Benchmark 3: Apply movement concepts and principles to the development of motor skills.

Instructional Module: Table Tennis

Critical Elements of the Benchmark / What activities and when will there be an opportunity for introduction to the critical elements? / What activities and when will there be an opportunity to practice the critical elements? / What will you look for to assess the critical elements of the benchmark? / What scoring tool will you use and how will you use it during instruction?
Detect and Correct errors of a critical element of movement. /

Days 2,4,6

  1. Stand sideways to the table
  2. Toss ball up, at least 6 inches
  3. Stroke upward to a salute
  1. Elbow held close to the body
  2. Racket slightly closed
  3. Finish with a salute
  1. Racket held in front of the body
  2. Stroke with upward motion
  3. Finish with a Frisbee throw
/ Day 2: Serve
Introduction, instruction and practice
Small group serving 5 times each (singles)
Day 4: Forehand
Introduction, instruction and practice
Small group forehand game (doubles)
Day 6: Backhand
Introduction, instruction and practice
Small group backhand game (doubles) / Understanding of the three critical elements of each skill being tested. / Teacher observation during practice times
Written response to teacher demo of each skill.
Days 3,5,7

Benchmark 3 Demonstrate motor skill competency in physical activities and proficiency in one physical activity

Instructional Module: Table Tennis

Critical Elements of the Benchmark / What activities and when will there be an opportunity for introduction to the critical elements? / What activities and when will there be an opportunity to practice the critical elements? / What will you look for to assess the critical elements of the benchmark? / What scoring tool will you use and how will you use it during instruction?
Demonstrate movement principles (mechanics, force, speed) in performing skills related to a team activity and an individual or partner activity. /

Days 2,4,6

  1. Stand sideways to the table
  2. Toss ball up, at least 6 inches
  3. Stroke upward to a salute
  1. Elbow held close to the body
  2. Racket slightly closed
  3. Finish with a salute
  1. Racket held in front of the body
  2. Stroke with upward motion
  3. Finish with a Frisbee throw
/ Day 2: Serve
Introduction, instruction and practice
Small group serving 5 times each (singles)
Day 4: Forehand
Introduction, instruction and practice
Small group forehand game (doubles)
Day 6: Backhand
Introduction, instruction and practice
Small group backhand game (doubles) / Demonstration of the three critical elements of each skill being tested. / Teacher observation of demonstration of the three critical elements of each skill.
Skills check off sheet outlining each of the three critical elements for each skill. To be used during practice times and on day 9 (skills testing) to check off each student.

Benchmark 3 - Apply appropriate rules and strategies to physical activities, games and sports.

Instructional Module- Table Tennis

Critical Elements of the Benchmark / What activities and when will there be an opportunity for introduction to the critical elements? / What activities and when will there be an opportunity to practice the critical elements? / What will you look for to assess the critical elements of the benchmark? / What scoring tool will you use and how will you use it during instruction?
Demonstrate an understanding of the rules to be followed during participation in specified physical activities. / Day 8: Handout with rules, scoring and etiquette.
Discussion of those rules and scoring. / Day 8: Practice games using rules, scoring and etiquette.
Day 9: Practice games/ mini tournament.
Day 11: Tournament games / Understanding of the rules to be followed during participation. / Written exam on Day 10 on the rules and scoring to be used during participation.

Benchmark 3

Instructional Module: Table Tennis

Day 1:
Introduction to format to Professional Development Grant participation.
Introduction of Table Tennis as our unit.
Grouping new students into seating and squad arrangements / Day 2:
Introduction to Serve:
Critical Elements:
  1. Stand sideways to the table
  2. Toss ball up, at least 6 inches
  3. Stroke upward to a salute
Practice Serving
Small group serving
5 times each
Singles practice
(Skill test those that are ready) / Day 3:
Review Serve
Critical elements
Skills test / Day 4:
Introduction to Forehand:
Critical Elements:
  1. Elbow held close to the body
  2. Racket slightly closed
  3. Finish with a salute
Practice forehand
Small group practice
Doubles practice
(Skill test those that are ready) / Day 5:
Review Forehand
Critical elements
Skills test
Day 6:
Introduction to Backhand
Critical Elements:
  1. Racket held in front of the body
  2. Stroke with upward motion
  3. Finish with a Frisbee throw
Practice backhand
Small group practice
Doubles practice
(Skill test those that are ready) / Day 7:
Review Backhand
Critical elements
Skills test / Day 8:
Introduction to the rules, scoring and procedures of the game of Table Tennis.
Review handout on rules, scoring.
Practice games/ mini tournament. / Day 9:
Skills test on each of the critical elements of each of the skills (serve, forehand, and backhand)
Day 10:
Finish Skills testing from Day 9.
Written exam on rules, scoring and procedures. / Day 11:
Tournament play.
Practice using all skills and knowledge gained in Table Tennis unit.

J:\Physical Education\Grants\Physical Activity\BMK Maps\Parkrose\Instructional Modules\Parkrose Instructional Module BMK 3.doc9/18/20181