PYHA Board Meeting:Monday, July 10th, 2017 at the Iceplex

Meeting called to order by Sara Faatz at 6:32 p.m.

Attendees:Sara Faatz, Patrick Ryan, Jude Liptak,

Beth Stephan, Lesley Kerins, John Tyrrell, Liz Varva, Leslie Turner

  1. President:
  2. Meeting called to order.
  3. Approved June minutes. Beth to post to PYHA website.
  4. Sara reported that the CBHL sent a letter confirming that PYHA is no longer a member of the CBHL.
  5. Sara reported that she and Paul went to the bank to transition the bank accounts from Paul’s signature to Sara and Patrick’s signatures.
  6. Paul met with the accountant to change the fiscal year. There is an issue with our LLC status. Paul is correcting the problem.
  7. Sara reported that Paul will transitioning all treasurer duties to Patrick after the LLC problem is corrected.
  8. Sara discussed the need for a membership meeting every fiscal year. Discussed doing the meeting during the September party. Plans changed – see below.
  9. Sara discussed a disciplinary issue at the Iso Athlete camp.
  10. Sara discussed that the upcoming skills clinics have low numbers. Discussed and agreed to allow skaters to attend and pay for only the classes they are able to attend. Sara will talk to Stas about being paid a reduced rate since our numbers are low and report back to the board.
  1. Hockey Programming:
  1. John reported the upcoming dates/schedule for the fall season. The ice cut is left up to the coaches and the time would come out of the practice time.
  2. Discussed projected numbers for the next year.
  3. Decided to have cookies/cupcakes and check-in table at the first practice.
  4. Decided to have membership meeting after the September 18th board meeting.
  5. Discussed and voted to have holiday part In lieu of fall party. Scheduled for 12/20 from 6:50-9:50.
  6. Discussed team/individual pictures for Oct. 2nd or 4th. Beth will check with April Griffin and report back to the board.
  7. Coaches meeting to be scheduled for August 7thor 8th.
  1. Marketing:
  2. Patrick discussed the boards and how great a job Liz did on them!
  3. Liz reported that she talked to Brooke at the Admirals.
  4. No update on Crerar grant – we should know by Friday and Patrick will make the announcement.
  5. Discussed working on buildouts during a weekend in August. Patrick will organize and report back to the board.
  6. Sara will forward info from THF to Patrick. We are signed up for the upcoming year.
  7. Patrick showed the board the tri-folds. Pending a change to the cover Patrick will order more.
  8. Liz reported that she has thank you notes if anyone needs them.
  1. Administration:
  2. Lesley reported registrations are live on the website.
  3. Lesley received several complaints on the fee and has requested that the fee be lowered. She will report back with any news. Members can pay by check or come to the rink and pay Patrick with the square.
  4. Lesley discussed an upgrade of the system to League to allow less time needed to input the schedules and be more in line with VA Beach. Voted to upgrade for $200 to League.
  5. Lesley discussed an upgrade to Mobile or using the Sport Engine app. Decided to use the app.
  6. Leslie discussed the bylaws and errors. She will email a corrected copy to the board members. Can change the bylaws by ¾ vote of the board. Leslie has made updates to the website.
  7. Leslie discussed the volunteer positions. The board members will review the proposals for additions and changes and get back to her by Friday with any input. Leslie will update the website after Friday. Any changes to the bylaws will be voted on via email after Friday.
  1. Fiscal Growth

a. Jude reported that the apparel is online on Squad Locker.

b. Jude discussed changing the jerseys to an NHL style. The styles are more readily available and have a faster turnaround. Jude

will get samples and email the board with 2 color options. The board will then make a decision. After emails, the board voted

on the “Penguins” option.

c. Jude discussed sponsors. He talked to a pediatric dentist and is waiting to hear back from them.

d. Liz discussed organizing an auction at the holiday party. Sara will talk to Chipotles.

e. Jude discussed the cost of the boards at the Iceplex. $150/month for a minimum of 6 months. Jude will talk to Smitty/Henry

about a reduced rate for paying in full upfront.

  1. Treasurer:
  2. Patrick reported that he and Sara now have debit cards.
  3. Patrick reported that he will have detailed account info at the board meetings.

Meeting adjourned at 7:50 p.m.

The next meeting is scheduled for Monday, August 21st at 6:30 p.m. at the HR Iceplex