August 22, 2014

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Q.It's not 63, but you've got to be pretty pleased?

SO YEON RYU: Yeah, after I shot 9under, 6under is not that great, but still it's a really great score, and I did a lot of great putts. I had a bogeyfree round two days in a row, so I feel really great about that. I do love Canadian fans so much. I'm really happy I was able to show really great golf in front of them.

Q. The conditions of the greens today compared to yesterday the same?

SO YEON RYU: I think quicker than yesterday. Yesterday I played mornings, so maybe afternoon the grass will a little firm up, that's why today morning was more quicker than yesterday. But I'm pretty sure it's going to be quicker the last few days.

Q. The head pro here said a 63 is still out there in this tournament. Do you see that?

SO YEON RYU: When I played this golf course as practice, I thought it was a really tough golf course, so after I shot 63 I couldn't believe I shot 63, so I'm really happy to get a bogeyfree round. I think it's really nice on a tough golf course.

Q. Were you playing more conservative to not have the bogeys the last two rounds?

SO YEON RYU: Actually, that is my goal. I aim for a bogeyfree round all four days, and I'm aiming for a really good winning.

Q. So you're more impressed with the no bogeys than with the 15?

SO YEON RYU: A lot of birdies still this time, but no bogeys is still more a great sign because it means I've played really consistent. When I was in trouble, I proved I can prove it with a bogeyfree round, so I'm more happy with a bogeyfree round.

Q. What's it feel like to be playing a round like that where you know you're on a roll. It's a long golf season, there are ups and downs, but to be in a spot like that.

SO YEON RYU: You know what? Why I'm playing golf is because I'm happy. So I'm happy to be just traveling all around the world, around the state, and I'm really happy to show my golf swing and golf game to all golf fans. The thing is not really think about the reserve thing. I'm playing golf and I'm happy, that's why I'm playing golf. So I'm really more thinking about my happiness thing.

Q. Bet you're more happy when you shoot a round like this though, right?

SO YEON RYU: Absolutely.

Q. We look at the majors, and you had British Open good, and then 79, and do you remember? Have you done it this year?

SO YEON RYU: I cannot remember any bogeyfree round the last three major tournaments. But I'm looking forward to this week.

Q. When is the last time you played with Na Yeon in the final group? Has that ever happened?

SO YEON RYU: I think the last one is I think two years ago in CME, I believe. She won the tournament, and I finished second, but hopefully I can play with her. I really look forward to competing with each other.

Q. You talked about going to work with Dave Stockton on your putting. You felt like that held you back from a win. You've putted great this week. Is that a sign?

SO YEON RYU: Yeah, not every round, but sometimes I text with him. But every time just he told me to trust yourself and get relaxed. He really was not talking about any skill things. Just talked about my mental ability thing. So I'm just going to stick with what he told me, and I'm just going to relax and have fun with my golf.

Q. Do you have a number per round? Even out here with the big greens and that, you had 25 putts or something yesterday. Are you probably around there today? Do you think you can keep it under 30?

SO YEON RYU: I'm pretty sure it's under 30, but I'm really not sure how much I've putted, but I think around 27, yeah.

Q. But is that the big part?

SO YEON RYU: Yeah, absolutely. I remember two years ago my putting average was top three, then last year I wasn't putting really well. I think that's why I couldn't win a tournament, but hopefully I can finish with a top 10 and with my putting average saved.

Q. Danielle Kang thought this was a putting contest here because the greens are so big. Do you agree with that?

SO YEON RYU: Yeah, yeah. If the greens are really small the more important thing is maybe chipping. But these wide greens are really big, so when you miss the putt, still your ball on the green, then you have to do like 30 yards putt. So today, my long putting, like putting distance was really great. So it was really easy to make a par.

If you make a par that's really tough, you kind of keep under your pressure, so it makes you really tired. But today my long putter feels really great, and my birdie putt is really great. So I think that's why it feels more comfortable to playing.

Q. Playing with Anna who was kind of on your heels, was that a good preview for the weekend?

SO YEON RYU: I think this year her golf has a lot improved. She's hitting really well and her putting is really well. Then yesterday was kind of really fun to kind of competing with Anna, like make a birdie every hole. Then actually, honestly today's iron shot, Anna's iron shot was much better than mine, but her putt was not enough, so I'm pretty sure she's going to have some great golf the next two days.

Q. Did you go to the same restaurant last night?

SO YEON RYU: Yeah, we same. But, yeah, it's a Korean restaurant, so I just take away the food and just had the food in the room and just relaxed. But I always pick my food menu and dinner menu, and yesterday I really wanted to take a Korean meal, so my mom was takeaway.

Q. Oh, takeaway this time. Are you superstitious?

SO YEON RYU: No, I don't have any superstitious with food things, but I don't really eat meat and wheat during the tournament because my /STOPL's not good for meat and wheat, so it's not superstition, but it's more for my conditioning.

Q. Are you going back to the same restaurant you had the last two nights?

SO YEON RYU: I should think about that.

Q. Did you and Na Yeon talk last night?

SO YEON RYU: No, I couldn't talk with Na Yeon yesterday, she was a bit struggle with her game. Then after International Crown she was feeling really sad because she didn't play well at the International Crown. But she shot 64 yesterday, so I was really happy that she was back in charge.

Q. How cool would it be if she won even if you don't win? Wrote that be cool to see her win because you've gone through the same thing?

SO YEON RYU: If I cannot win any tournament, I'm glad to see my close friends going to win the tournament.

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So Yeon Ryu - 08 22 14 -revised


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