Site Review Report

Q Comp Program Review 2010-11

District Name: / La Crescent-Hokah ISD 300
Site Name: / High School

The “X” cells indicate the placement of the site on the Q Comp Program Review Rubric based on the evidence obtained through interviews and learning team meeting observation.

Career Ladder Positions
(Teacher Leader Positions) / Below Proficient / Proficient / Exemplary
(All of Proficient plus)
1a: Hiring Process / x
1b: Job Description / x
1c: Release Time and Salary Augmentation / x
1d: Teacher Leader Impact on Instruction / x
1e: Teacher Leader Evaluation / x
1f: Salary Augmentation Linked to Evaluation Results / x
1g: Initial and Ongoing Training for Teacher Leaders / x
Reason(s) for Below Proficient or Exemplary placement(s): / 1a: While the district does have a hiring process that includes a personal interview in place for the collaborative leader position, we do not currently have an interview process for the remaining leadership positions.
1b: missed exemplary as a result of lack of well-defined evaluation process
1c: we may need to provide clarity on expectations for collaborative leader time outside of the school day… i.e. monthly meetings between collaborative leaders and/or sharepoint collaboration
1d. we need to quantify the amount of time teams dedicate to professional development.t
1e & 1f: There is a framework identified for evaluation included in the job descriptions. However, work remains to further design and implement a formal evaluation process with a direct link salary augmentation.
Professional Development / Below Proficient / Proficient / Exemplary
(All of Proficient plus)
2a: Purpose of Learning Team Meetings / x
2b: Learning Team Format / x
2c: Learning Team Meeting Time / x
2d: Learning Applies to Instruction / x
2e: Learning Connected to Observations / x
Reason(s) for Below Proficient or Exemplaryplacement(s): / 2a: Site improvement goal action plans, meeting agendas and minutes that include references to work on math and reading strategies provide evidence of team learning that applies directly to classroom instruction.(we recommend increased use of sharepoint to increase accessibility.
2e: While elements of the use of the observation/evaluation framework to guide teacher collaborative team work are emerging, evidence did not support the integration of the evaluation process into the team meetings at this time.

Updated: 01/05/20111

Site Review Report

Q Comp Program Review 2010-11

Teacher Observation/Evaluation / Below Proficient / Proficient / Exemplary
(All of Proficient plus)
3a: Multiple Observations by Multiple Observers / x
3b: Rubric / x
3c: Participation / x
3d: AnnualObserver Training / x
3e: Ongoing Observer Training / x
3f: All Staff Training / x
3g: Observation/Evaluation Cycle / x
Reason(s) for Below Proficient or Exemplaryplacement(s): / 3b: There is not strong evidence to support that all teachers use the district approved Danielson evaluation framework in their peer reviews.(There still appears to be some ambiguity on the peer review process)
3c: All licensed staff participates in the evaluation process each year.
3d & 3e: Training has been provided, but not on an annual basis.
Performance Pay / Below Proficient / Proficient / Exemplary
(All of Proficient plus)
4a: Annual Performance Pay Training / x
4b: SchoolwideStandardized Assessment Gains / x
4c: Measuresof Student Achievement / x
4d: Observation/Evaluation Performance Standard / x
Reason(s) for Below Proficient or Exemplaryplacement(s): / 4a: Annual and ongoing communication and training on the district’s performance pay plan is provided through the district teacher mentoring program and workshops and updates provided by the district Oversight Committee and building administrators.
4b: Teacher interviews provide evidence of teacher understanding of school wide achievement goals and gains in math.
4d: There is inconsistency among teachers with their understanding of the level of performance to be met on the evaluation rubric or how the final rubric score is determined.

Updated: 01/05/20111