unable to get a job because of late effects 4. Other

Q24-1. If you chose “other” in Q24, please specify the reason(s):

Q25. Some difficulties in employment caused by childhood cancer experience: 1. Yes (go to Q25-1) 2. No (go to Q26)

Q25-1. Please specify the reason(s):

Q26 Worry about unemployment: 1. Not at all 2. A little 3. Moderately 4. Some 5. A lot 6. Other

Q26-1. If you chose other in Q26, please specify the reason(s):

Q27. Do your parents: 1. Prefer you to work 2. Have no preference about your work 3. Prefer that you do no work 4. Unknown

Q28. Major living costs are covered by: 1. Yourself 2. Parents 3. Siblings 4. Spouse 4. Public help 5. Grandparents 6. Other

Q28-1. If you chose “other” in Q28, please specify the person(s):

Q29. Do you want to work if your employer understands CCSs? 1. Yes, a lot of work 2. Yes, if possible 3. No, not much work 4. No, never 5. It depends on the job 6. Other

Q29-1. If you chose “other” in Q29, please specify the reason(s):

Q30. Do you want a job-training facility, such as The Heart Link working project, in your living prefecture? 1. Yes 2. No

<Students Q31

Q31. Do you have any worries about your future employment? 1. Yes (go to Q31-1) 2. No (go to Q32)

Q31-1. Please specify your worries:


Q32. Please freely write your opinions