Date Last Updated: November 1, 2013
Planning Supplement
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Where can I find the Planning Supplement?
A: The Planning Supplement is located on the Polaris Supplier Information System ( under the “Doing Business” Section.
Q: Who should I contact if I have questions about my Planning Supplement?
A: If you have any questions regarding the data contained on your Planning Supplement (such as due dates and quantities), please contact your Polaris Central Planner. If you have a technical question about the system (such as gaining access), please send an email to .
Q: How often will the Planning Supplement be updated?
A: The Planning Supplement will be updated each weekend. If Polaris runs a mid-week Planning Schedule a new Planning Supplement will be available at that time as well.
Q: Is Purchase Order activity updated in real time?
A: No. The Planning Supplement is a snapshot in time document and is only updated once a week or when Planning Schedules are generated.
Q: How do I print the Planning Supplement?
A: To print the Planning Supplement you must first download the document to Excel (or another spreadsheet application).
Q: How do I download the Planning Supplement?
A: To download the Planning Supplement
- Click on the Download link at the top of the page. This will create a text Document.
- From the “Edit” menu option click on “Select All” Or press Ctrl + A.
- Then from the “Edit” menu option click on “Copy”. Or press Ctrl + C.
- Open an Excel worksheet.
- From the “Edit” menu option in Excel click on “Paste Special”.
- Highlight “Text” and click OK.
Q: Why did a PO release that was received complete in a prior week not show up on the current week’s Planning Supplement?
A: The Planning Supplement was designed to drop off PO releases after the release has been received complete and has not had any activity for 7 days. This was done to reduce the amount of data and only show those POs that have an open quantity or current activity.