Bruton Swimmers. Health and Safety Policy. V3. Sept 2017

Version 3– September 2017
Setting the scene
Bruton Swimmers provides swimming lessons in and around Bruton, Somerset for children aged 4 years and up, as well as adults. Manager and director Jessica Shipp employs a total of 3 staff.
Swimming lessons take place on Tuesdays and Wednesdays during term time only.
Swimming lessons predominantly take place at Sexey’s pool in Bruton and classes are outside of school hours.
This is the statement of general policy and arrangements for: / Bruton Swimmers
Overall and final responsibility for health and safety is that of: / Jessica Shipp – Director
Day-to-day responsibility for ensuring this policy is put into practice is delegated to: / Jessica Shipp - Director
Statement of general policy / Action / Arrangements / Responsibility of
To prevent accidents and cases of work-related ill health and provide adequate control of health and safety risks arising from work activities /
  • Each swimming pool has a Normal Operating Procedure [NOP] and an Emergency Action Plan [EAP].
  • Teachers meet termly to discuss a wide range of things including health and safety.
/ Jessica Shipp
To provide adequate training to ensure employees are competent to do their work /
  • Termly meetings with Bruton Swimmers Employees.
  • Ensure qualifications are up to date including lifesaving.
  • Induction on how to put equipment away properly and how to take pool cover on and off without causing strain to back.
/ Jessica Shipp
To engage and consult with employees on day-to-day health and safety conditions and provide advice and supervision on occupational health / Jessica Shipp teaches alongside her employees and regularly talks to them about health and safety both in and out of the pool. / Jessica Shipp
To implement emergency procedures - evacuation in case of fire or other significant incident. / See EAP – updated annually. / Jessica Shipp


W: E: T: 07926 299545

Bruton Swimmers. Health and Safety Policy. V3. Sept 2017

To maintain safe and healthy working conditions, provide and maintain plant, equipment and machinery, and ensure safe storage / use of substances / This is the responsibility of each swimming pool that we work out of. / Jessica Shipp
Health and safety law poster is displayed: / Not displayed – pool responsibility and they do not have it up at the pool.
First-aid box and accident book are located:
Accidents and ill health at work reported under RIDDOR: (Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations) (see note 2 below) / First Aid Box is by the pool’s main light switch (deep end). Bruton Swimmers also has its own.
Accident and Emergency record sheets are located in the Usage Log Book (also by main light switch).
These are recorded on paper.


W: E: T: 07926 299545

Bruton Swimmers. Health and Safety Policy. V3. Sept 2017


W: E: T: 07926 299545

Bruton Swimmers. Health and Safety Policy. V3. Sept 2017

Signed: / Jessica Cayatana Shipp / Date: / 8th August 2017
Subject to review, monitoring and revision by: / Jessica Shipp / Every: / 12 months / Sooner if work activity changes

Note 1:

Note 2:


W: E: T: 07926 299545

Bruton Swimmers Health and Safety Policy. V2. September 2015.

Bruton Swimmers Risk Assessment for Staff

All employers must conduct a risk assessment. Employers with five or more employees have to record the significant findings of their risk assessment.

Organisation name: Bruton Swimmers

What are the hazards? / Who might be harmed and how? / What are you already doing? / Do you need to do anything else to manage this risk? / Action by whom? / Action by when? / Done
Slips and trips / Staff and visitors may be injured if they trip over objects or slip on spillages / There is a ‘walk only’ policy at the pool. / Ongoing.
Getting cold / Teachers standing in the water for long periods of time / All teachers to wear suitable clothing – e.g. neoprene vests over their swimsuits.
Director to ensure that teachers are teaching a range of lessons in and out of the water on a given day. / Keep in touch with staff to check they are not getting too cold. / All staff and Director / Ongoing / Ongoing
Pool Cover / Staff may injure their back if they don’t take the pool cover off and put it back on correctly / All staff have an induction from the maintenance manager to ensure they know the correct procedure. / No / All staff / Ongoing / Ongoing
Getting in and out of the pool / Staff and pupils may slip down the steps if they don’t get in the pool correctly / All staff (and pupils) to get in the steps going backwards, never forwards / Reiterate to staff and pupils regularly. Incorporate into lessons. / All staff / Ongoing / Ongoing
Chemical Imbalance / Staff and pupils may get rashes and/or stinging eyes if the chemicals are out of balance / The school is responsible for all chemical testing – the Director is informed if the chemicals are out of balance and the lessons are cancelled. / N/A / School / Ongoing / Ongoing
Abuse by pupil / Staff / There is a clear and concise policy on dealing with challenging behaviour. This is reviewed annually and discussed with staff. / N/A / All staff / Ongoing / Ongoing

Employers with five or more employees must have a written health and safety policy and risk assessment.

It is important youdiscuss your assessment and proposed actions with staff or their representatives.

You should review your risk assessment if you think it might no longer be valid, eg following an accident in the workplace, or if there are any significant changes to the hazards in yourworkplace, such as new equipment or work activities.

For further information and to view our example risk assessments go to

Combined risk assessment and policy template published by the Health and Safety Executive 11/11


Bruton Swimmers.

Jessica Shipp. 07809 721452