Court: South Tyneside Youth Court Date of Hearing: 091109
Name of Offender: Chloe Wilson
Date of Birth: 24.12.95 Age: 13
Address: High Fawn Leas, Wolsingham
Offence(s): Theft x2
Author of Report: Melanie Pestell Date of Report:


/ YES / NO

SOURCES OF INFORMATION (Please give further information below if relevant*)

/ /
The young offender has been interviewed and appropriate assessments and liaisons undertaken.
The young offender’s parents(s) have been interviewed.
Record of previous convictions/cautions seen

Prosecution papers seen and accepted by young person*

/ /

Youth Offending Team records seen*

/ /
Social Services Department records checked*

Any other relevant information

/ /

OFFENDING BEHAVIOUR (Please give further information below if relevant*)

/ /

Pattern of offending*

/ /
Offender takes responsibility for the offences
Shows awareness of impact of offence on victim and/or the wider community
Has positive attitude to completing an Action Plan Order
Would want to apologise to the victim*

Is in employment, education or training*

/ /
Availability for Reparation *
Any other relevant information*

AREAS OF NEED (Please give further information below if relevant*)

/ /

Any behavioural problems at school/home*

/ /
Any special needs (e.g. statemented)*
Attendance history at school/exclusions*

Any alcohol or drug misuse*

Any physical health problems*

Any mental health problems*

/ /
Any accommodation problems*
Any other relevant information
ACTION PLAN:·  Requirement 1 would be required to attend a minimum of 2 appointments per week with the Youth Offending Service.
·  Requirement 2 will undertake offending behaviour work with his supervising officer to address the consequences of further offending, influences on offending behaviour, and victim awareness.
·  Requirement 3 Undertake a number of Reparation hours as deemed suitable by Court today
·  Requirement 4 would be required to attend an
appointment with the Youth Offending Service Substance
Misuse Worker, for an initial assessment and then further
appointments if appropriate.
·  Requirement 6 will attend an appointment with Youth Offending Service Education Welfare Officer to discuss his current school situation.
·  Requirement 7 along with his Supervising Officer and the Victim Liaison Officer, will explore ways of apologizing to the victim.

RISK/MOTIVATION (Please give further information below if relevant*)

Has a history of serious sexual or violent offences* / X
Has other current Court Orders* / X
Positive response to previous supervision* / X
Other agency involvement* / X
Any other relevant considerations* / X
Risk of serious harm to self* / X
Risk of serious harm to staff* / X
Risk of serious harm to wider community* / X
Any other relevant information*

CONCLUSION (please give relevant details below*)

The offender is suitable for an Action Plan Order- requirements of proposed APO are below / X
The offender is unsuitable for the reasons given below* / X
The Court is invited to consider adjourning to allow time for preparation of a full Pre-Sentence Report* / X
Any other relevant information*

Attitude of parent(s)/guardian(s) to requirements:

If young person is under 16 please complete Parenting Assessment Stand-down. If young person is 16+ but you feel there are issues where parents would benefit from support please complete Parenting Assessment Stand-down also.

Report completed by: Nicola Robe

Signed Date 23rd May 2007