Pyramid Tablet Pillow
I could not find any pattern for this type of pillow so I decided to make my own. I worked out the basic shapes using scraps of paper, then made a rough pattern on tissue paper. I transferred the paper pattern to muslin and used the muslin to make a sample, which turned into my final pattern.
* tip from a quilting class - go to a medical supply store and buy a roll of exam table paper. Great for making your own patterns, or making copies of one you want to use multiple times and don't want to buy multiple times.
The first sample from muslin, which came out much too large. But I had a starting point. I unsewed it and used it to make a muslin pattern for the cotton and faux suede pillows.
- Determine size you want inner channel to be, add 6 inches to each side. My tablet is 10 inches, and I wanted a square pillow, so I used a 22 inch square to start for the base and outer border. **The inner pyramid triangles still need to be added.
- Mark 3 and 6 inch lines on each side of the 22 inch square. Fold on the 3 inch line. Mark a diagonal line across the intersection of the 3 inch line to the 6 inch lines. This will be the sewing line. Make a second line 1/4 - 1/2 inch away, depending on what seam allowance you want. This will be the cutting line .
Paper pattern next to muslinCutting and sewing lines marked
- Make a paper template of equilateral triangles. Then use it to add to your square. Since my square was already cut, I had to cut muslin triangles to add to the base.
- Tape triangles to your base, lining up cut line of angles you marked on the square to corresponding width of triangles.
final template / pattern with triangles taped to the muslin square
5. Lay template out on fabric. I felt confidant enough to fold and place on folded fabric on the cotton, but did not on the suede. Use your own judgment.
6. Pin sides together. Match points, but do not sew to the very end. This creates a nice point in the finished pillow.
7. Sew seams, leaving 2 openings. One in outer rim about 1 - 1 1/2 inches, and another about 3 inches. This is to turn right side out and then to stuff.
8. Mark 2 sewing lines to create gutter. The blue cotton was marked at 2 1/2 and 2 3/4. The brown suede was marked at 2 1/2 and 3 inches. Sew on theses lines .
9. Stuff outer ramp. Use chopsticks or an unsharpened pencil to push stuffing down and around the corners. Yes this is a pain and takes time. Stuff main body, then slip stitch openings closed .