Putting together the pieces…

Dear Parents/Guardians;

Please take a few moments to review what you might find inside your child’s guided reading folder.

Our guided reading group will meet for approximately one hour per day during the time that your child’s grade is designated for guided reading instruction. We strive to provide individualized instruction within a small group setting in which students are reading at their current instructional level. Together, we can help your child be successful and grow as a reader. Below you will find information about what to expect and what your child might be bringing home each day.

The Contents of the Guided Reading Folder:

Your child should bring home their plastic guided reading sleeve/folder every night (Monday through Thursday). Inside you will find a folder and your child’s current guided reading books. Please look over the materials in the folder each night and sign the homework sheet once the activities have been completed. Any or all of the following items could be found inside the GR folder:

  • Helping Hand: All students are taught the reading strategies as presented on the helping hand. A helping hand is attached to the front of your child’s folder. Please refer to the helping hand when you child struggles with a word. It is often tempting to just tell the word to your child, but it is much more meaningful to prompt the child by asking them which helping hand strategy they could try. Once they have tried a strategy and still can’t get a word, telling the word may be appropriate.
  • Homework Sheet: You will see the day’s assignments listed in the appropriate box each night. Please complete all assignments and then sign on the signature line. Homework will be sent home every night except for Friday or if there is no guided reading due to weather delays or other programs during the school day.
  • Word Wizard: Word Wizards are short vocabulary and sight word exercises that are used to help students warm up. Please practice each of the words on the most current list. Students will receive a new individualized list at the beginning of each week.
  • Sight Wordand Phonics Speed Drills: Speed drills are used to build automatic recognition of words and fluency. Please practice the speed drill each evening by timing your child for one minute. You can write down the number of words correctly read in one minute if you so choose.
  • Poems and Warm-up Reads: Poems are a great way to build better fluency through repeated readings. Students will receive a new poem and/or fluency drill at the beginning of each week. Their most current poem will be placed at the back of their folder. Please model for and listen to your child read the poem each night. You can use different voices to make it fun! I do not encourage memorization of the poems, although it often happens naturally by the end of the week. Repeated exposure while looking and reading the words will lead to better pace and accuracy in fluent reading. Throughout the week, you may notice that the poems are highlighted, underlined, etc. Each day we will focus on some element of the poem for word study, phonics, vocabulary or comprehension.
  • Fluency Passage & Fluency Card: Once fluency goals (words read correctly per minute) have been determined, myself and the classroom teacher will regularly meet to look at progress and set new goals for your child. The purpose of the fluency card is to provide a visual reminder to students about their goal and strive to meet it. Each time, students meet their goal, it will be documented on the back of their fluency card and a sticker awarded for their progress. You can expect to see fluency cards in the guided reading folder once we have met to review assessment data with the classroom teachers. The fluency passage is another repeated reading exercise that students use for a week at a time. They will be timed on the passage at the end of each week so that I can measure their progress.
  • Books: Your child may bring home either 1 or 2 books per night based on their grade and reading level. Please refer to the homework sheet for page numbers, etc. (1st grade students will bring home 2 short books. Please read both- one will be familiar and the other will be newly introduced.) Refer to the helping hand when your child struggles. For longer, chapter style books, partner reading with your child could also be used.
  • Journal or Reader Response Notebook: Each student has a notebook in which they record responses to reading passages and record any spelling or phonics practice in. Occasionally, your child may need to complete a written response activity at home that has been started during our group time.

I hope this list helps to explain the standard items that you will find in your child’s guided reading folder. Students will not have all of these items to complete every night. Please refer to the homework sheet for specific assignments each night. Please let me know if you have any other questions.


Ms. Sara Jackson

Reading Specialist

Tyrone Area Elementary School

684-1342 ext. 2308