Puyallup School District Administrative Professional Development Suite
The Puyallup School District recognizes the importance of professional development that is designed and delivered at the school level, regionally, and at the school district level, in order to ensure the professional growth of all employees, to promote individual and school improvement and growth, and to build capacity within the system to advance student achievement. The parties also recognize the importance of administrators to receive training related to curriculum and common core to fulfill their job requirements and effectively evaluate their staff. To that end, the parties will work together cooperatively to effectively promote professional growth of all Principals and Assistant Principals.
Each Principal, as part of the Association of Puyallup School Principals, will be eligible to receive up to 24 hours of additional compensation annually (paid at per diem in May), for their first-time completion of K-12 curriculum and common core trainings. The District and Association will jointly develop a professional development suite, including specific expectations, criteria and definitions for each training, as needed. Any administrator who completes the entire professional development suite during the term of this agreement will be eligible to receive a one-time $2,000 stipend, paid in one lump sum upon completion of the full suite. The professional suite will be reviewed periodically and updated as needs change.
The parameter around the development of the Professional Development Suite is that it must elevate the work that is of greatest importance to the K-12 educational program. The administrative team has developed a graphic visualization of how this system will work. It is built upon the foundation of the last 20 months of continuous and focused professional development around the Danielson Instructional Framework and the Association of Washington School Principal Framework.
To meet the Strategic Direction entitled Improvement of Instruction, Student Growth, and Achievement, our district has worked on each of the foundational pieces illustrated above. We believe that the work is divided up into three main headers that encompass all of the details shown above. These are:
1)Closing the Achievement Gap
2)Common Core State Standards
3)Teacher Principal Evaluation Project
Under each of these main headers make up the components/topics/curriculum that is essential for every leader to have in their toolbox of knowledge. These three topical headings form the foundational pieces for which every effective educational program should be measured. They are the foundational underpinnings of all state and national educational reforms, and are specifically outlined in research that focuses on quality instruction.
These three headings are the areas of focus in our Professional Development Suite. Under each one of these headings each of our administrative team members will be expected to utilize their 24 hours of additional training each year to develop a knowledge base necessary to move both their school and their professional growth forward. At the end of the three year period, it is hoped that every administrator in the Puyallup School District will have had the opportunity to become proficient in the areas listed above in terms of both up-to-date training and professional growth. Below is a menu of possibilities within each heading of ways to reach individual professional goals. It is understood that this menu is just that, various choices one could make to attain the goals mentioned. Each individual will work with their direct supervisor to ensure that the path they follow is appropriate to their individual needs. It is assumed that no two people will look the same.
Closing the Achievement Gap
- Assessment
- Formative and Summative Assessment (A Variety of options from many providers.)
- WERA Fall and Spring Conferences
- Standardized Grading and Assessment (A variety of options from many providers.)
- Professional Learning Communities
- Solution Tree On-Line Training
- Professional Learning Communities Summer Conference
- Professional Learning Communities 3-Day Training
- Response to Intervention (RTI)
- The ABC’s of RTI
- Consideration of Implementation of RTI
- Positive Behavior Support Training (PBIS or RTI Behavior)
- Master Scheduling
Closing the Achievement Gap is a broad term that takes on many meanings. In the context of our suite the expectation will be on identification of the factors that make up the Achievement Gap and then the development of professional development around the ways to combat the Achievement Gap. A chart is provided below to guide you on the determination as to whether a particular option fits within the broad scope of the subject. Professional Suite items should reflect work in one of the areas illustrated on this visual presentation.
Common Core State Standards
- Smarter Balance
- Smarter Balance Training (A variety of options from many providers.)
- WERA Fall and Spring Conferences
- PerformancePLUS and PerformanceTRACKER. (Performance BUILDER soon.)
- District Curriculum
- Journeys Training
- Bridges Training
- Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS)
- International Baccalaureate
Under district curriculum we have a variety of curriculum that is tied directly to the Common Core State Standards. While it may seem that these curricular options are grade band specific, the reality of this is that the common core standards are scaffolded, and it is important in a K-12 system for all administrators to understand the growth mindset and sequencing of these standards. Building on the excellent foundation of standards states have laid, the Common Core State Standards are the first step in providing our young people with a high-quality education. It should be clear to every student, parent, and teacher what the standards of success are in every school.
Teachers, parents and community leaders have all weighed in to help create the Common Core State Standards. The standards clearly communicate what is expected of students at each grade level. This will allow our teachers to be better equipped to know exactly what they need to help students learn and establish individualized benchmarks for them. The Common Core StateStandards focus on core conceptual understandings and procedures starting in the early grades, thus enabling teachers to takethe time needed to teach core concepts and procedures well—and to give students the opportunity to master them.
With students, parents and teachers all on the same page and working together for shared goals, we can ensure that students make progress each year and graduate from school prepared to succeed in college and in a modern workforce.
Below is a visual representationof some of our major curriculum initiatives that may be appropriate for this part of the suite.
Teacher Principal Evaluation Project/Danielson Instructional Framework
- TeachSCAPE
- OSPI TPEP Training
- Puyallup School District/RIGG TPEP Training
- Danielson Instructional Framework
- Danielson Group 1-day Training
- Danielson Group 2-day Training
- Framework of Teaching Video Series
The Framework for Teaching and TeachSCAPE are a research-based set of components of instruction, grounded in a constructivist view of learning and teaching. The Framework may be used as the foundation of a school or district's mentoring, coaching, professional development, and teacher evaluation process, thus linking all those activities together and helping teachers become more thoughtful practitioners.
The Professional Development Suite is designed to allow you to work directly with your supervisor to develop a series of opportunities to develop your skills. The information above is a guide to the main topics which we feel will best fit the needs of the Puyallup School District and the District Leadership Team. This list is not inclusive, but only examples of possibilities. The specifics for which you accomplish these are of joint agreement with each individual and supervisor. It is assumed that the direction that you will chose to go in accomplishing your goals will be a result of goal setting and the development of your own professional needs. This suite is designed in such a way as to allow each of us the opportunity to complete the entire suite within a three year period. It is ongoing, embedded professional development specifically designed to help each of us do our work.
November 16, 2018